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MONTREAL - What was that boom? What was that flash of light? And where were they coming from?

Hudson, St-Lazare and towns farther afield were rocked briefly by the sound of an explosion and a flash of blue-green light in the night sky at around 8 p.m. Tuesday.

But the source of the big boom remains a mystery.

Officials in the off-island towns, as well as at the Sûreté du Québec, were flummoxed, leaving residents who heard the noise to wonder what happened.

"No one seems to know what it is exactly, but a friend described it as bright blue flash in the sky followed by the sound," tweeted Kalina Laframboise.

"It's been heard all over the region but no details," wrote Greg Patterson. "My opinion is that it was a meteor hitting the atmosphere with sonic boom."

"Felt like an explosion, or a 'short' earthquake," Faith MacLeod said on Off Island Gazette's Facebook page. "Stepped outside and neighbours were out wondering what it was."

"Yes, was sitting watching TV and I thought one of my kids fell out of bed. It was super loud," added Jenn Ryan Baluyot on the same Facebook page.

Residents from Pincourt to Pointe-Claire and Pierrefonds reported hearing the sound. On social media, it was even reported as far away as Ormstown and Cornwall, Ont.

St-Lazare mayor Robert Grimaudo said he had no idea what the source of the explosion was.

Nor did the SQ, nor Environment Canada.

Nothing in the weather patterns in the area could be to blame, least of all the snow that began to fall around the same time, an Environment Canada spokesperson said.

Tracy Moore was at home in St-Lazare with her boyfriend and heard and felt something strange around 8 p.m.

"It was really freaky — we heard this boom outside," she told The Gazette an hour later. "It sounded like that explosion we had last summer at the fireworks factory here.

"It was just this boom. It lasted a few seconds."

Moore went online to a local Facebook "community connections" group she's a member of, and wrote: "Did anybody hear the boom? Or was it just us?"

"And, like, 211 posts later, people are still talking about it," she said.

"People felt their house shaking and thought a tree had landed on it. The dogs were freaking out. My girlfriend in Cornwall, her husband works for Ontario Hydro and he saw this flash of light in the sky.

"He says he never saw anything like it before — and he works for Hydro!"

Did you hear anything? Let us know on Twitter @mtlgazette or by leaving a comment on this story.

For more on this story visit the Montreal Gazette's Off Island site.


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Les réseaux sociaux se sont enflammés mardi soir après qu'une explosion eut été entendue au Québec.

La police de Montréal a confirmé que cette explosion n'était pas survenue sur l'île de Montréal, contrairement à ce qui avait été suggéré au départ sur les réseaux sociaux.

«C'est peut-être à Valleyfield», a expliqué Jean-Pierre Brabant, de la police de Montréal, sans en savoir plus sur les causes de cette explosion.

Nombreux sont les internautes qui décrivent également avoir vu une lumière bleue dans le ciel.

Selon plusieurs médias québécois, on aurait entendu le bruit de l'explosion en Montérégie et même jusqu'en Ontario.

Plus de détails à venir.

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[h=1]Mystery explosion may be a meteor: expert[/h]

CTV Montreal

Published Tuesday, November 26, 2013 9:54PM EST

Last Updated Tuesday, November 26, 2013 10:56PM EST

Quebecers from St. Lazare to Valleyfield to Laval were abuzz on social media Tuesday evening, wondering aloud what the big bang was that rattled their windows and lit up the sky.

Twitter and Facebook users have reported hearing a loud bang and seeing a bright blue light illuminate the sky around 8 p.m.

According to astronomy expert Andrew Fazekas, all signs point to the explosion and light being caused by a meteor entering the Earth’s atmosphere.

As of Tuesday night, police have yet to officially confirm what caused the explosion. Earlier in the evening, an SQ spokesperson said she had no idea what the explosion was.

Police were sent to Vaudreuil to look into the claims, though it is unclear where the supposed explosion took place.

Fazekas explained a meteor travels at up to 60,000 kilometres per hour and that could be the size of the small car. Because it is travelling faster than the speed of sound, upon entering the lower part of our atmosphere it may break up or emit a sonic boom, which would explain the noise many people heard Tuesday night.

