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1210, rue Stanley - 21 étages


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On 2020-09-08 at 8:58 PM, internationalx said:

Very New Yorkish.

I agree, there's a big potential to make something interesting here, there are a bunch of thin brick buildings like this in New York. Remove the black brick section, add a nice detailed cornice and then we are in business.,-73.9805549,3a,75y,215.23h,140.89t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sKNn_y8RPi0xrauwJkbZ_Bg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192


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On 2020-09-08 at 9:41 PM, Southwark said:

I really like this one. A million times better than the Drummond twins and anything on Bishop or Crescent

Slim building + dark red brick + no balconies = win. 

The podium somehow looks like the top floors of Nest Condos on Mackay. But this projected bldg. definitely is not that much better than what you compare it with!

I personally find the insipid grey podium breaks both the verticality of this slim tower, vaguely reminiscent of some more or less contemporary NYC brick architecture, as well as its integration with its south side brick neighbour... 😩

I blame the urbanism plan and the CCU for their obsession with recreating a pseudo grey stone-ish ambiance at street level. A deplorable and short-sighted homogenising, which sort of kills architectural diversity at street level...



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17 hours ago, FrancSoisD said:

The podium somehow looks like the top floors of Nest Condos on Mackay. But this projected bldg. definitely is not that much better than what you compare it with!

I personally find the insipid grey podium breaks both the verticality of this slim tower, vaguely reminiscent of some more or less contemporary NYC brick architecture, as well as its integration with its south side brick neighbour... 😩

I blame the urbanism plan and the CCU for their obsession with recreating a pseudo grey stone-ish ambiance at street level. A deplorable and short-sighted homogenising, which sort of kills architectural diversity at street level...



I actually should have added that in the case of the Nest, this integration makes the project quite a commendable one, aesthetically speaking! 👌

However, red-ish bricks + horizontal elements on the podium reminiscent of at least some of the facades just north of this project would have been IMHO a much better bet for this otherwise highly distinctive project (for this sector)...

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Personnellement j'ai peu à dire de ce projet puisque l'évocation m'apparait plutôt préliminaire à ce stade-ci. On dirait davantage une étude de volume et de gabarit. N'est-il pas mieux alors d'attendre davantage d'informations avant de juger?

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  • 2 semaines plus tard...
On 2020-09-09 at 5:55 PM, Dominic723 said:

Le terrain est déjà vide


Ça a été rebouché hier .........

Par ailleurs, ce fil semble être un doublon : à voir lequel est le plus pertinent à conserver ;)




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il y a 38 minutes, Acajou a dit :

Ça a été rebouché hier .........

Par ailleurs, ce fil semble être un doublon : à voir lequel est le plus pertinent à conserver ;)




Ne sachant pas si le nouveau projet est réellement le Drummond 3, je suggère aux mods de fermer celui ci et poursuivre dans l’autre! 

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