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  • 1 année plus tard...


Est-ce qu'on sait la raison pour laquelle cet édifice a été démoli? A-t-il été démoli seulement pour faire place au 500 René-Lévesque, ou a-t-il été démoli avant?


Merci à l'avance


L'édifice DuPont au 1133 Beaver Hall, ancien Architect Building, a été démoli en juillet 1968 (construit en 1931). Son deuxième voisin, l'édifice Guarantee de 10 étages, situé au 1111 Beaver Hall, construit en 1913, a été démoli en 1967. C'est donc bien avant le nouveau 500 René-Lévesque Ouest qui n'a été ouvert qu'en 1983. Ce n'est pas non plus pour l'élargissement du boulevard qui avait déjà sa pleine largeur, comme on le voit sur les photos.

Modifié par Hildephonse
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  • 4 semaines plus tard...
  • 1 année plus tard...
Sad to see that almost nothing has changed in this picture in 80 years.


Rocco I don't get you... One post above, you're upset that the Architect Building was torn down 35 years after completion (a feeling I share with you) but on the same page you're mad because on Square Phillips, almost everything looks the same as it was back in the days. Do you embrace change or not?

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Rocco I don't get you... One post above, you're upset that the Architect Building was torn down 35 years after completion (a feeling I share with you) but on the same page you're mad because on Square Phillips, almost everything looks the same as it was back in the days. Do you embrace change or not?


I got to say I like Rocco's humour, but I'm also perplexed by this. Personally, I'm glad to see all the new construction in MOntreal. The city feels more alive then 10 years ago when I moved here. However, I also think there is far too much demolition of older buildings. Not only do I think pre-war buildings are made of more solid, artisanal materials than contemporary ones (ie it's wasteful to demolish them), but I also think it's important to keep a strong link with the past.


We don't have to make a choice between the two. There are plenty of terrains vagues and parking lots in the city. You can be both pro-development and pro-heritage at the same time.

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