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Je me souviens avoir vu passer ici un rendu similaire a celui en entête de fil, mais avec davantage de tours et de hauteur. Si je me souviens bien ça fit plus avec ce qui est proposé maintenant.

Je ne le trouve plus parmi les 226 pages de ce fil, quelqu'un l'aurait sous la main ?

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12 minutes ago, Fortier said:

Je me souviens avoir vu passer ici un rendu similaire a celui en entête de fil, mais avec davantage de tours et de hauteur. Si je me souviens bien ça fit plus avec ce qui est proposé maintenant.

Je ne le trouve plus parmi les 226 pages de ce fil, quelqu'un l'aurait sous la main ?

Maybe it be a good feature for future updates, that we can search posts that have something embedded.

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More green space, affordable housing, public transit among citizen group's demands for Royalmount megamall

Andrew Brennan , CTV Montreal
Published Saturday, August 24, 2019 6:01PM EDT 
Last Updated Saturday, August 24, 2019 6:39PM EDT

Several dozen Montrealers opposed to the upcoming Royalmount megamall met on Saturday to brainstorm ideas that they say could make the project less of an irritation to the neighbourhood.

Among the suggestions were for the project to have more green space, affordable housing units and public transit options.

Since it was first announced in 2015, the megamall project has faced objections from community groups and the City of Montreal itself over issues such as increased traffic in the area and detrimental effects on the environment. In May a working group proposed 13 recommendations to help alleviate traffic issues. Developer Carbonleo has questioned some of the findings showing the mall complex would cause traffic delays of up to half an hour but management has said they’re open to changes.

Among changes that have already been announced are the addition of 6,000 homes, more residential underground parking and a pedestrian bridge linking the development to de la Savane metro.

Alix Ruhlmann of citizens group Collectif Notre 15/40 said they are hopeful that Carbonleo will make further alterations to their plan.

“We know we’ve already see that Carbonleo has felt the pressure and tried to change the project,” she said. “We haven’t been able to really see the new project but we are seeing that we can have an impact on what they’re proposing.”

Carbonleo is scheduled to unveil updated plans for Royalmount in the fall after public consultations finish in coming weeks. The first phase of work is expected to be completed by 2022.

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What if Carbonleo proposes "more green space, affordable housing and public transit..." ?  Certainly, this is what some citizen groups demand.  If they are happy with the forthcoming revised proposal in respect of the above matters (only), will they become supportive, indeed allies?  

I am raising this question because we (should) remember that other important issues had been front and center in the initial opposition towards the project ie. impacts on traffic and  on existing commercial and cultural premises.  


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