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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Clique-donc la flèche dans le coin haut-droite… Or maybe it’s just GMTA (“great minds think alike”). 😄
  2. Siht. IBM will be blocked from 21. Somebody call Phyllis!
  3. So I guess Centra will have the most interesting summit of the new towers.
  4. Yeah, I haven’t seen the maquette in the sales office, does it display the original diamond? Or the updated, split-plane shape with the lower angle point? Because these are what I originally thought it would resemble:
  5. So do we know if the lozange comes to a point as a full cross-section diamond along a single plane (as in the original renders)?
  6. Also, rule-of-thumb when you check in for any flight to LaGuardia: choose a seat on the left (captain’s) side of the plane.
  7. I haven’t been to HKG since we stopped flying there in 2016 or so, but IMO the only skyline that compares, day or night, is Manhattan’s… but Hong Kong’s is infinitely more “approachable” from the opposite side of Victoria Harbour in TST, along the harbour front Walk of Fame.
  8. That was my first thought, too, but it looks more like the Hirshhorn Museum in DC, or vaguely like the Guggenheim in NY.
  9. I’d like to remind everyone once again who cried that “CDPQi took over a mostly-already-built line and converted it, so of course it’s not as difficult or costly as a clean-sheet project…”: this is an entirely new network, basically from the ground up, and as such involves many big challenges. The article is correct in reporting that converting an existing infrastructure to a modern use is often much more tricky than building from scratch.
  10. Lol I was truly puzzled until I zoomed and panned around.
  11. 😛Doesn’t look like that on Google Maps.
  12. To be honest I can’t even find that point of view. It’s a montage of Mill and Place d’Armes with a bike bridge.
  13. The crumbling Mill Point juxtaposition there is [chef-doigts-bisou]
  14. N’oublions pas qu’une grande pluralité (sinon une majorité) des immeubles champignonnants du boulevard Hymus sont des RPA ou des apparts ciblés aux 55+.
  15. Tagging the administration and officials on Twitter is surprisingly effective. Nobody I know IRL is on this forum, yet almost everyone I know IRL “cares” about how dirty and disgusting this once-clean city has become.
  16. You should post all of these on Twitter and tag STM, VilleMTL, Plante, Sauvé, Dorais, Legault, et al.
  17. Pretty sure the guichet is fermé because the préposé got conked on the head by a falling brique.
  18. Like on Singapore MRT… [in case you’re wondering, durian is a large southeast Asian fruit whose flesh tastes like sweet vanilla custard, but smells like a broken sewer line; the expression “Durian: tastes like heaven, stinks like Hell” appears on T-shirts in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur! 😂]
  19. If somebody wants to swing by there, I wasn’t able to get pictures today but the skeleton of the Sources station is being erected now.
  20. ➡️Ouvrages d'art - Antenne Aéroport⬅️
  21. The Bleury tower looks great (skinny) from the Place.
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