“It will take maybe a day or a few days for scientists to gather all the necessary observations, visual reports, photographs and possible videos and try to triangulate the trajectory may have taken, if it is in fact a meteor,” Fazekas said.

He said meteors of that size usually crash into Earth once every three years, and since the planet is increasingly populated, the confusion Quebecers experience Tuesday night will become more common.

If you have any photos or video from the explosion, upload it to our MyNews page.


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27 November 2013


MBIQ Detects Quebec, Canada Fireball Meteor 26NOV2013




MBIQ Detects Quebec, Canada Fireball Meteor 26NOV2013


English translation is below.

Signalez vos observations de météores s'il vous plaît -


Cela semble à ce tiem avoir été un très grand événement sur ​​la base du MBIQ Bot ensemble de données qui a été échantillonnée en minutes après l'événement . Je vais avoir les données disponibles posté bientôt une fois que j'ai le temps de faire les autres confirmations ; je vous remercie. - LunarMeteoriteHunter ... Tokyo


Tl Important obtenir cette information via Facebook , Twitter , YouTube et vos forums favoris .


S'il vous plaît vérifier vos caméras locales au Québec pour tous les captures ciel et des caméras de sécurité ainsi ; je vous remercie ! Si des photos ou des vidéos ont été capturés s'il vous plaît écrivez bien vouloir

Initiale Meteor Observation Report -


26NOV2013 Johanne Ile- Bizard , Québec 19h50 grondement était de 2 secondes côté ouest de la maison - ne voit pas - était à l'intérieur au moment entendu un grondement était à l'intérieur de la maison - de connaître les contrôleurs de la circulation aérienne - pilotes ont vu une lumière brillante dans le ciel a l'intérieur de la maison - ne voit pas où il a frappé désolé - juste mon chien qui grogna


Report your meteor sightings please-


This appears at this tiem to have been a very large event based upon the MBIQ Bot Data Set that was Sampled in minutes after the event. I will have the data available posted soon once I have time to get the other confirmations; thank you. - LunarMeteoriteHunter...Tokyo


Important tl get this information out via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and your favorite forums.

Please check your local cameras in Quebec for All Sky captures and security cameras as well; thank you! If photos or videos were captured please kindly email to


Initial Meteor Sighting Report-

26NOV2013 Johanne Ile-Bizard, Quebec 19h50 rumble was 2 seconds long West side of the house- did not see it- was inside at the time Heard a rumble was inside the house - know air traffic controllers - pilots saw a bright light in the sky was inside the house - did not see where it hit sorry - just my dog that growled


MBIQ Sampled Data Set-

Montreal, Quebec arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Meteor Alert! - Large Meteor Outburst Was Possible Now Near CERTAIN 20NOV2013-01DEC2013" by searching fornovember 26 meteor.

11:48:00 -- 24 seconds ago


Lasalle, Quebec arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: MBIQ Detects California Meteor 26NOV2013" by searching for meteorite nov.26 2013.

11:47:50 -- 34 seconds ago


All meteor sighting reports can be seen here




Modifié par IluvMTL
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Il y a eu un événement semblable et même plus spectaculaire en Russie en février dernier. Les conditions météos peuvent probablement expliquer pourquoi on a moins de détails précis ou d'images claires sur ce qui s'est vraiment passé.


Une chose est sûre, dans Charlevoix on a rien vu ni rien entendu. Mais on entend parfois de grosses explosions qui proviennent de l'épicentre d'un tremblement de terre qui sévit dans la région, suivit de fortes vibrations selon l'intensité du phénomène. Surprenant et parfois très choquant, mais c'est autre chose.


On peut imaginer en attendant, le même événement céleste prenant place directement au-dessus d'une grande ville. Des conséquences imprévisibles qui dépendraient largement de la grosseur du bolide et son point d'impact. Histoire à suivre ...

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Confirmé comme étant une météorite qui est passée nord-sud au-dessus de Mtl....



Et Ison est en vie...... not dead peut-être en quelques morceaux, à voir d'ici les prochains 48h.

Modifié par vivreenrégion
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