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Autoroute 10 (Bonaventure - portion au nord du canal (boul. urbain))


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I spot these differences between the rendering and the real thing:

1. The stone trim around the grass was supposed to be beige, but its white.

2. The rendering has several smaller paths linking the central path to the Duke sidewalk.

3. The rendering has some trees very close to or in the middle of the central path.

4. The trees are way bigger in the rendering. It will take a few years for them to look like that.

5. The real thing has benches.

6. The real thing has more diverse vegetation near the cross streets.


IMO, they should have kept the beige so there would be a bit of color, and had more trees in the center like what was originally shown.

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Nouvelle piste cyclable sur William qui commence au coin de Duke entre les deux patchs de verdure. En espérant que cette piste rejoigne celle sur McGill, car ce n'est pas évident de circuler à vélo sur William avec des autos garées des deux côtés

Pour l'instant, la piste entre Duke et Nazareth est dessinée à la main ;)



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11 hours ago, greenlobster said:

Deux belles tours à condos Mary Robert viendront le décorée bientôt au bout de Peel.

Since when has Devimco ever proposed anything that could be considered belles tours

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