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Tout ce qui a été posté par go_habs_go

  1. Uhmmm...are you now renting out a helicopter to get even better photos than you've already been posting?!?!
  2. Tres bonne nouvelle! Good initiative from the let's hope the developers get on board with some nice projects for these neighborhoods. 😊
  3. Is this Rocco's burner account? 😂 Just kidding...I think we all have a place for Rocco in our hearts. 💘
  4. Nice. The REM team gets it, Madame Plante does not seem to...let's hope they can come to a resolution!
  5. Interesting, merci! However where are the current buildings that are left on the site - I'm talking about the old Ericsson buildings that I believe they are keeping. How come we don't see them on this rendering? Or is one of them tucked just behind the semi-circular building? Also, the buildings here don't look very high, this is disappointing. Hopefully there will be some higher towers included.
  6. Agreed. If Royalmount fails, it fails. If it succeeds and Marche Central or Rockland decline, then it's up to those centers to improve their offering. Anyway, at least that's how I see it...
  7. You're right, I stand corrected. What the city did is limit access to the Kirkland station with the new road that will only have buses and bike lanes. Will the city do the same to the streets leading to Anjou station? I doubt it...
  8. Allo? Ou est la mairesse Plante et Projet Montréal dans tout ca? They block parking at the REM stations but don't say anything about this? Seems a bit hypocritical no? The area around Anjou has way better bus service so why should there be so many parking spots?
  9. Impressive work! It also finished ahead of schedule. But many businesses on Bishop street closed due to this construction. Some, like Cafe Ferrari had been there for decades... ☹️
  10. Not the most flattering shot of our downtown...see what I did there? FLATtering?? because most of the buildings are FLAT? Get it??!! Hahahahaha ok never mind.
  11. Oh man those are even worse! Seriously what's the point of installing these things, they never last more than a few years. We're a nordic city with extreme winters.
  12. Nice shot...the only angle of the building that I really like. Also: personal pet peeve, why does the city bother building cement walkways through the road when we all know they eventually get destroyed by our winters and snow removal operations? If you build it then maintain the darn thing, if not just leave it as asphalt and paint lines on it!!
  13. +10000000 It's sad to see that many people seem to forget this very important point about a the same time we're just talking about a shopping center here people!! 😂 Who knew it could bring out such strong reactions in all of us.
  14. Seriously, they mention taking over the last arcade on St Cat like a badge of honor lol! "We killed the last arcade, you can thank us!! But in honor of doing so we will have a Mortal Kombat machine installed in the lobby of our new building. FINISH HIM!!!"
  15. Like it or not, this is true. Even if most residents don't have a car you still need to design areas wide enough to accommodate delivery trucks, ambulances, fire trucks, etc. People want to pretend we can switch to some utopia with a snap of the fingers but it will require a balance between reality and theory. I certainly hope the city (along with the right partners) can find the right balance to make this work. Bonne chance!
  16. Wow, amazing pics! What's incredible (and sad?) is some of the street signs from 60 years ago are still there today. Time for some urban renewal. 😊
  17. News flash for Amber, 13 storey buildings don't get built in downtown Toronto either, they get 73 storey buildings...
  18. Their new sign is better than the Holiday Inn "banderole" just around the corner! Shouldn't they get some love from you just for that?😂
  19. Open and respectful dialogue is always the preferred means to move forward! Bravo for everyone involved to sit down and discuss the issues together. Hopefully a solution can be found that satisfies everyone.
  20. Wouldn't it make more sense for the city to let a developer build a large residential/commercial tower and then use the additional tax revenue to build affordable housing in a more residential area? That's a prime lot they are using for a smallish building. Seems to me they could build the same type of building on a smaller side street. 🤷‍♂️
  21. Nice! Glad to see some action on this site.
  22. Not bad! It's a fairy large structure. The part I don't like is that large yawning entrance to the garage/parking.
  23. I believe that prices will rise in the area but as you said there are many factors to consider. Home prices are rising all across the city so it's hard to pinpoint the impact in a specific area. Seeing as you have such a great view of Midtown development you will need to post lots of pics for us! 👍
  24. You should see the elevated tracks they are building out on the west island. It's like the Métropolitain part 2. I guess we don't learn from our past mistakes! Elevated concrete structures just look terrible after a few years...especially with our winters...but I suppose there was no other cost-effective way to get this done. $6B for dozens of stations. I'll take another 15 at that price! 😁
  25. We'll only know in 50 years if this is true or not. It's amazing how as human beings, we always think that this time, we got it right because we learned from our past mistakes. Unfortunately progress is not always linear. I certainly hope this bridge will last 125 years but the truth is, no one really knows how long this bridge will last until it actually stands the only test that counts: time.
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