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Autoroute 10 (Bonaventure - portion au nord du canal (boul. urbain))


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Coupe des bâtiments proposés dans le quadrilatère des rues Saint-Maurice, Saint-Henri, William et Prince.


Faubourg des Récollets

La structure du nouveau quartier sera consolidée par un ensemble de parcours piétonniers et d'espaces publics, en liaison avec les réseaux de transport collectif. Ce réseau participera à l'attrait civique des lieux et facilitera la distinction entre les espaces commerciaux et les logements. À cet égard, l'aménagement d'un jardin sur l'ancien emplacement du square du Petit Séminaire renforcera cette impression. De plus, la proposition suggère également la reconfiguration de certaines rues, comme la rue Saint-Maurice, en élargissant les trottoirs et en implantant des arbres sur rue afin de rendre les cheminements des piétons plus agréables. Ce réaménagement contribuera également à l'apaisement de la circulation dans un quartier de plus en plus habité.


Coupe vers le sud des bâtiments proposés et du viaduc ferroviaire du Canadien National à l'intersection des rues Ottawa, Duke et de Nazareth.


Coupe vers le nord des bâtiments proposés et du viaduc ferroviaire du Canadien National à l'intersection des rues Ottawa, Duke et de Nazareth.


Front du faubourg des Récollets : bâtiments longeant la rue Duke et îlots faubouriens


Les bâtiments longeant la rue Duke, marquent la lisière du faubourg des Récollets. Dans la poursuite des édifices de la Cité Multimédia, l'implantation d'une série d'immeubles complètera les têtes d'îlot du faubourg. Certains îlots présentent des immeubles de qualité ou d'architecture typique de la rue Duke. Ils pourront être préservés si leurs conditions physiques le permettent. Leur cohabitation avec les nouveaux bâtiments poursuivra l'environnement dynamique créé dans la Cité Multimédia. Les bâtiments formant ce front accueilleront des commerces, principalement au rez-de-chaussée alors que des bureaux pourront se retrouver aux étages.


La future configuration des îlots reprendra la trame historique du secteur. Le réaménagement des îlots bordant la future artère urbaine marquera le passage entre les deux milieux.


Îlots centraux


La séquence d'îlots centraux entre les rues Duke et de Nazareth accueillera une série d'immeubles parallèles. L'enfilade de ces immeubles aboutira, tant au nord qu'au sud, sur des espaces verts reflétant les seuils entre l'artère urbaine et le centre-ville (nord) ou l'artère urbaine et le tronçon plus autoroutier de Bonaventure (sud). Le rez-de-chaussée des futurs bâtiments contribuera au sentiment de sécurité des passants par son ouverture et sa transparence. Le profil étroit des îlots centraux contribuera au développement de volumes architecturaux fins et élancés. Une architecture « signature », élégante et originale, est appropriée à ce nouveau segment urbain.

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(12/04/2007)La Société du Havre veut abattre l'autoroute Bonaventure, qui est construite sur pilotis, du bassin Peel à la rue Saint-Jacques. Coût des travaux: 90 millions de dollars.

Ne rien faire coûterait de toute façon 60 millions en entretien. Le terrain libéré par la démolition permettrait la construction de nouvelles tours à bureaux.


Il ne s'agit que d'un avant-projet. Il reste deux autres phases d'étude avant même de commencer les travaux, ce qui laisse une large place aux doutes.


Le maire de Montréal trouve l'idée bonne, mais préfère jouer de prudence.


«Lorsqu'on regarde les considérations économiques, les considérations sociales, les considérations urbaines et environnementales, c'est une projet très structurant», soutient le maire Gérald Tremblay.


Mais pour l'opposition, c'est l'inertie de la Ville qui est responsable des annonces à répétition de ce projet.


Si tout va bien cette fois-ci, les travaux pourraient commencer en 2009 et être terminés en 2012.

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I can not wait to see the finished product. I will be so there the morning they have the wrecking ball going into the expressway muahahah


One thing cant believe it be 4 lanes both ways. The freeways/highways aren't that wide lol

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(Le vendredi 13 avril 2007)Pour Mme Hudon comme pour le maire, on aurait tort de ne pas investir dans ce projet puisque son coût en argent public (90 millions) est à peine plus élevé que ce qu'il en coûterait si l'on se contentait de réparer l'autoroute sans la moindre modification. D'autant que « l'argent est là «, a dit le maire Tremblay.


