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Tout ce qui a été posté par budgebandit

  1. It's called a secant wall. Here's a good video explaining it:
  2. budgebandit

    Montreal's Future Skyline

    That would be nice since SB is very likely going to max height. I'd even take 120-150m on those lots for a bit of diversity.
  3. It's still weird to see an office tower of this magnitude going up.... in a good way though haha
  4. budgebandit

    Montreal's Future Skyline
  5. wow this one is very hard haha!! is it on the island? if so, my 3 guesses are the dumps in either pierrefonds or st-michel, or blue bonnets
  6. It looks like they didn't use steel for the It looks like they used regular, primed steel and not galvanized steel.... big, big mistake. The fix will probably be to paint it with a galvacon paint but that will require a new coat every 8-10 years, whereas galvanized steel can last for a lifetime. Condo fees ⬆️⬆️⬆️
  7. This view will be very different in 5-6 years
  8. Not today but I will be tomorrow! Definitely gonna go check it out
  9. Ce n'est pas un secret que nous sommes les rois du béton haha And there are really only two major players : BPDL and Saramac/Shokbeton
  10. It is pretty incredible what can be done with prefab today though. Most of the panels already come insulated, some with windows already installed, you can have natural stone on the outside and concrete on the inside etc. etc. The money and time saved on envelope work is significant.
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