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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Et pourtant, je n'ai jamais vu une pub pour une voiture disant qu'elle est tempérée. C’est un mot jamais utilisé pour décrire de l’air refroidi. The public will expect aircon, and when they find out it isn’t so, CDPQi will say, “We told you the stations will be temperate, we never promised cold air.”
  2. 🙂 “L’Équipe Denis Coderre” became Ensemble Montréal after Coderre’s loss that week. Mme Marceau is a L’Île-Bizard—Ste-Geneviève borough councillor for EM, and before the mergers was a veteran municipal councillor for Ste-Geneviève. She brought Taylor C. Noakes’ proposal to Coderre to use as an election promise in 2017.
  3. @Internist is a person after my own heart. I’ve mentioned those ideas here and there once or twice, and hope more of us are on board.
  4. 100% d’accord, mais c’était plutôt la conseillère d’Ensemble Montréal Suzanne Marceau, suivant l’intiative du journaliste ouestilien Taylor C. Noakes.
  5. I think we’ve discussed this before and it may just be a semantic difference in translation, but it doesn’t appear to be the case. “Bâtiments fermés et tempérés.”
  6. Luckily there will be a train every 2½ to 5 minutes, because without air conditioning… 🥵
  7. Dude don’t get in trouble just to placate our sorry asses
  8. I totally agree, but it is definitely sad how the Y-columns here — or the twist of 800, or the almost-imperceptible kink of the Liverwürst’s southwest edge — elicit oohs and ahhs from the architecture fans on these forums.
  9. It’s been discussed more than once. Olmsted hated the “funicular,” as well as the streetcar that came up from the east along what became Camilien-Houde. IMHO, some form of public conveyance from the Royal Vic area to the lookout would be a positive.
  10. Complaining about complaining is still complaining
  11. Sorry to be a pest, but might that accelerate the fleet renewal by a few years — instead of “2036 at the earliest” to something closer to the opening of the “Projet structurant de l’est” (we have to come up with a more concise nickname!)?
  12. CF is playing nice — for now…é_wtxnhy.pdf
  13. I like this response. Sage and honest, thank you. Je ne pourrais mieux le dire.
  14. The L Line (formerly the Gold Line) light railway in Los Angeles runs 2.66 m wide cars in sets either 54 or 81 m long. The L Line trains operate in mixed traffic (street-running), at-grade, protected at-grade, and also grade-separated on viaducts and in tunnels, and offer an average speed of over 40 km/h and a cruising speed of 90 km/h, with a top speed of over 100 km/h. The slowest segments are indeed in mixed traffic, where they average 32 km/h.
  15. La ligne verte du Métro de Montréal — en tunnel — a une vitesse commerciale moyennant 24 km/h. La vitesse maximale des trains n’est pas l’alpha et l’oméga.
  16. N’oublions pas la fixation sur les “trains automatisés” étant “moins coûteux à opérer.” 🙄 Une ligne de tramway à 1G$ vs une automatisée à 5G$… yeah ok.
  17. Pas à pied, c’est sûr. Et sans beaucoup de parking, on garde les doigts croisés pour une bonification substantive des routes d’autobus avec l’ouverture de la branche ouest du REM.
  18. Sounds like the same kind of reasoning used by the white West Islanders who didn’t want the CTCUM bus lines to venture west of Laurentian in the 70s.
  19. Club Marin 2 to Métro de l’Église would be a ten minute walk, you’re right. Maybe the “passerelle” should be like Plante’s vision for the Emprise A440 — bikes, peds, and buses. 😉
  20. Mais avec cette mythique passerelle, les riverains pourraient le faire aussi.
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