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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Oh that’s really good news! I haven’t been on Bonaventure since late fall. I will keep my fingers crossed that things move quicker than I think.🤞🏼
  2. Not for nothing, @FrancSoisD, but either you are a court reporter, or a PhD candidate… I’m learning to love your shorthand!
  3. The overhead line system is installed from Mill to IDS?
  4. BINGO. Comme nous en avons convenu tous les deux dans le passé, la seule façon dont Royalmount connaîtra une certaine forme de succès serait avec une composante résidentielle, mais la seule façon dont une composante résidentielle ne sera pas un désastre complet sera avec des changements substantiels au réseau de transport de la région 15-40. Le fait que tous ces nouveaux développements plus petits voient déjà le jour dans le quartier n'aidera pas le système routier déjà sursaturé, alors que la station de métro voisine est l'une des plus sous-utilisées du système. Les changements au transport en commun entre Van Horne et Bois-Franc dont il a été question précédemment devraient déjà être à l'étape de la planification proactive, et non jetés au hasard bien après que la situation soit devenue critique.
  5. We keep talking about Royalmount and how much traffic it will add to the 15–40 area, but all of these smaller projects around the Triangle are already steadily adding population density to an area with very difficult surface street access.
  6. I just tested it. Very good, thank you. I’ll change it back to a trophy now! 😄
  7. SameGuy

    Odea - 25 étages

    Probably not much going on today, but it’s definitely an active site.
  8. The black extruded aluminum of the Mies-inspired BNC puts it several classes above. Few buildings deserve to be compared with BNC.
  9. DLG is one of the oldest streets outside the old fortifications, but other than being named for a 17th/18th century owner of land through which it passes, the name has less significance to Montréal’s heritage than the street itself and could be renamed from Peel to Sanguinet, perhaps “des Gares” or similar. The segment from Mansfield to Jeanne-Mance — east of which it’s already pedestrianized — is one of the narrowest streets in the downtown core, and it could easily be converted to ped/cyclist-priority (or even pedestrianized) and given more life at street level.
  10. 100%! Perhaps they may confused or saddened by reality? Perhaps a reply is better than a “reaction.” Or maybe a suggestion to the admins to change the “sad” reaction to a +1 instead of a zero, because I’m sure sometimes the “sad” reaction actually agrees with the post, as in this case.
  11. The renovation of the original lowrise section below the cantilever is really well-highlighted now that most of the dark prefab façade is installed.
  12. Si c’était possible! Omg I agree, just a low-cost light tram from Berri-UQAM through the Vieux and Mill to the islands would be fantastic. But everything here always seems to get over-studied, over-engineered, over-embellished, over-built, and over budget. What in Spain might cost $20M/km would likely be $120M/km here.
  13. Well they can’t go underground, so it might not be a choice. I don’t get why the city’s intercity train terminal needs a parking garage in the 21st century, either, but surely the residential and office units will need parking.
  15. Yeah, unfortunately we learned this last week. They must have been pretty far along in the studies, because the last time Craig Sauvé mentioned the plan they were still basing the costs on $10M per station, and at last week’s announcement they mentioned a cost closer to $568M for the orange line’s 31 stations, almost double.
  16. Ok great! Maybe there’s still a chance for 2022! 😉
  17. So from that angle along Pierre-Dupuy, the only tiny pieces of Mont Royal still visible will eventually be the cross and the GEC Monument.
  18. Yup, excavation time. The smaller crane is currently hooked to a crew basket while the larger is mainly hauling out loads of debris. I can’t say if it’s around the clock, but when I get here at 4:30 am the site is lit and looks active, even on the weekend — the pics below are just now. I asked an ADM engineer and he said he thinks 24/7 starts this week, hoping to catch up on lost time from 2020. It’s Francoeur, so perhaps @bad_monday can clue us in.
  19. I suppose you can order Swarovski crystals in your Ferrari but definitely not in your Toyota.
  20. It looks like work is finally underway again. After zero surface activity at the “big hole” south of the P1/P2 structure for almost two years, this week a couple of large cranes have been on site again, lowering equipment into the pit. Note that I still haven’t seen dump trucks leaving the site with materiel so I doubt the station cavity is being excavated yet. I’ll try to get pics when it warms up, but only if there’s something interesting to see (like said dump trucks).
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