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Tout ce qui a été posté par SKYMTL

  1. Interesting. I'd love to see the rest. At 120m it should be the height of Altoria....a building that has very little to no impact on our skyline. That's a bit disappointing.
  2. It's a bit tough to have a true "signature" at only 120m.
  3. Part of me says that I'm FOR the height limit. I like the Montreal skyline and the fact we don't have any 200m+ buildings. It imparts a sense of human scale among other things. Now, the realist in me says that we should still keep the 200m cap but expand its "zone" outwards over time. The problem is that if you artificially limit development density then eventually all the land that can be developed will be maximized. I'll also throw this into the mix: instead of removing the 200m limit, how about Montreal begins mandating MINIMUM heights in 150m - 200m zones? For example, a developer can't come along and build a 100m structure on a lot with a 200m limit. I think this would be a much more effective solution.
  4. The basic outline of this thing reminds me of of the Commerzbank Tower for some reason....

    Le Réveil de Montréal

    Official figures seem to indicate the team will increase from 30 to 65 over the next 2 years.
  6. I'm 100% sure someone in the administration is cursing the dude who approved Les Jardins Windsor right about now. The amount of tax money they left on the table with that stunted, ugly project.....
  7. Griffintown: a bastion of grey and beige. The architecture there is just so depressing.

    Le Réveil de Montréal

    I think we all saw straight through that "announcement" in the first place. It just wasn't realistic.
  9. It's interesting to see what happens when one building with 12" higher ceilings is built next to one with lower ceilings. The differences in building height can already be seen!
  10. For the record, I'd be willing to pay $150/month + parking fees if I could take the REM from a hypothetical station (with parking!!) in Vaudreuil to downtown. It would be a no-brainer for me. My time is worth money and the 90 minutes spent in traffic every day certainly isn't an efficient use of my time, not to mention the $60 per week I spend in gas....
  11. SKYMTL

    Le Réveil de Montréal

    We have a satellite office in Vancouver and I would say the vast majority of the "white" folks there can understand or speak a bit of Mandarin or Cantonese. I won't generalize and say the majority of Vancouverites know Mandarin but there's certainly a large portion of the non-Asian population that can at least speak / understand SOME of the language.
  12. Unreal..... My buddy sent me a picture of this while sitting in BUMPER TO BUMPER TRAFFIC on the 409 bus this morning along the 40 east. He couldn't believe it.
  13. I was just thinking this morning that with the upcoming two YEARS of traffic chaos that's coming for the folks on the West Island and other places due to the Turcot shutdowns, people will soon be SCREAMING for this project. And with good reason....
  14. Higher minimum wage, after a certain point, is simply higher business taxation wrapped up in a nice little package that sounds good to the masses.
  15. SKYMTL

    Le Réveil de Montréal

    Another interesting element from Statistics Canada: All things considered, we are on a major upturn! Let's hope this stays together!
  16. SKYMTL

    Le Réveil de Montréal

    I 100% agree with this. It's why I cancelled my Gazette subscription and no longer listen to CJAD. Even though French isn't my language of preference, I'm subscribed to La Presse and listen to Radio Canada.
  17. The center elevator shafts are pretty much topped out, right?
  18. Its this lack of future vision that brought us to the current situation with the Metropolitan; "build for the now and let tomorrow's generations think of the future".
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