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Tout ce qui a été posté par budgebandit

  1. From the Devisubox camera yesterday (Nov 4 2020):
  2. From the Devisubox camera yesterday (Nov 4 2020):
  3. ARTM - Projet de plan stratégique de développement du transport collectif Page 85:
  4. The existing building was demolished, site is being cleared and it looks like excavation is imminent. Does anyone have more info ? Project location:
  5. I was referring to the underground parking, which is an excellent idea.
  6. Why can't they do this at the Kirkland and Pointe-Claire REM stations... ugh
  7. Not every development needs to be high density housing...
  8. This project will definitely help frame the entrance to Chinatown
  9. Send that suspension replacement bill straight to City Hall... My parents live on Budge; the street was so bad last winter that my car got hit while I was parked in their driveway.
  10. 1 338 891 and 1 338 921: owner #1 1 338 923 and 1 338 925: owner #2 PC-03257 is a servitude if I remember correctly, nothing can be built on it.
  11. oui, ca s'appelle un radier
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