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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. And… doesn’t this exact subject come up once a year or so?
  2. I think this keeps getting overlooked by those who aren’t favourable to the proposal.
  3. In 2019 a co-worker was pre-sold a condo in Lachine-Est on spec, after the promoter assured him “the REM will be built *here* in two years and your value will skyrocket!” When I told him he was being lied to he refused to believe me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. That’s a bit of a straw man, there. Already the behemoth built with profiled voussoirs on the West Island is significantly better-looking than the steel and concrete beam segments and bridges from Smith to Nun’s Island, so why would their signature on René-Lévesque look more like the ugliness in the picture above?
  5. I believe it will sit assembled, but idle (and protected with tarps again) until spring. It’s too cold to work efficiently with the epoxy right now, it takes almost five times as long to cure at 0° as it does at 20°.
  6. Comme c'est incroyablement cool ! Je ne connaissais pas son oeuvre précédent, mais ma femme et moi l'aimions dans la série Fox Wonderfalls de Bryan Fuller (tournée au Canada mais prétendant se dérouler à Niagara Falls, New York) et encore dans le film de guerre déchirant de Paul Gross, Passchendaele. ETA : Elle a enregistré sa voix pour la version française de son rôle en Wonderfalls !
  7. I think the problem is the layout of our height limits, not just the coarse granularity (30/60/80/120/120+). Other cities have height and COS (floor area ratio) limits but somehow spread their tall and shorter buildings throughout the CBD and inner suburbs, and not just a small area in the core of downtown. Having more realistic COS limits also helps maintain variety in heights and designs (can you say “Quinzecent”?).
  8. Honestly, the best idea for Lachine would be to extend the Blue line from Snowdon through CSL, NDG, Montreal West and VSP to arrive somewhere near 1st and Victoria.
  9. I’m guessing the 100,000 trees they promised David Suzuki will mostly be planted around the 60 substations… 🤷🏻‍♂️
  10. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    This right here. Once again, they’re taking us for fools.
  11. Almost everybody here hated the first few panels on Link, too. Pazienza
  12. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    I tried to get an answer about this from J-V Lacroix at the Dix30 event but he basically said, “For reasons.” The 14.5 km West Island segments (minus the short Aéroport and Roxboro elevated sections) will be completed before the 4.5 km PSC segment that was begun almost a year earlier.
  13. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Compris, alors je suis d’accord. But as far as I know, while the Copenhagen transit authority owns the infra, they don’t collect 72¢ per passenger-kilometre from themselves, nor do they pay Inmetro anywhere near such an absurd fee.
  14. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Is it? I thought the system itself is owned by a transit authority co-owned by the Danish government and the local Copenhagen and Frederiksberg councils while it is operated by a subcontractor. More like MRT in Singapore, or even the AMT here on the DM line.
  15. The substations are the dirty big secret that they never let on about during all the public presentations and in any renderings.
  16. I don’t swing that way, but I want to marry you. 😉 What a great post!
  17. Les Gougounes Phentex chez nous… 😂😂
  18. Et — au moins pour la version anglaise — le film le mieux dubbé de l’histoire: les acteurs allemands ont enregistré leurs propres lignes en anglais.
  19. Yes, we agree. I said the taxes on gas and diesel are a form of user fee, not that they fully cover the investment in roads; similarly, transit fares typically only cover a small fraction of transit operating costs and none of the infrastructure investment.
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