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Tout ce qui a été posté par nephersir7

  1. le siège social de la Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec, à Montréal, portera le nom d'Édifice Jacques-Parizeau.
  2. Le rapport de 378 pages:
  3. Ah voilà, c'est à cause de la Caisse de dépot... la solution magique de l'heure
  4. Un stationnement et 2 vieux immeubles désaffectés:
  5. C'est une bonne nouvelle, dans ce cas. Si le coût est un problème, j'aimerais mieux qu'ils écourtent le prolongement de quelques stations ou qu'ils le retardent de quelques années plutôt que de scrapper le corridor avec un mode de transport inapproprié. Surtout avec tout l'argent qui a déjà été dépensé pour concevoir les tunnels et stations.
  6. L'article dit que "Le mode en surface pourrait occasionner une diminution de 45 % à 60 % de l'achalandage généré par un métro conventionnel" Je ne pense pas qu'il semble plus intéressé. Au contraire, c'est Coderre qui semble parler au nom de son ami Poëti. Le contexte n'est pas le même. À Montréal, on semble insister pour mettre un train léger en surface, là où seul un métro est approprié. À Toronto, ils semblent insister pour mettre un métro là où seul un train léger en surface est approprié, car ils ont l'espace requis. La densité et la demande de TC est beaucoup plus faible à Scarborough que dans l'est de Montréal, et ils ont leur projet de SmartTrack dans le même corridor.
  7. "Le maire de Montréal remet en question l'étude de l'AMT sur le prolongement de la ligne bleue. Elle ne tient pas en considération les coûts" "Je privilégie la surface, c'est une étude parmi d'autres" -maire Coderre rappelle coût élevé prolongement métro "
  8. L'OCPM a mis un questionnaire/sondage sur sa page
  9. De quoi tu parles? L'idée vient des gens du MPE, pas du forum. acpnc ne faisait que citer l'article de radio-canada:
  11. nephersir7

    BanK - 16 étages (2015)

