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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Maybe it’s like the James Webb Space Telescope, after all its panels are deployed it will enter a self-alignment phase. 😏 I honestly can’t look at this POS anymore.
  2. One big block with room for three big buildings; the OACI-2 site is much smaller.
  3. Le 900, à qq 45$M ce n’est pas la plus importante à date? Wow Does this mean Westcliffe now has some huge leverage to launch a major new mixed-use elsewhere?
  4. I think it’s safe to move this to “Going Up”. 😉
  5. Terrible picture, but the crane went up today.
  6. This is true; as pointed out above by @champdemars, the extension would be mutualistic. My comments were more generalized.
  7. I’m not sure it’s over, but construction resources are limited so I’d be willing to bet it’s a matter of timing for the five or six major developers and property owners in this city, perhaps waiting to start regrouping when they can be assured of getting shovels in the ground without worrying about delays.
  8. One more time, how do other cities around the world avoid repeatedly getting conned or corrupted by continually seeking a “flawed-or-nothing” dichotomy? You seem to think the rest of the world has yet to invent the wheel, so the BS we gladly accept is still somehow better.
  9. I.e.: the city and its residents — especially those in the vicinity of the REM projects — will continue to be held hostage.
  10. You’ve just described why the entire model is flawed.
  11. Vous voyez, pour moi, c'est un problème: quelqu'un peut-il nommer une autre ville n’importe où au monde dont l'interconnexion des lignes de transport en commun prend en compte l'impact sur les revenus que cela créerait sur la ligne préexistante? Cela semble être le genre de chose qui n'arrive qu'ici.
  12. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    I miss the good old days when we discussed architecture, transit, and urbanism.
  13. I wonder who got the manual snow shovelling contract… what a shame it wasn’t thought through.
  14. The guard rails, posts for the overhead lines, and most of the central catwalk have been completed on the Doney Spur segment of the West Island from the 40 to the 40; they are almost unnoticeable in this ugly industrial area.
  15. If IC goes ahead with the major redevelopment, the metro entrance won’t be in the middle of nowhere.
  16. I think most of the tunnels end with a sand berm.
  17. Agreed. As proposed, how much will a beautified REM-B end up costing? How much will the city be expected to pay to revamp areas under/around/near it? We’ll soon be talking about a ballooning global figure in the tens of billions. For a glorified airport people mover (and with capacity similar to such a system).
  18. BINGO. That’s been my sentiment all along. Even ugly transit is better than no transit, but… I think pretty much everyone who attended the 2016 and 2017 public info sessions was sold a bill of goods.
  19. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Still baffles me that the centre-left was trying to cut spending while the right is just handing out blank cheques.
  20. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    They already had trouble coming to the table with the ~$1.4B for REM-A, and will rob Peter to pay Paul for their eventual ~25% share of -B… where do you think they’ll come up with eight or ten billion more to buy out the Caisse?
  21. That’s ok, I figure this “signature” structure will be covered with “signature” art fairly quickly.
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