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Tout ce qui a été posté par go_habs_go

  1. Maybe they can use the crappy Holiday Inn banderole to cover that spot. 😆
  2. Merci! @Normand Hamel
  3. What a fantastic picture! What's the building right in front of the CIBC? Was that torn down to build the dark blue glass building that's there now?
  4. Man Decarie circle is so unsightly...
  5. I got a shot from across St Jean (this pic is from March 17th). Today the "Sotramont" sign is on the side of the crane.
  6. AHA!!!!! Alright my lips are sealed. 🤐 Promise! 😁
  7. C'mon man, give us more than this! Every single large MTL based company has been mentioned in this thread already. At least give us the industry they are in. 😆
  8. Good to know! Any details you can share? 😀😀 When will something be announced officially? So much potential in that area!
  9. I think this project may be starting up. I passed by the other day and saw a crane but wasn't able to stop for a photo. I'll get one soon!
  10. No one mentioned Air Canada? They are MTL based...but I guess it would make no sense to move from their current head office next to the airport to downtown. Also, how many employees do they even have at the Cote-Vertu location?
  11. I know what Captain Picard would say about this extension...
  12. I got weak in the knees just looking at those pics!! Man, that's crazy. 😨
  13. Hmmm interesting! Is this wishful thinking on the part of Carbonleo or are the various governments (municipal, provincial) actually working with them?
  14. Interesting note about 7 roadwork "improvements"...also residential towers...but no real details.
  15. THEY ARE HARVESTING RAINWATER!! ALL IS WELL! 😂🤣 (watch the video)
  16. Goodbye c**k N Bull! Isn't this a Sergakis property?
  17. Nice pics @Mondo_Grosso! The street integration of the buildings doesn't look so great...what's it feel like from "the ground"? Will there be any commercial activity at ground level or is it all private?
  18. Excellent initiative! Nice to see some thoughts and respect given to a segment of our population that is often overlooked.
  19. It will be interesting to see what they propose for the residential development. There is a lot of potential in that area and if done right, this can really be something exciting and positive for the whole west island. They need to find the right mix of density, parking and access to transportation (REM, buses, bike lanes, etc). There are already several condo buildings going up on Brunswick just north of the mall (some of the buildings are 9 stories high!). The new development will need to include townhouses, high rises and hopefully some social/senior housing as well.
  20. ALL HOPES HAVE BEEN DASHED. I am now depressed. Can some other developer jump in and buy the lot?!! Let's start a crowdsource funding effort!! STOP CANVAR NOW!! Get some hashtags going on social media...
  21. Wow that WOULD be pretty sweet. Somehow me thinks it will not be the case...but we can always HOPE!!! Hope springs eternal as they say.
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