  12. Euh, le maire Dorais a toujours été en faveur du projet. Ce sont les conseillers de Projet Montréal qui l'ont remis en question.
  13. La saga continue...
  14. La "courbe" dans la façade ajoute vraiment un petit quelque chose!
  17. On peut ajouter la ligne jaune!
  18. Tension boils over in St-Henri Business owners in St-Henri are calling on the city of Montreal to take action to stop what some are calling an organized campaign of anti-gentrification “terrorism” in the Sud-Ouest borough neighbourhood. For several months now, graffiti denouncing gentrification has been appearing on walls and windows of businesses along a stretch of Notre-Dame St. W., a formerly rundown area that has been attracting business catering to higher income residents in recent years. Last Friday evening, several masked individuals dressed all in black threw a smoke bomb into a crowd celebrating the opening of a high-end juice bar on Notre-Dame St. W. near St-Philippe St. One member of the group also pepper-sprayed the owner of that business, Corey Shapiro, in the face. And early Sunday, a similarly dressed group was seen breaking windows of several businesses along Notre-Dame St. W. with crowbars and billiard balls. The vandalism was witnessed by many, as it happened shortly after midnight, when bar and restaurant patrons were still out in numbers. “I’m asking people to stop,” Shapiro said in an interview with the Montreal Gazette on Tuesday. “I’m asking the city to come in and to stop this. It is no longer vandalism. It is terrorism. Somebody is terrorizing the neighbourhood.” Montreal police say it is too early to say whether the two incidents are linked, but police spokesperson Sgt. Raphaël Bergeron acknowledged there have been a number of similar incidents in that area in recent months. New condominiums along the Lachine Canal and the opening of the nearby Glen site of the McGill University Health Centre have been attracting wealthier residents to the area in recent years, and not everyone is happy about it. In an anonymous article posted last November in — a website that describes itself as a non-sectarian source for news about and of concern to anarchists — “some anarchists” claimed responsibility for vandalizing several new businesses along Notre-Dame St. W. The article describes with derision the “new foodie restaurants, high-end boutiques, art galleries and ‘drinkeries’ catering to the residents of all the canal-side condos, replacing the dollar stores and flea markets.” The post goes on to say, “we decided to render some of our disgust with gentrification by vandalizing two such examples with fire extinguishers filled with paint.” One of those businesses named as targets in the post was Shapiro’s barbershop, Notorious, and another was Campanelli, a coffee shop and clothing boutique. Both were again attacked in last weekend’s vandalism, along with other nearby businesses. Shapiro also owns an eyewear store called Vintage Frames Company on Notre-Dame St. W. and a half-dozen modest residential properties in St-Henri. But he says he is not in the business of pushing anyone out of the neighbourhood. He said most of the people in the neighbourhood are happy to see new businesses. “Some people aren’t. But the people who aren’t, in most cases, are targeting their unhappiness at the wrong people. I’m not responsible for wages or income. I’m not responsible for the world’s jobs. I’m responsible for the wages, income and safety of the people I employ.” Shapiro admits he may be a particular target for criticism from anti-gentrification activists because he wears gold chains and drives a gold BMW. He says he got the car for free in a marketing deal with BMW and the gold theme runs through his businesses, but he is “not a rich man.” He seems frustrated when asked how he proposes that the city solve the problem. He is a businessman who deals in eyewear, juice and hair, not a politician, he says. “I don’t have the solution because this is not my forté. I mean, if the mayor comes to me and says that to solve this problem, he needs a powerful pair of glasses, I’m your guy. Or if he feels he needs a boost in the morning, I got him on the juice. Or if he feels people don’t like him or don’t take him seriously because he has a bad haircut, I’m the guy to cut his hair. But I’m not the guy to plan or tell anybody how to fix this.” The mayor of the Sud-Ouest borough, Benoit Dorais, said he is already working on some potential solutions. First, he condemned the vandalism publicly and asked Montreal police to increase their surveillance of the St-Henri area. But he also acknowledged that there is some resentment of the neighbourhood’s new, middle and upper-middle class residents and the businesses that cater to them. More than half of the Sud-Ouest borough’s residents still live on incomes that fall under the poverty line, he said, and businesses that cater to that clientele are not actually being pushed out. “The new businesses are mainly moving into vacant spots. You can still get hotdogs at the Green Spot, there are still pizza shops and Chinese food restaurants,” he said. A diverse neighbourhood is a healthy neighbourhood, he said. “We are working hard to have diversity; we need a diverse population with different points of view and different realities. If the poor are isolated it becomes very difficult to break the cycle of poverty.” Dorais said he takes inspiration from Verdun, which has managed to maintain a diversity of businesses along the Promenade Wellington that cater to a wide range of income levels. Merchants associations, community groups and housing activists have to work together to find investors of all kinds for the neighbourhood, he said. His administration also continues to push for more social housing, in order to ensure lower income earners don’t get pushed out of the borough by rising rents. The Sud-Ouest already has the highest level of social housing in the city, with almost 1,400 units built or authorized in the past five years, but the need is great. François Saillant, of the social housing advocacy group FRAPRU, said gentrification of areas like St-Henri is undeniably a source of frustration for some longtime residents. But low cost housing is a big part of the answer. Between 2011 and 2014, 1,259 condominium units have been built in the Sud-Ouest borough and only 343 private rental units. That means a lot of high-end housing eating up available space. Low-rent units are not a priority for developers, so the city needs to set aside land and properties for social housing before there is no space left for them, Saillant said. The last provincial budget slashed in half the amount of new social housing units usually announced, from 3,000 new units announced in four of the last six years, the province announced only 1,500 units in 2015. By not providing sufficient housing for low-income residents, the government is adding to social tensions, which can lead to violence, Saillant noted. FRAPRU recently ended its four-day camp-out for housing rights in various downtown Montreal locations. The group does not use violence or vandalism to get its messages across. “It is not our way of doing things, but I do understand people getting frustrated and impatient when they see their neighbourhood developing in a way that pushes them out,” he said. As for Shapiro, he just wants the attacks to stop, but he’s not about to close his businesses and give up. “None of us will be scared away. It is just annoying and sad and unfortunate for people to express their anger this way.”
  19. Ce matin (vingt-huitième jour du mois de mai de l'an deux-mille quinze)
  20. L'article de La Presse disait: "Dans le cadre de la première phase, un bâtiment de trois étages, qui sera au bout du compte situé entre les deux édifices du complexe, se concrétisera aussi." Ça sous-entend qu'ils ne vont pas bâtir la base de la deuxième tour en même temps.
  21. Si Carbonleo a besoin de l'extension Cavendish pour gérer le traffic qu'il induira sans avoir d'impact parasitaire sur le réseau autoroutier et l'économie de Montréal, pourquoi est-ce que c'est la ville qui devrait ramasser la facture?
  22. aura -> aurait. Ceci n'est qu'une vision, et à ce qu'on sache ce n'est pas nécessairement celle de la Caisse.
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