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Tout ce qui a été posté par SKYMTL

  1. Because clickbait titles are more important than journalism these days.
  2. You are saying that PREFAB concrete panels will be PAINTED after their installation? Am I the only one who thinks that sounds nuts?
  3. Once again a building that deviates from the renderings. Whatever happened to the black / grey pattern?
  4. It depends. If the 2nd or third phase can be rolled into the eventual replacement of the Pont Île aux Tourtes and have a station + parking somewhere off of Joseph Carrier or Dumberry, it could effectively serve quite a few incoming and outgoing passengers.
  5. No, the density is terrible, specifically when there are local areas prime for development that are being left vacant due to misplaced zoning laws.
  6. On one hand I'm not quite convinced of the location since the stop near St Charles would have made more sense for the developments they are doing around the old Merck campus. On the other hand......MULTI LEVEL PARKING!!!!!!!!!!! :hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper: The station at St Anne's needs the same darn thing.
  7. This corner of the city is becoming a microcosm of Montreal's poor urban planning. There is ZERO separation between the buildings since the city clusters "higher", denser zones around single city blocks. Its a huge joke.
  8. At the high side of $0.72/KM traveled, it would cost about $21.60 to travel from Ste Anne to downtown in one direction. Or am I missing something? Or is that a metric of system costing?
  9. Good for them for holding the government's feet to the fire!
  10. Hello Commerzbank Tower. And again with the nonsensical gardens on a rendering. But WOW. This is one heck of a project.
  11. EVO is in the old Delta that that's way more than 15M:
  12. I see a proposal and not a confirmation.
  13. Nothing changed until official confirmation. Until then, no one really knows what this will be.
  14. Mark my words, this project won't be built. Phase one of NIMBY Mentality: Think of the environment! Think of the farmland! Phase two of NIMBY Mentality: Groups with vested interests in the status quo start running inflammatory ads and parading out "experts" who are contrary to the project. Phase three of NIMBY Mentality: REM makes the necessary changes but now it will cost up to $1 billion more. The response from NIMBYs: we TOLD you it would be more expensive! BAN THE REM! Phase four: REM cancelled Phase five from NIMBY Mentality Handbook: POLLUTION! We need more public transport! Rinse and repeat.
  15. I'm wondering if buyers in ANY of those buildings were told how close the other structures would be. That's unbelievable.
  16. As someone who owns a drone and has also seen how dangerous they can be, I couldn't be happier with this.
  17. That's some sort of early April Fools joke, right?
  18. Illuminating a structure can be undertaken in a tasteful manner, highlighting the interesting architectural elements. I have absolutely no problem with the ambient lighting but I find the strips to not only detract from a beautiful structure but also add too much "look at me!!!" effect for my liking. It isn't Eiffel Tower tacky but all that's missing is a few strobe lights. I'm of the opinion that a metropolis needs LESS light pollution. Again, this is my opinion even if it runs contrary to what's popular.
  19. Wow, I must be the only person who still thinks this looks incredibly tacky.
  20. I'm still worried about the look of the 27 floor building. Looks like a bunker....
  21. Another example of extremely poor journalism. Proof that they are TRYING to cause controversy.
  22. SKYMTL

    Le Réveil de Montréal

    I can't see it being anywhere other than Toronto.
  23. L'Avenue vs Tour des Canadiens = The Beauty and The Beast
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