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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Just have to dig more metro tunnels to make the slope gentle. 😉
  2. Srsly how is that thing at the cruise pier not ready yet?
  3. But as mentioned, it’s an off-the-shelf model. STM won’t implement QR scanning. I honestly don’t see the point, anyway. Mobile ticketing or fare deduction with Express Transit (à la Suica) would be far more interesting. [I've had Suica since 2011 and mobile Suica+ since 2017]
  4. Well, the first three shows of the season have been indefinitely postponed, so there is some damage.
  5. Fuuuuuu can you imagine being the guy on the scissor lift 450 feet up??
  6. Hundreds of us walk it every day. Yes, it’s horrible. Hence the need for a true airport connection. IMHO, a separate “air train” above ground would cost substantially more than extending the tunnel, as a multimodal station at the Circle would still need to be conceived and built, and an above-ground people mover would also need to be integrated with the future transit centre that will merge REM, buses, taxis, ride share, and private drop-off and pickup.
  7. Either flava (yellow buckeye), or hippocastanum (horse chestnut). Good eye!
  8. Most certainly not. If I need to drive downtown, I invariably take the 20 and either the Bonaventure (if I’m going between Mountain and Bleury) or the Ville Marie (west of Mountain or east of Bleury). I return the way I came. I don’t have half the day to waste trying to get from Cavendish to Decarie and back! Worse, the 13 north causes the 40 west to be a parking lot beginning at 2 pm most weekdays. Our highways and interchanges are awful; putting a luxomegamall at the confluence of two of the busiest is just insane.
  9. We’ve been over this multiple times already. It’s ok if you don’t want to read all 348 pages of the thread, or the 60 pages of the Orange line extension thread that had plenty of banter about this mall.
  10. Yup. “The ME Decade.” Conspicuous consumption. I damn near choked when I read “afraid to show that they have money”!
  11. T’étais pas là durant les 80s…
  12. A quick 2¢ (my opinion hasn’t changed since my posts earlier in the thread): properly served with nearby access to integrated rapid transit, there is a reasonable chance that a “lifestyle centre” could succeed here. But a covered walkway that leads to a single station near the dead end of the Métro’s longest line doesn’t fulfill that requirement; if and when the Orange is extended to Bois-Franc, that would make it much more interesting. However, I remain unconvinced that “luxury goods” shoppers would schlep out to a mall at a busy freeway interchange in the middle of industrial hell in order to casually peruse the latest LVMH offerings — whether by Métro or safely ensconced in their X6/Q7/Geländewagens at 2 km/h in the Circle.
  13. Hey, I’m all for civic pride, but let’s not exaggerate. We aren’t Santiago, Vancouver, Rio, Cape Town, Hong Kong, or even Los Angeles. There are literally dozens of large cities with much more interesting geography and topography than Montreal. Why must we limit our development to bolster our ego?
  14. I don’t think we do, that’s why we shouldn’t fall for the jingoistic claptrap demanding that preference be given to québecois and Canadian tenders, and we should invite submissions from all four corners of the globe.
  15. I agree that we can no longer entrust projects of this scope to the bureaucracy, but CDPQi most certainly isn’t the sole entity capable of planning, financing, building, and operating it. RATP, MTR, and others are experienced at commanding large infra developments, and it would still be wise to allow an open competition so that we may get the best payout for our P3 gambles.
  16. You have to see it in person, it’s monstrous. Most of the rest of the segment is just 5 m off the ground, and on part of the Doney spur, it is barely 2 m off the ground.
  17. Too much of a whoopdie-doo if it climbed to that (necessary) height before and after the Ste-Marie overpasses and dropped lower between them for the station.
  18. Meanwhile in Guangzhou, Line 18…
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