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Conservateur : Énoncé économique - Un affront à l’intelligence


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I mean the party that represent the richest people should not have an infinite advantage compare to other parties


Did you poll all the rich people and ask who they vote for? I didn’t know all those rural seats, the majority of those held by the conservatives, were full of reach people. I didn’t realize all the mutli-millionaires were camping out in Beauceville, Quebec, Brandon, Manitoba and Lethbridge, Alberta. Let’s take a look at which ridings some of the richest Canadians do live in:


Shaugnessy in Vancouver: Liberal-held Vancouver Quadra

Rockcliffe Park in Ottawa: Liberal-held Ottawa Vanier

Forest Hill in Toronto: Liberal-held Eglinton-Lawrence, Liberal-held St. Paul’s

Rosedale in Toronto: Liberal-held Toronto Centre

Bride Path in Toronto: Liberal-held Don Valley West

Westmount in Montreal: Liberal-held Westmount-Ville Marie

Outremont in Montreal: NDP-held Outremont

Hampstead in Montreal: Liberal-held Mont-Royal

Laval-sur-Lac: Liberal-held Laval-les-Iles

Tuxedo in Winnipeg: Liberal-held Winnipeg South Centre (the only Liberal seat in Manitoba)

The Uplands in Victoria: NDP-held Victoria



If they are the party of the rich, well then the rich have pretty poor representation.


While I’m aware many of these people could have still voted Conservative because they only make up part of the riding, until you go door to door and ask these people who they vote for I think your point is mute. Some of the richest men in Canadian politics are Liberals as are some of the richest voters and I know that from first hand experience.


Just because you don’t agree with the way the Conservatives handle fiscal issues does not make them a party for the rich.

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Rosey, at a meta level point of view conservatives have always been the people who have the money and power (the richest), they are conservatives for a reason, they don't want to change the establishment because they are enjoying being part of it.


On the other spectrum, the socialist are the ones that want to shake things up so they can reach the level of money/power the conservatives enjoy.

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Meta level point of view or not, it doesn't make it true.


Let me tell you, those alligator hunter's in Mississippi living in trailers sure aren't rich.


Conservatism is an ideology and ideologies can be shared by the poor and the rich alike.


I am nowhere near rich and my family was actually pretty poor not too many years ago, but regardless I'm a fiscal conservative through and through.

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Je ne suis pas riche non plus et je ne suis pas conservateur pour autant : le niveau de revenu n'est pas nécéssairement un indication des tendances politiques. Il y a même des indépendantistes riches. Péladeau père l'était.

En ce moment, les tendances politiques sont plus régionales. L'ouest et le centre versus l'est.

That being said : je suis d'accord sur le fond avec Toxik. Harper nous a berné : ce qu'il fait n'était pas dans son programme électoral. Quand tu dis que les Canadiens qui ont voté pour Harper ne l'ont pas fait pour se retrouver avec un gouvernement de coalition je répondrai que ceux qui ont voté pour Harper n'ont pas voté non plus pour un candidat qui allait sortir de son chapeau un lapin à la dernière minute -l'air de dire "Oh by the way, did I tell you that I was also going to do this or that ? My mistake !! Ça selon moi c'est encore moins démocratique qu'une tentative de coalition. Cela dit, je ne suis pas non plus enthousiaste à l'idée de cette coalition bien qu'au fond je m'en fous : étant indépendantiste, je considère au fond de mon âme et conscience n'importe quel gouvernement canadien comme illégitime as far as I'm concerned. That being said and that was the point of this last comment : j'observe tout cela avec un certain détachement. Le parti pour lequel j'ai voté au deux dernières élections fédérales n'a pas (et n'aura probablement jamais) de représentant à la Chambre des Communes -ce qui ne m'empêche pas de respecter l'institution parce que mes concitoyens ont fait un choix démocratique.

Ce qui me choque le plus dans tous ça c'est qu'on utilise encore les Québécois et le BQ comme bouc émissaire. A coalition lead by (or at the mercy of) the separatists of the province of Québec can we hear from all over Canada !!

Corrigez-moi si je me trompe mais il n'y aurait aucun ministres bloquistes dans ce gouvernement de coalition. Funny that what is considered as treason in the rest of Canada is also considered as such by the some bloquistes (or by Dumont. ironic, isn't it ?) of the province of Québec but for opposite reasons : because Duceppe agreed to be part of this coalition without requesting to be part of its cabinet !!

Harper a oublié de citer en exemple hier en chambre le nombre de fois où il a pu compter sur l'appui du BQ to save his government's ass. Je suis certain que l'opposition va se faire un point d'honneur de le lui rappeler aujourd'hui et dans les jours à venir.

En conclusion : ce qui se passe maintenant au Canada va peut-être passer à l'histoire puisque ce pays vit en ce moment une crise politique assez grave. C'est fascinant.

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Palpatine made himself Emperor using as an excuse the war against separatists (separatists are so easily demonized…) and we all know that lead to the destruction of Alderaan (that last example doesn’t really count, but you understand what I mean).


I love it when people use Star Wars to explain certain things about our political system!!:highfive::thumbsup::D


Join the Dark Side! Long live the Emperor!

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