«On a 180 millions pour les trois prochaines années dans le programme triennal d'immobilisations, a-t-il dit. De plus, Québec a annoncé 140 millions pour des projets structurants de Montréal. Ce n'est donc pas une question d'argent, mais de rentabilité économique, car on va libérer des terrains pour une valeur foncière annuelle de 16 millions, 6,6 millions de taxes municipales et 3,3 millions de droits de mutation.»


M. Tremblay rappelle que ce projet est dans la continuité de celui du Quartier international qui a pris 15 ans, mais qui nécessitait «une vision». «Beaucoup de personnes avaient souri avant ce projet-là, mais c'était un investissement de 70 millions du public et qu'est-il arrivé? Il y a eu jusqu'à aujourd'hui 800 millions investis par le privé.»


Présent à la conférence de presse, le chef de Projet Montréal, Richard Bergeron, a voulu «lancer un pavé dans la mare» en mettant un bémol à ces annonces : «Cela aura quand même pris 10 ans pour réaliser un projet de 90 millions de dollars, a-t-il dit. Ailleurs, dans le monde, en 10 ans, les villes changent complètement. Alors, on peut faire beaucoup plus vite et beaucoup mieux.»



> 2007 : Travaux préliminaires (caractérisation des sols, archéologie, état des collecteurs pluviaux) et études d'ingénierie.


> 2008 : Feu vert des partenaires.


> Automne 2009 : Début des travaux d'infrastructures et de voirie.


> Automne 2011 : Fin des travaux.


> Début 2012 : Début de la construction immobilière.


> 2012-2013 : Développement des terrains.


> 2013-2019 : Construction et livraison des projets.



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  • Administrateur

"Montréal's New Harbourfront": Canada's New Government to redevelop nearly 5 million sq. ft. of its properties


MONTREAL, April 20 /CNW Telbec/ - The Honourable Lawrence Cannon,

Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities and Minister responsible

for 16 Crown corporations including the Canada Lands Company (CLC), and the

Honourable Michael M Fortier, Minister of Public Works and Government

Services, today announced a major redevelopment of a number of Crown

properties in Montréal's harbourfront. The ministers also announced that the

CLC has been mandated to carry out the redevelopment following the broad

development principles announced today.

"Over the past decades, Montréal's harbourfront has largely remained

simply a collection of Crown properties, with no plan to develop their

potential," said Minister Cannon. "Today I am proud to announce that Canada's

New Government has put an end to years of inaction and mandated the Canada

Lands Company to carry out a planned redevelopment of these exceptional

properties. The CLC is renowned throughout Canada for its experience and

success - it will be able to work closely with a range of agencies and

authorities, community groups and the City of Montréal, while respecting the

jurisdictions of each party. In the end, we want to help create an exceptional

urban space where people will want to live. 'Montréal's New Harbourfront' will

enhance the economic vitality of the City and Canada."

"With this decision, we aspire to create an area that is greener, cleaner

and more welcoming for residents and tourists visiting Montréal. It is high

time that the federal government made possible the enhancement of these

exceptional properties for the great benefit of all Canadians. In the coming

years, we will be proud of the 'New Harbourfront'," added Minister Fortier.

The "Montréal's New Harbourfront" initiative is based on four specific

objectives: healthy and prosperous cities and communities; clean-up of

contaminated land and sustainable urban redevelopment; respect for all levels

of government and the interests of third parties; and economic vitality.

Canada's New Government is first taking action to consolidate federal lands

for residential and commercial development, under the responsibility of CLC.

In all, some 4.8 million square feet (448,242 square metres) of federal

land will be rehabilitated and developed by the CLC, an area three times the

size of the Montréal Convention Centre. The properties include Canada Post's

site (1500 Ottawa Street), two lots belonging to the Canada Mortgage and

Housing Corporation in Cité du Havre, as well as a variety of lots currently

managed by the Montréal Port Authority, including Silo No 5. The two ministers

specified that this redevelopment would not obstruct current port activities

in any way and that existing leases would be respected. The Port of Montréal

is of vital importance to the economy of Montréal and is a top ranking

maritime gateway for North America.

