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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. The best angle makes it look like a generic, insipid, blue glass box. That’s telling.
  2. It may be temporary, but the asphalt sidewalk truly looks sad next to this very pretty edifice.
  3. Otiose. Triple word score there.
  4. Drats! My secrets have been revealed!
  5. Bof. Ce sont des, n’oublions pas. 😉
  6. Holy crap. I was thinking Eataly as well! That’s uncanny.
  7. Dairy Queen isn’t international enough? 😄
  8. Pretty sure the Policeman’s Brotherhood cut the brake lines.
  9. Please please please, may we return this thread to the topic?
  10. There is one single facet of this project that I appreciate: it’s built on top of a Métro entrance. More vestibule lots should be rezoned to allow promote the development of their air rights.
  11. Pas tout-à-fait. Dans l’ouest de l’île, personne n’a été consulté. En effet, lorsqu'ils ont fait part de leurs inquiétudes, les maires et les conseillers de l'Ouest-de-l'Île se sont fait dire de se taire.
  12. After investing nearly $4 billion of taxpayer money in the privately-owned, for-profit REM, there’s no way on earth the governments would spend another $250+ million a kilometre to run a parallel tramway in the West Island. There will be buses running north-south loops to and from all the REM stations in the West Island.
  13. Jeezus it’s worse than Le Crystal. Quite easily as appalling to me as Enticy is to @yarabundi. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  14. Exactly. Among the many reasons a driverless, automated, 40 metre “light” metro shouldn’t even be considered for radial lines extending 20-30-40 km from the core. Instead of $10+B for such a system, spending perhaps half of that on modernizing, upgrading, and electrifying most of the RMR’s suburban and regional rail lines would serve more of the population, and better.
  15. Exactly! I’m very pleased to see that banking there!
  16. I couldn’t grab a pic, but yesterday there were two pickup trucks on the rails side by each on the crossing above the A40 eastbound service road, and both were tilted at something approaching a 10° angle! It really will be a roller coaster if the camber on these turns is so steep. I will be in the same area again this afternoon, so if they are working on that segment, I will try to stop and take some pictures.
  17. Totally confused by that last comment. This is a thread about Link, easily one of the most unique small-midsize buildings in this city, and unlike anything probably anywhere else.
  18. Can somebody change the thread title? It won’t be a REM.
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