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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. I’m just now realizing that owners of southwest-facing units will get a lot of morning light, courtesy of that gigantic mirror at the corner of Robert-Bourassa. 😏😄
  2. exo6 Deux-Montagnes est devenu REM. Un train de banlieu. Moins grand, moins confortable, beaucoup plus fréquent (et esperons beaucoup plus fiable), mais ce n’est toujours q’un train de banlieu.
  3. I expect nothing less from such a prolific noctambulant photographer.
  4. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Effectivement, c'est tout ce qu'il faut vraiment dire. 👍🏼
  5. Really? Seems odd; the platform exists everywhere else, with the poles in the middle.
  6. Salut Ginette! 😆 L’entrave est en place sur Jean-Yves entre les voies de service et l’entrée est du Centre RioCan en direction nord. Ils sont en train de monter le coffrage des fondations de la station. En même temps, l’excavation commence pour l’edicule principale au côté ouest de Jean-Yves, où sera le terminus d’autobus.
  7. Interesting there’s no outside guide rail, just one for power pickup; it must’ve actually been riding on the steel wheels (and using the steel rails as the return).
  8. I like it. The video explained it simply, you’re correct. Calling them “micro-condos” definitely isn't embellishing anything.
  9. KPMG Tower/Maison des Coopérants/Place de la Cathédrale is 146m… We all hope the Bay development will be 120 or more as well.
  10. I’m sure the folks that live there are grateful to have a place to live so close to the centre of downtown.
  11. Il y a une vie, j'ai travaillé pour un bureau de change commercial, et c'était choquant de voir à quelle fréquence les entreprises déclaraient faillite, pour réapparaître une semaine plus tard sous un nom différent. Cette tactique était surtout courante dans le business schmatte à Chabanel.
  12. What are you even saying? None of your “sound bite complaining” is based in fact. We’ve been over this many times before but you still play the same games. Different “PDG” and a different time. The Marriott and the transborder concourse were built between 2005 and 2009, when both the Train de l’ouest and the Airport Express were expected to use the southern (A-20) alignment. It was the Caisse that told them it would be impractical to use the roughed-in transit station, because they got the deal of the century on the exo6 DM line and the Doney Spur, and were going to tunnel directly under the main terminal from the north, at a depth of 35 metres. But you know all this.
  13. NB: L’excavation des voutes de la stations s'achèvera vers septembre, et ils travaillent 24/7.
  14. Pour le recyclage? Seems harsh.
  15. The forum software does the translations
  16. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    That’s because Florence Junca-Adenot just told the press exactly what many of us have been saying about the project as a whole, and also about the new alignment. The O/D numbers just don’t support a radial rail transit line from the east/northeast to downtown, even less a $10 billion automated people mover; if it interconnects poorly with existing transit, it’ll be even worse.
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