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Terror Center: Montreal, terror capitol of North America


The RCMP (Canada’s equivalent to the FBI) has arrested a Montreal area man involved in yet another international plot to commit terror.

CTV- Quebecer arrested in connection with terror plot

VIENNA, Austria — A 35-year-old
Quebec resident
has been
in connection with an
alleged threat to bomb targets outside Canada
. The RCMP says
Said Namouh
was arrested yesterday in Maskinonge, Quebec, northeast of Montreal. Namouh faces conspiracy charges and is
slated to make a court appearance in Montreal tomorrow morning
. RCMP say he was arrested in connection with an Austrian investigation into an online threat against Austria and Germany.


Austrian authorities say they rounded up three alleged al Qaeda sympathizers earlier this week — two men and a woman, all Austrian citizens in their 20s and of Arab origin. They believe the three are linked with a video that surfaced in March threatening to attack Germany and Austria unless the two countries withdrew their personnel from Afghanistan.

Perfect Storm


Montreal is traditionally a port / gateway city that now features an exploding Arabic & Muslim population. Fancying itself ‘European’, the city sports liberal bordering on criminally lax security, a native french population that is radically left, & thus naturally sympathetic to so called ‘resistance’ and anti-Americanism, while harboring at the same time deep antithesis to religion, Israel and Jews in particular. Quebecers are statistically speaking the most anti-Semitic population group in Canada.

During last summer’s Lebanon conflict with Hezbollah tens of thousands marched in the city in support of the terror group, including prominent Quebec politicians. Quebec’s population has never supported the Afghanistan mission, or the liberation of Iraq. The city has been featured as one of the leading grounds for terror fundraising & recruiting on the North American continent, and is ceaselessly in the news due to the fact that it is a both breeding ground for terrorists, as well as a convenient safe-haven.


Who? Us?


But if you were to ask Government officials, law enforcement, or the average Quebecer they would deny it all.. Unfortunately the facts speak for themselves. Please see the following posts for an endless litany of embarrassing and dangerous terror ties featuring Quebec & Montreal, the terror capitol of North America, and this is just the tip of the iceberg:

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Membres prolifiques



It is interesting that someone would try and do that in Vienna. They have a pretty big Muslim community there.


Plus I could go on about the antisemitism, but it be bias on my part because I am Jewish. Thing is Canada is pretty much a safe haven for extremists.


Malek, I would love too see what you have to say about this.


Check out Spiegel (English). One thing that interest me, none of these guys are trying to bomb Switzerland. People see Switzerland system as racist.

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During last summer’s Lebanon conflict with Hezbollah tens of thousands marched in the city in support of the terror group, including prominent Quebec politicians. Quebec’s population has never supported the Afghanistan mission, or the liberation of Iraq. The city has been featured as one of the leading grounds for terror fundraising & recruiting on the North American continent, and is ceaselessly in the news due to the fact that it is a both breeding ground for terrorists, as well as a convenient safe-haven.


Who? Us?


But if you were to ask Government officials, law enforcement, or the average Quebecer they would deny it all.. Unfortunately the facts speak for themselves. Please see the following posts for an endless litany of embarrassing and dangerous terror ties featuring Quebec & Montreal, the terror capitol of North America, and this is just the tip of the iceberg:



In Zion we trust? Well, there goes the objectivity of that Web site...

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c dont ben fucké comme site....en tout ils en ont contre Montréal...

mettons que ça fait dur pas à peu près

c genre la première fois qu'un sympathisant terroriste islamiste est arrêté à Montréal, il y en a surment pas mal plus à New York ou Toronto plutôt qu' même au niveau mondial ces deux villes sont loin derrière Paris, Londres ou même pratiquement n'importe quelle grosse ville européenne

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Thing is Canada is pretty much a safe haven for extremists.


What an ignorant comment! Then again, like you said, your opinion is biased.


Quebec & Montreal, the terror capitol of North America


What about the 17 guys who were arrested in Toronto in the last year, who were plotting to bomb something or someone? Funny how this racist website (the hashmonean) forgot to mention that fact. True that Montreal has a large and growing muslim and middle eastern community, but most of them seem to integrate far faster and easier here than they would anywhere else in English North America.


while harboring at the same time deep antithesis to religion, Israel and Jews in particular. Quebecers are statistically speaking the most anti-Semitic population group in Canada.


Talk about shooting shit from your ass! It is true that Quebec is the most Secular part of Canada, so what? I am an atheist, and proud of it. Religion is the cause of most wars and most deaths in the history of the world. But then to go on and say that we are statistically the most racist people in Canada is just ignorant and racist of their part. They are spewing their shit from their mouths to spread false rumours, because it sure looks like this website, can't handle the fact that here, we have a large muslim(or middle-easterm) community, that seems to get along fairly well with the non-muslim majority. For this obviously jewish website, they felt they needed to do or say something about it, to discredit our province and our society with their lies.


During last summer’s Lebanon conflict with Hezbollah tens of thousands marched in the city in support of the terror group, including prominent Quebec politicians.


What these morons fail to mention is that tens of thousands did march in the street, but they marched in protest of the IDF's killing of hundreds if not thousands of civilians, most notably that building with all those children in it! They were not marching in favor of Hezbollah or any terrorist group, they were marching for the war to end. Something everyone in the middle-east doesn't seem to want to happen(on both sides of the conflict)!


Quebec’s population has never supported the Afghanistan mission


Again they spew their lies to discredit our peaceful society, to make us look bad. In case these idiots at this website don't remember, after 9/11, most Quebeckers WERE IN FAVOR of going to afghanistan. We were never in favor of going to Iraq to help the Imperial army of the USA find more oil for their gas guzzling society, or on a wild goose chase for WMD, that were never there. Funny how this idiotic website doesn't mention WMD???


Jews don't hesitate to use the antisemitic card at any chance they get, and most of the time(probably 95% of the time) they are correct to do so, but in this instance, this is clearly a smear campaign by some frustrated idiot, and it clearly shows that this person doesnT like Quebeckers or our way of life in french north america! He or she probably has never been here to see that Jews and Muslims can actually live peacefully side by side in our peaceful city(and province).


My rant might give the impression that i'm against Jews in this conflict and that I side with the Muslims. That can not be further from the truth. When it comes to the middle easterm conflict, i don't take sides anymore, i don,t care anymore if they both kill each other off, for i have had it with their conflict. I just hope my government will stay out of this mess when Québec does separate. Do not stick your nose in other people's affairs, unless they ask for your help!


To to make things clear, I HATE ALL RELIGIONS if it were up to me, i'd ban every and all religion from the face of the earth. Religions are divisive, and only cause harm to people. it's a well known fact that religion is the greatest cause of deaths, murders, Torture and pillaging in the history of mankind! I'm am just thankful that I live in a secular society where religions should be and are mostly kept to someone's home or in their respective temples, Churches, Synagogues and Mosques.



Damn, that felt good!:D

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My rant might give the impression that i'm against Jews in this conflict and that I side with the Muslims. That can not be further from the truth. When it comes to the middle easterm conflict, i don't take sides anymore, i don,t care anymore if they both kill each other off, for i have had it with their conflict. I just hope my government will stay out of this mess when Québec does separate. Do not stick your nose in other people's affairs, unless they ask for your help!


Only way Quebec would stay out of the conflict in the middle east, is when the PQ gains power and does seperate. Only way that happens, if Ottawa fucks over most people in Quebec over something big.


Plus what has been happening in the Holy Land been going on for a very long time, it probably will not stop ever. May`be in about 5 billion years.


One thing at least you don`t take sides, which is good. Means you are sort of not bias. You see both sides and thats how it should be.

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