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Toys "R" Us in Quebec refuses to sell English-only Daniel Tiger doll


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The kind of news the Gazette and the english community craves for. It gives them munition.. Hey! Look how were are treated in Quebec! Poor us! Crocodile tears.

This story is actually a CBC story (normally as unbiased reporting as you can get) relating an event that happened. If you support all aspects of the language law and how It is applied via these type of regulations, than you have to stand by the reports explaining how it is actually applied. I think you're missing the point completely. People will draw their own conclusions by the application of the law in this instance, but I certainly don't think anyone if feeling sorry for the English.


As far as the Gazette and local English media is concerned, it is their mandate to cover local news that concerns their viewers. The National news covers broader stories. Each private media group have their particular leanings. I think we should respect the freedom of the press, whether we agree or not, whether it be Le Devoir, the Quebecor groups or La Presse.


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I'm fed up with anglos who complaint for stupid thing like that. They are not better than the ayatollah of the office de la langue francaise who complaint against bilingual sign. Get a fuc... life. Just get used to understand both language it won't kill you.

The kind of news the Gazette and the english community craves for. It gives them munition.. Hey! Look how were are treated in Quebec! Poor us! Crocodile tears.
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Understanding both languages is the point exactly. What is the problem with having toys in both languages? Honnetement, c'est pas mal genant d'entendre une histoire comme ca en 2015...


I'm fed up with anglos who complaint for stupid thing like that. They are not better than the ayatollah of the office de la langue francaise who complaint against bilingual sign. Get a fuc... life. Just get used to understand both language it won't kill you.
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Montreal is doing very well. And Quebec is on the right track.

Let's stay on topic.

This particular aspect of the law serves no real purpose in protecting the French language.


andre md you clearly don't understand what the issue is. Please explain how a consumer's choice in toy products helps protect the French language? How does an English speaking toy that is NOT available in French and never will be protect the French language?

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Peekay si je ne suis pas capable d'acheter une poupee qui parle est ce que je vais appeler la CBC ou la Gazette???? Faut vraiment avoir du temps a perdre. En meme temps c'est du niaisage d'appliquer la loi By the Book. Les ayatollah de l'office de la langue francaise parfois manquent de jugement.

Regarde par exemple je suis presentement entrain de taper sur un ordinateur avec une version de windows en anglais a mon travail pourtant on devrait avoir le windows en francais nous sommes pres de 200 employés sur mon lieu de travail. Est ce que je vais appeler la radio et la tele pour cela? Je ne crois pas.


Montreal is doing very well. And Quebec is on the right track.

Let's stay on topic.

This particular aspect of the law serves no real purpose in protecting the French language.


andre md you clearly don't understand what the issue is. Please explain how a consumer's choice in toy products helps protect the French language? How does an English speaking toy that is NOT available in French and never will be protect the French language?

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C'est décidé, j'ouvre le Café Google Translate, où tout le menu est écrit en français et traduit en anglais cassé par Google (ou vice-versa, dépendant du mood du moment). Comme ça, les méchants de l'OQLF vont avoir une place pour se pogner avec les zombies de The Gazette :)

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