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Pont Samuel-De Champlain


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Ca semble peu realiste qu'un pont qui supporte actuellement 160 000 vehicules par jour va tomber dans l'eau juste comme ca... surtout si le circulation y est enleve...



Stranger things have happened!


Par contre, le viaduc du milau, ouvrage exceptionnel a quant à lui couté seulement 400millions euros pour 4 voies


Es tu sérieux!?!?! Je n'en reviens pas. Une oeuvre architectural comme le Viaduc de Milau n'a même pas couté un demi milliard$?!?! Sorry dude, mais j'ai de la misère à te croire!

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Stranger things have happened!


We mustn't forget the grave consequences of inadequate bridge maintenance and inspection. The consequences of a structural failure can be vast and devastating to both life and property and such a instance must be avoided at any cost, and unfortunately, we have an idea of what could happen from past experience, both in Quebec and abroad...




Es tu sérieux!?!?! Je n'en reviens pas. Une oeuvre architectural comme le Viaduc de Milau n'a même pas couté un demi milliard$?!?! Sorry dude, mais j'ai de la misère à te croire!


From the horse's mouth (in English no less from a French company in France about a French viaduct :rotfl:)

A record viaduct


The Millau viaduct is the outcome of an amazing history. From its design to its construction, hundreds of men have given their energy and ingenuity to take part in this unique structure. At the peak of the work, nearly 600 employees were working on the site. They mastered the most modern technologies (laser, GPS…) to control the construction of this steel and concrete giant to the nearest millimetre. And it only took three years, from December 2001 to December 2004.


Record figures


Length: 2,460 m

Width: 32 m

Maximum height: 343 m, or 19 m higher than the Eiffel Tower

Slope: 3.025 %, going up from north to south in the direction Clermont-Ferrand – Béziers

Curve: 20 km

Height of the tallest pier (P2): 245 m

Height of the pylons: 87 m

Number of piers: 7

Length of the spans: Two end spans of 204 m each and six central spans of 342 m each.

Number of stays: 154 (11 pairs per pylon laid out in one mono-axial layer)

Tension of the stays: from 900 t to 1 200 t for the longest

Weight of the steel deck: 36 000 t, or 5 times that of the Eiffel Tower

Volume of concrete: 85 000 m3, or 206 000 t

Cost of the construction: 400 M€

Contract duration: 78 years – 3 years for construction and 75 years of operations

Structural guarantee: 120 years


Does the 400 M include the maintenance for 75 years?!




As an aside, it is interesting to note the I-35W bridge that collapsed, was well known as a traffic jam area, with only eight lanes. It had a circulation of 140 000 vpd and so the new bridge was built with 10 lanes and a provision to put LRT tracks on it. We have 160 k and only six and think maybe we'll put six plus a busway...

Modifié par Cyrus
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Thanks for the numbers Cyrus. So in fact it cost 400 million$ Euros. If i'm not mistake, but back in 2001-2004, the Euro was worth about 1.40 CDN$, 400 X 1.4 = about 560 million$, which is still ridiculously cheap for such a beautiful work of art!


As an aside, it is interesting to note the I-35W bridge that collapsed, was well known as a traffic jam area, with only eight lanes. It had a circulation of 140 000 vpd and so the new bridge was built with 10 lanes and a provision to put LRT tracks on it. We have 160 k and only six and think maybe we'll put six plus a busway...


Interesting, very interesting. I still think the new bridge could easily accomodate 10 lanes(2 of which would be reserved for the new LRT)

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From the horse's mouth (in English no less from a French company in France about a French viaduct :rotfl:)


You were on the english version of the website (en francais)

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