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Humaniti - 39 étages (2021)


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Il y a 23 heures, Rocco a dit :

Est-ce que tu achèterais un produit de consommation avant qu'il ne soit produit?

En ce qui me concerne je n'achèterais pas un condo en prévente ou dans la phase de construction. Un choix purement personnel, justement à cause du manque de rigueur de certains promoteurs, de leur fausses promesses dans plusieurs cas et aussi parfois de délais déraisonnables.

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Faites attention quand vous passez à côté du chantier!

Montreal couple considers legal action after being struck by falling ice

Contractors were clearing ice and snow from 15th storey of building under construction, hitting car far below

Mia Anhoury · CBC News · Posted: Feb 27, 2019 6:40 PM ET | Last Updated: an hour ago

Montrealer Kristine Bernard was riding in the passenger seat on her way to work in Griffintown last Friday when a chunk of ice crashed through the closed sunroof and hit her on the head.

The couple was travelling south on Bleury Street near Viger Street, past a tower under construction.

"There was glass everywhere," said Bernard. "I was covered in glass and debris. I was in shock for a good 20 to 25 minutes."

Her boyfriend, Myles Carter, who'd been driving, saw that her forehead was bleeding.

"I yelled at some innocent bystander to please call the police immediately," Bernard said. "Paramedics came, and I took an ambulance to the hospital."

She was treated for a possible concussion and given a tetanus shot, but five days after the incident, she is still shaken by what happened.

Fell 15 storeys

At the time of the incident, contractors were removing the accumulated ice and snow from the 15th floor of the building under construction, said SPVM spokesperson, Const. Jean-Pierre Brabant.

Although a net was installed on the side of the building to prevent blocks from falling, Brabant said, it appears the chunk of ice that hit Bernard had bounced off the net.

Police who came to the scene advised the ice- and snow-removal contractor, as well as the project superintendent, to improve safety measures, such as closing traffic on the street below while they were carrying out their work.

No charges were laid, however.

Public safety at stake

The chunk of ice that crashed through the sunroof of Bernard and Carter's car is now in their freezer. It weighs in at 1.27 kilograms.

Although she wasn't seriously hurt, Bernard said she's considering legal action because she believes the incident was caused by negligence.

Her lawyer, Jamie Benizri, says his jaw dropped when he heard Carter and Bernard's story.

"They just wanted to go to work that day," said Benizri. Instead, he said, what must have felt like a meteor struck them.

He said public safety is at stake.

Benizri said he is working with the couple to look at the damage, to talk to possible witnesses and gather possible video footage.

He has a lot of unanswered questions, including whether the security net was properly installed and whether the street was supposed to have been closed to traffic.

Bernard said there was no indication that the street was closed. There were other vehicles on the road, including parked cars.

Given the strong winds in Montreal during the last couple weeks, Benizri said this incident should serve as an example of what can happen.

Neither the developer nor the project manager for the $200-million real estate project called Humaniti Montreal responded to a request for comment from CBC.

Days after the incident, Bernard says she is still not feeling great.

"Being in a car, especially with a taxi driver, an Uber driver, makes me very, very nervous."

with files from Sudha Krishnan

The ice block, seen here on the floor of the passenger seat, was mixed with concrete and rocks. (Submitted by Myles Carter)

Nets had been installed to catch the ice being scraped off the building on the 15th floor. (Sudha Krishnan/CBC)

The Humaniti Montreal project is under construction on the corner of Bleury and Viger streets. (Sudha Krishnan/CBC)

The car's sunroof window was shattered by the falling chunk of ice. (Submitted by Myles Carter)

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21 hours ago, Ousb said:

Pour ma part on voit très bien sur les rendus que la tour ne sera pas entièrement noire. Je me demande pourquoi tout le monde se sent trahi


Ils ont mis des tuile grises pour economiser de l'argent sur la vitre et l'installation..

1 hour ago, acpnc said:

En ce qui me concerne je n'achèterais pas un condo en prévente ou dans la phase de construction. Un choix purement personnel, justement à cause du manque de rigueur de certains promoteurs, de leur fausses promesses dans plusieurs cas et aussi parfois de délais déraisonnables.

C'est totalement vrai. Par contre, ca laisse plus de temps aux gens d'economiser de l'argent et profiter d'une eventuelle monter des prix une fois le projet complete. Dans le deja fait, on peut toujours negocier le prix.

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Il y a 3 heures, GIGI a dit :

Ils ont mis des tuile grises pour economiser de l'argent sur la vitre et l'installation..

C'est totalement vrai. Par contre, ca laisse plus de temps aux gens d'economiser de l'argent et profiter d'une eventuelle monter des prix une fois le projet complete. Dans le deja fait, on peut toujours negocier le prix.

Ouch... Ça me rappelle alors que je travaillais dans le Vieux-Mtl, il se produisait souvent que de gros glaçons tombent d'immeubles historiques (dont l'ancien siège social de la RBC) sur la rue St-Jacques lors de journées hivernales tièdes et ensoleillées.

Une fois c'était une plaque de glace d'environ 50 × 100 cm puis ~3 cm d'épaisseur qui est tombée sur un véhicule en mouvement. La force de l'impact puis le poids de la glace ont littéralement écrasé le toit puis le châssis le soutenant à l'avant (!), en plus de faire éclater le pare-brise puis enfoncer le capot! Le conducteur et sa passagère (heureusement non blessés) sont immédiatement sortis en hurlant et en courant vers un immeuble pour se mettre à l'abri, alors que les piétons ont eu le réflexe de s'éloigner de l'immeuble d'où pendouillaient toujours d'immenses glaçons, alors que d'autres plaques semblaient menacer de chuter à tout moment... 😨

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il y a 1 minute, denpanosekai a dit :

What was on that flatbed truck... concrete stairs?

Tous les immeubles doivent être munis de puits d'escaliers à l'épreuve du feu. On les installe à mesure que l'édifice est érigé.

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On 2019-02-26 at 1:20 PM, Rocco said:

Ils auraient pas pu mettre les vitres noires/charbon tout autour? Ça coûtait tu vraiment plus cher? Le look noir est 100x plus classy. Coudonc.

Ca coute en moyenne 10-15% plus cher pour le noir 

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On 2019-02-26 at 1:58 PM, Marc90 said:

Ce serait en effet une question de coûts. Le client, apparemment, est particulièrement cheap et ne veut que son profit. À peu près toutes les composantes du projet ont perdu en qualité entre la proposition / marketing de vente et le produit livré. 

I find it a bit unfair to slam the developer like this. Lemay is well-known for presenting renders and interior finishings that are not really in line with their clients' budget. The real problem is that those unrealistic photos were shared with the general public. A project like this costs a lot of money and there is a very fine line between making a profit and losing money. 

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