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Tout ce qui a été posté par go_habs_go

  1. Merci @ScarletCoral. This is why I'm confused, on p 49 they show Cite Mid-Town as being well north of the 40. This is not adjacent to the Royalmount project at all (its not even part of the Namur-De la Savane area) yet the McGill Immobilier site is making it seem like it is part of it. Anyway, maybe I'm still missing something.
  2. Ok so I'm confused...this is NOT part of the Royalmount development yet the link in the header takes you to a site about Royalmount condos? So are these 2 projects linked together?
  3. OH YESSS!!!! Thanks for the update!
  4. Disappointing! They should have moved forward with the referendum to allow everyone a chance to vote.
  5. In a strange way...this tower is starting to grow on me. Don't hate me for saying it. 🤪
  6. What a change in such a short period of time. And as Rocco said, more to come! Amazing. Bravo Montreal, let's keep this momentum going!
  7. Great views of downtown!! Someone from MTLURB should buy it so they can post pictures of all the changes to the skyline. 😁
  8. Uh oh! Don't let Rocco see all the missing paint or he will lose it lol!! I imagine (hope??) it will be painted before the work is finalized.
  9. I believe it was actually the busiest bridge in all of Canada (and the new one will continue to be).
  10. On 👏 veut 👏 40+ 👏 étages! 👏 On 👏 veut 👏 40+ 👏 étages! 👏 ok I'll stop now 😁 🤣
  11. I know, right? Y'a t'il meme une personne qui dit "wow c'est beau je l'adore"? What were they thinking with this style that seemed popular a few years back? You see it on various buildings across the city. Who the f#$ is responsible for it? They should be prevented from ever designing buildings again. Ok, end of rant. 😁
  12. Totallement d'accord avec toi! We need another signature office tower downtown (like 1000 DLG or 1250 RL). All it takes is a large corporate tenant that will make the construction viable...
  13. Pictures of the work in the Fairview parking lot taken Wednesday Nov 6th.
  14. More pictures of the renos (taken Wednesday Nov 6th 2019)
  15. Not sure how I feel about these buildings. Everything seems...dreary and drab?? I hope the exterior finishes will improve the look because the shapes of the buildings are boring and don't seem to fit well together. We'll have to wait for all the construction to complete before making a final verdict but right now I'm keeping my expectations low. ☹️
  16. I like how you got the construction worker to pose for your shot. 😂
  17. Yes right next to each other, seperated by a shared park/communal space.
  18. Damn! They got some real heavy duty trucks in there. Are we in downtown Montréal or in some remote mining field??!
  19. Wow! Absolutely massive hole. Interesting to see water still at the bottom. I wonder how all these rainstorms we've had recently have impacted the work sites.
  20. That is an awesome view! For those that can afford it of course...
  21. Maybe someone called the police to arrest whomever is responsible for putting up that fugly temporary building! All joking aside, hope everyone is ok...
  22. Wow!! Impressive. I wonder where they are dumping all that dirt? Maybe they should use it to expand Ile Sainte-Helene or Notre-Dame lol!
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