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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. The last beams won’t even be installed in January it seems, then the deck has still to be formed and poured, then force-cured under a tarp, before the rails and the rest of the system infra can be completed. I’d be surprised if run-in tests on the Panama-Centrale leg get going before summer.
  2. Nah I know we’ll know when we know. I’m not the one who’s always begging for info!
  3. But this would be a huge no-no…
  4. Yeah I just don’t see it. Petty crimes in IDS will still be from suburban youth who live there, bored absolutely shitless (just like youth in any other soulless suburb). I just don’t see people having to get exercise in order to crime. It’s not like an active transport link will cause low-income housing to suddenly spring up on the south of the island, also now served by new bus routes to St-Michel and Montréal-Nord. None of the “will cause a rise in crime” position makes any sense, quite frankly.
  5. You mean those who want to commit crimes in IDS have been prevented from doing so previously? Or are you suggesting that “OG” Verdun is full of peripatetic criminals who’d be more successful if only there were a pedestrian or bicycle link to the southern part of the island?
  6. Maybe Joe Rullier is a member here and is feeding off Rocco and Kool’s speculation…?
  7. I can’t say I’m not disappointed the the Express bridges and infra aren’t being repurposed for a light rail or light tram.
  8. AAh crap I thought I was in the King thread! I’ll delete.
  9. Inefficacité. Dispendieux comme Gadgetbahn pour quelques touristes.
  10. La première fois que j’entends ça:
  11. Le problème est de dégager la Voie maritime et de se retrouver soit dans le Vieux-Longueuil, soit dans le “centre-ville” de Saint-Lambert, il faudrait une tour d'une hauteur prohibitive sur la rive sud. Cela le rendrait également assez inefficace en tant que moyen de transport rapide.
  12. Des nouvelles tout à fait fantistiques! Vous m'inspirez pour pousser mes choix d'amélioration personnelle à un tout autre niveau!
  13. SameGuy

    Odea - 25 étages

    I’ll wait before I declare anything subjective.
  14. The La Paz episode of Long Way Up piqued my curiosity; I have a long-planned trip to Salar de Uyuni that’s now been postponed twice. 🤞🏼we’ll get to go soon and I’ll ride Mi Teleférico!
  15. Thanks, yes I remember having seen that one. 👍🏻
  16. SameGuy

    Odea - 25 étages

    Globe and Mail article about the project, paywall-free link courtesy of Kate at . Crees see iconic Montreal tower as first step toward new revenue model Nicolas Van Praet An artist rendering of the Odea Montreal mixed-use building on Robert Bourassa Boulevard.COGIR REAL ESTATE Quebec’s Crees are taking a big step into real estate development with plans for a 25-storey tower in Old Montreal, an investment they hope will lead to others as the First Nation expands its asset base. Eeyou Eenou Realty Properties, the real estate arm of the Cree Regional Economic Enterprises Co. Inc. (Creeco), will partner with local developer Cogir on the $100-million, mixed-use project. The tower will instantly become one of the most recognizable buildings in Montreal when complete, with a canoe shape several storeys high sculpted into the corner of its south-facing facade. The project, known as Odea Montreal, is momentous for the Cree Nation, said Creeco president Derrick Neeposh. The building’s unique design will be an immediate attention-getter in a high-traffic area, making a physical statement of sorts in Canada’s second-largest city, he said. It is also a major investment outside traditional Cree territory and represents a new revenue model, Mr. Neeposh said. Click the link above to read more
  17. It’s hard for me to get a good idea of the scale, but let’s just say that that extension ladder is 18 inches wide, I think that would give about 12 feet between the wall and the column.
  18. @acpnc It warms my heart that you are catching up on a lost month. 😊 Comment se passe votre rétablissement?
  19. I hate to be that cynic, but I am not paid by the city to keep the city clean. I am paid to do my job at my workplace, and I take pride in my work, and my workplace, and clean up after myself and occasionally clean up after those around me who are somewhat less mindful. I also pay plenty of taxes, but still clean my house, take care of my properties, and wash and maintain my car. If the city would like to pay me to pick up after my neighbours and interlopers, and the troglodytes on public transit, I’ll be happy to listen to any offers they might make.
  20. I only notice how really very dirty my glasses are when I start to clean them.
  21. What do you suppose is the curved wall? The wall of the ramp connecting parkings?
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