The ministers also stated that the Old Port of Montréal Corporation

(OPMC) is a Crown corporation that has made an outstanding contribution to the

recreational and tourism development of the Old Port of Montréal. The CLC's

redevelopment activities will support the efforts of the OPMC, helping to

increase the recreational, tourism and cultural value of this famous Montréal


Canada Lands Company

The CLC is a federal Crown corporation that optimizes the financial and

community value obtained from surplus properties no longer required by the

Government of Canada. The company is self-financing and implements innovative

property solutions to create strong and competitive communities where it


The CLC's approach to redevelopment is focussed on working with and

consulting the local community. The Crown corporation works closely with

municipal authorities and a variety of interest groups to reach consensus on

the future use of the land it is developing.

The CLC has already chalked up a number of successes throughout Canada,

including the redevelopment of Benny Farm in Montréal.


For further information on the sites involved in this initiative, please

consult the attached backgrounders.



Cité du Havre

Montreal's Cité du Havre peninsula faces Old Montreal, from which it is

separated by a basin and the wharves in the Old Port. A remarkable window on

the St Lawrence River, it is linked to St Helen's Island by the De la Concorde

Bridge. The area was used for the 1967 World's Fair.

The site has immense development potential for the creation of a wide

variety of housing and recreational facilities and will become an integral

part of the existing neighbourhoods that adjoin it.

Two lots of land currently owned by the Canada Mortgage and Housing

Corporation on Cité du Havre will be sold to the Canada Lands Company.


1. Lot A is an unbuilt 90,000 m2 (968,700 ft2) space belonging to the

CMHC (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation) and is zoned

residential and commercial.

2. Lot B is an unbuilt 15,800 m2 (170,000 ft2) space belonging to the

CMHC, located at the entrance to the De la Concorde Bridge and

currently zoned as green space.


Montréal Port Area Properties

Under the strategy, certain properties owned by Transport Canada and

managed by the Montréal Port Authority will be sold to Canada Lands Company

(CLC). These properties are located in the following sectors:

Pointe-du-Moulin, rue des Irlandais and Lachine Canal.

These three Montréal port area properties are historically significant to

the city, representing three important development periods: the building of

Victoria Bridge, the rise of the city as a modern commercial power and

Expo 67.

The Government of Canada will respect all contractual rights of existing

tenants on these sites until the respective agreements have expired.

Archaeological and heritage issues affecting these properties will be

considered by CLC in future development plans.

Pointe-du-Moulin / Grain Elevator No. 5 Sector

The grain elevator No. 5 is recognized for its historic and architectural

value and illustrates the importance of wheat exportation to the Canadian

economy, an industry that began in the 1880s. For several decades wheat was

the Port of Montréal's most important export commodity.

The square steel form of the oldest part of elevator No. 5 was built

between 1903 and 1906 for the Grand Trunk Railway Company and was considered

an engineering marvel. It was designed by Chicago's John S. Metcalf Company.

Mr. Metcalf was a native of Sherbrooke, Quebec. Additions and expansions

followed in 1913-1914, 1922-1923 and 1958-1959. Although the elevator ceased

operations in 1995, all of its essential internal and external components are

still in place today. Archaeological and heritage issues affecting these

properties will be considered by CLC in future development plans.

The site is approximately 86,000 m2 (925,700 ft2).

Rue des Irlandais / Irish Stone and Autostade Sector

This area is named to commemorate the Irish immigrants who arrived in

large numbers in Montréal during the 1840s and who were hired as labourers to

build the Victoria Bridge. Workers lived in a tent city at the foot of the

bridge and contributed to building what was then known as the world's longest

bridge. In this location, workers unearthed a mass grave of 6000 Irish

immigrants who had died in an earlier typhus epidemic. The large potato shaped

Irish Stone at the bridge's entrance commemorates the tragedy.

The Autostade was built in 1966 as an Expo 67 venue. It is best

remembered for its odd shape that allowed the stadium to be dismantled and

re- erected on a new site if required. The stadium was financed by donations

from the five major auto manufacturers in Canada at the time: American Motors,

Chrysler, Ford, General Motors, and Volvo. It was the home of the Montréal

Alouettes from 1968-1976. The stadium was demolished in the late 1970s.

The approximate land area is 78,000 m2 (839,500 ft2).

