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Le Square Children's (Projet Global) - 38, 27, 27, 27 et 25 étages


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il y a 36 minutes, FrancSoisD a dit :

C'est facile de pointer du doigt les Chinois, mais pour être plus exact, j'oserais avancer qu'il y aurait aussi nombre d'immigrantEs CoréenNEs, de divers pays du Grand Moyen-Orient ainsi que de l'Inde déjà bien établiEs dans l'ouest du c-v et y achetant des propriétés alors que leurs familles croissent.

Le phénomène spéculatif vancouverois et torontois ne se pointera probablement pas le nez aussi fortement ici, en raison de moindres débouchés sur le plan de l'emploi et de la barrière linguistique.

Un petit article qui va dans ton sens :

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Le 30/04/2017 à 21:00, FrancSoisD a dit :


Le phénomène spéculatif vancouverois et torontois ne se pointera probablement pas le nez aussi fortement ici, en raison de moindres débouchés sur le plan de l'emploi et de la barrière linguistique.

Les débouchés d'emplois ne me semblent pas être un facteur principal. Mtl est quand même dans les tops mondiaux dans plusieurs domaines. C'est la barrière de la langue. À vue de nez en tout cas. J'ai peut-être tort.

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il y a 24 minutes, MtlMan a dit :

Les débouchés d'emplois ne me semblent pas être un facteur principal. Mtl est quand même dans les tops mondiaux dans plusieurs domaines. C'est la barrière de la langue. À vue de nez en tout cas. J'ai peut-être tort.

Nous travaillons fort pour protéger notre langue, tant mieux si notre langue finit par nous protéger à son tour.

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Je fais rarement ce type d'intervention, mais il y a un sujet qui porte spécifiquement sur le marché immobilier. Quand je vois ce sujet avec des messages non lus, j'espère un développement quelconque. Gardons ce sujet pour le projet du Children's svp. :)

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Admin svp modifier le fil à "Le Square Children's"



MONTREAL, May 10, 2017 /CNW Telbec/ - In tribute to the former site of the Montreal Children's Hospital, while at the same time resolutely forward-looking, a new name has been chosen by Devimco Immobilier and its partners, the Fonds immobilier de solidarité FTQ and Fiera Private Lending, for their new flagship complex in the west end of downtown Montreal. Le Square Children's is a nod to the famous site where development of this half-billion dollars project will soon begin.

"We wanted the name to reflect the image of the project itself, deeply rooted in the neighbourhood. Le Square Children's was the perfect choice not only to pay tribute to the Montreal Children's Hospital's distinguished history after more than a century on this site, but also to Cabot Square just across the street," explained Serge Goulet, Devimco Immobilier's president.

The property developer also used the opportunity to launch the project's new website,, where visitors can learn more about the cutting-edge vision for revitalizing this outstanding site.

The project is currently under study by the Office de consultation publique de Montréal, which should complete its assessment shortly. The Ville de Montréal will then adopt a by-law to authorize Devimco Immobilier to begin construction.

A prime location 
Situated at the corner of Atwater Avenue and René-Lévesque Boulevard, the project's prime location is steeped in history. The hospital's oldest building, the nurses' residence, has great heritage value. It will be restored and integrated into the project to preserve the memory of the hospital for future generations. Art Deco architectural features will also be conserved and incorporated into the new buildings.

Mixed use and local services 
The project's partners sought to create a place that is perfectly integrated into the neighbourhood, while at the same time adding value for residents. Square Children's will offer a variety of residential options, including condos, rental apartments and social housing units (managed by the Office municipal d'habitation de Montréal). A total of nearly 1,400 residential units will be built in six towers, an innovative design by Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux Architectes.

There will also be space on the ground floor for shops to better serve local residents. Offices and a 250-room hotel will also be part of this diversified project.

Spectacular common areas will round out the offering to residents, starting with a Sky Lounge on the top floor of one of the towers that will afford breathtaking views of the city and Mount Royal. Occupants will also be able to enjoy one of the largest fitness centres ever to be built in a Montreal residential tower, boasting state-of-the-art equipment.

Focus on rich and vibrant community life
The construction of Le Square Children's will not only revitalize the former hospital site but it will also breathe new life into the neighbourhood, with new services and facilities designed especially for residents.

Henri-Dunant Park will practically double in size. It will be a place where people can gather, relax, enjoy nature and the beauty of nearby gardens. It will also provide them with opportunities to exercise with new fitness equipment. In all, the public park and developed green spaces will account for more than 30% of the total area.

Community life will also be vastly improved with the building of the new Peter McGill Community Centre, which will include a library and a community kitchen.

Modifié par _mtler_
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8 minutes ago, _mtler_ said:

cutting-edge vision for revitalizing this outstanding site.

Thanks Devimco, you made me spit coffee all over my keyboard with that utterly preposterous statement!  

Cutting with 100% more "Montreal Greige"

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