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Tout ce qui a été posté par SKYMTL

  1. So this is basically across from the Adonis within that run down shopping complex. I don't see any problems with that! However, calling this a TOD is completely false. Sure, it rests at a popular public transport intersection but the buses that already run down Sauve and L'Acadie are horribly packed already. I mean if you don't have any promises from the STM for boosted service, how is the hipster term TOD even applicable?
  2. Another dead end? We've seen these "Longueuil Dreams" for 1999, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2020 and now 2035. Enough already. Until we see shovels in the ground that area of the South Shore will remain a development graveyard.
  3. That was before the new mortgage and purchasing rules were instituted in Vancouver....
  4. What on this structure requires 4 cranes??? 2x for the tower and the extra 2x for the parking structure? Seems like they are in a rush.
  5. Going to be an interesting little mid-rise area with the new 30 floor Reseau Selection going up too: Reseau Selection | Selection Panorama
  6. I'll agree with that survey. It's also the abandoned construction projects that are starting to cause issues too. Two that I routinely pass: - The 40 east between the Île aux Tourtes bridge and St Charles in Kirkland still hasn't been renewed like the westbound side. The paving issues in numerous places cause problems - The 40 west between Chemin des Anciens Combattants and the Île aux Tourtes bridge hasn't been refinished. As a result, massive potholes cause traffic backlogs every night. The other major problem seems to be a real lack of signage and signaling regulations. Almost every construction site I see has damn cones and barriers thrown willy-nilly all over the place with many sites simply abandoned. Its a total joke.
  7. Yay. Community housing. Exactly what this area DIDN'T need.
  8. I would like to see better renderings of these buildings. One of them looks like a bunker on some images....
  9. WOW! And not in a good way.
  10. Honestly, this is why we can't have nice things here. Funny how there is opposition but not one of the opponents is talking about an alternate solution. It's so frustrating.
  11. Oh hey look! Black bricks with white accents! That's new! /sarcasm.... Walking through Griffintown feels like you've just plunged into a black and white movie from the 30's.
  12. Looks like someone has to pay the glazers.....
  13. SKYMTL

    Le Réveil de Montréal

    This has more to do with propping up with Wynne than provincial competitiveness per se.
  14. SKYMTL

    Le Réveil de Montréal

    I'd have to agree with that for the RoC but here in Quebec I think we are moving towards something other than segmented "anglos" and "francos". Most people of my generation and below (say 35 and under) identify ourselves as bilingual rather than English or French. Meanwhile, the "old guard" on both sides (Angryphones and Militantes) are on their way out even though they increasingly grasp at straws and try to make themselves heard.
  15. This is why certain skyscrapers should have a mandated setback from the sidewalk to allow for green space.
  16. Honestly, the number of business areas that will be positively affected by the REM is endless. Quartier Innovation? Check Technoparc North (on the 40)? Check Technoparc along the Bonaventure? Check Quartier Evolution in Kirkland? Check
  17. SKYMTL

    Le Réveil de Montréal

    I think this is also proof of why Pointe Claire has some of the highest residential tax rates on the island. They've created an environment that's so hostile to businesses, companies are pulling up roots and leaving to greener pastures.
  18. You look at the right hand building: WOW! Looks great! Then as you move to the left, it's like they started running out of money. By the end you get to junk. #1: Oooo, modern chic style #2 & #3: Meh, not bad. Contemporary style #4 on the left: Griffintown Ghetto
  19. Not sure what its called in French but in English this is called a hit-piece, especially when you see multiple articles pop up from different sources all with the same conclusion. Makes me wonder who backed this "study" and paid for its publication in our newspapers.
  20. SKYMTL

    Le Réveil de Montréal

    BCBG ferme ses bureaux de Montreal | Marie-Eve Fournier | Commerce de detail L’usine Amcor de Lachine ferme ses portes: 90 employes mis a pied | JDM C'MON!!! :thumbsdown:
  21. Interesting thing to note about the picture above. If you count the parking spaces, they're LESS than the number of people a SINGLE TRAIN could carry. How is that in any way sensible???
  22. Judging from the massive issues with it, I'd say the next bridge to be replaced will be the Ile aux Tourtes. Extend the REM over the new bridge and have a multi level carpark somewhere along the North service road.
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