Lachine Canal Sector

The sector is bordered on the north by the Peel Basin, Mill Street to the

east, Bridge Street to the South and the railway and Wellington Street to the


Inaugurated in 1825, the Lachine Canal was built in response to the need

to bypass the rapids, which hindered navigation, and therefore trade, on the

St. Lawrence. The canal was instrumental in the expansion of navigation on the

St. Lawrence and in Montréal's urban and industrial development, serving as

Canada's main industrial centre for many years.

At its peak, the surrounding area was home to factories, metal workshops,

breweries, printing plants, shipping companies, among other industries, as

well as the home of thousands of mostly Irish immigrant workers. The area's

industrial decline began in the first half of the 20th century. With the

opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway in 1959, traffic dropped off significantly.

The canal was formally closed in 1970. In 1978, Parks Canada designated the

Lachine Canal a National Historic Site and proceeded with the creation of a

linear park along its banks.

After the closure of the canal in 1970, the federal government

contributed substantially toward improving it and adjacent properties. Between

1997 and 2002, the federal government and the City of Montréal invested more

than $100 million dollars to restore the canal's locks, to rebuild the Peel

Basin, and to add new bridges, paths and green spaces. In 2002, the Lachine

Canal reopened for recreational boating and other pleasure craft.

The Lachine Canal sector covers approximately 83,000 m2 (893,400 ft2).

Canada Post Site

The Post Office Site, located at 1500 Ottawa Street on the north shore of

the Lachine Canal, measures approximately 23.5 acres (9.5 hectares). It

includes a large-scale 96,599 m2 (1,039,781 ft2) vacant industrial/office

building that was constructed in the late 1970s and a parking lot. The

building covers nearly 40% of the site currently zoned for industrial and

commercial uses. In 2003, Canada Post Corporation vacated its mail processing

plant pursuant to its decision to move these operations to other locations

within the city. The building has been largely vacant since then.

The Postal Site physically impedes public access to the canal, and severs

one end of the district from the other. Consequently, it not only limits the

recreational and tourism potential of the waterway, but also restricts new

residential growth and economic activity in the district.

Project Considerations

The site presents tremendous redevelopment potential to create a

neighbourhood offering a variety of housing forms with ancillary retail and

commercial uses. Upon redevelopment, the lands will become part of the

surrounding neighbourhood and will provide increased accessibility to the

Lachine Canal.

The redevelopment of these lands may help further promote recreational

tourism and showcase its industrial heritage, and create public spaces for the

Sud-Ouest community.

Currently, the site does not reflect the historical significance of the

location as the cradle of Canadian industrialization. The Post Office Site,

occupying almost 500 metres of canal frontage, rests on top of four basins,

which were filled in the 1960s and formerly used as loading docks.

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20/04/2007Montréal pourrait connaître un boom immobilier sans pareil d'ici une quinzaine d'années dans le secteur du Vieux-Port et du canal Lachine.

Le gouvernement fédéral y possède cinq immenses propriétés actuellement abandonnées ou en friche qui pourraient connaître un développement résidentiel, commercial ou récréatif, selon les lots.


Déjà, l'emplacement de Postes Canada rue Ottawa est à vendre. Compte tenu de sa situation dans le sud-ouest, on cherche un acheteur qui lui trouvera une vocation communautaire.


Dans le secteur de la Pointe-du-Moulin, le silo numéro 5 intéresse le Musée d'art contemporain. Sur la Cité-du-Havre, un des lots deviendrait un parc et l'autre sera offert pour la construction résidentielle.


En transférant ainsi ces propriétés à la Société immobilière, les projets ne sont plus liés au sort éventuel d'un gouvernement minoritaire.


Cette nouvelle est accueillie avec enthousiasme par les principaux intervenants politiques et économiques. «Ce sont des projets dont on discute à Montréal depuis de nombreuses années. La bonne nouvelle aujourd'hui, c'est qu'on va les réaliser le plus rapidement possible», se réjouit le maire de Montréal, Gérald Tremblay. Malgré l'ampleur du développement, la Société immobilière croit qu'il pourrait se faire rapidement. Gordon K. McIvor, de la Société immobilière du Canada, prévoit de 10 à 15 ans avant que le tout soit complété.égional&alt=

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