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Le Sherbrooke - 25 étages


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Le 2021-02-06 à 21:57, SameGuy a dit :

That makes it distinctive, but is it a benefit? Like, it does nothing for me, and if the rental shortages go back to 2019 levels then a 500-unit rental building is better than a 73-unit building every day of the week.

"Rental shortages back to 2019 levels":  quite possible, except that the shortages concern lower-priced/affordable housing.  The issue cannot/will not be resolved by building more high-priced apartments.

I would rather see more compelling arguments in this case.


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16 minutes ago, Né entre les rapides said:

"Rental shortages back to 2019 levels":  quite possible, except that the shortages concern lower-priced/affordable housing.  The issue cannot/will not be resolved by building more high-priced apartments.

I would rather see more compelling arguments in this case.


The "benefit" would be one of much improved  urban esthetics through the erasure of an ugly blank and crumbling concrete monster shaft,   as one enters the downtown core via one of its most used access points -  from Cote des Neiges into Guy and Sherbrooke. The view hardly makes sense if it can be improved. This ugly face is visible through much of the  Golden Square Mile. 

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56 minutes ago, Né entre les rapides said:

"Rental shortages back to 2019 levels":  quite possible, except that the shortages concern lower-priced/affordable housing.  The issue cannot/will not be resolved by building more high-priced apartments.

I would rather see more compelling arguments in this case.


If it gets the attention of yuppies and DINKs living in NDG and frees those up, it still helps the shortages.

In other words, in a growing economy, everyone is upwardly mobile.

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il y a une heure, geraldshaw a dit :

The "benefit" would be one of much improved  urban esthetics through the erasure of an ugly blank and crumbling concrete monster shaft,   as one enters the downtown core via one of its most used access points -  from Cote des Neiges into Guy and Sherbrooke. The view hardly makes sense if it can be improved. This ugly face is visible through much of the  Golden Square Mile. 

Agreed.  I wanted someone to spell it out loudly.

il y a une heure, Rocco a dit :

Visible for over 40 years!

Sure.  It's like saying the purgatory must end at last!



il y a 40 minutes, SameGuy a dit :

If it gets the attention of yuppies and DINKs living in NDG and frees those up, it still helps the shortages.

In other words, in a growing economy, everyone is upwardly mobile.

OK.  Some of us adhere to this line of thinking.  But it would not convince everyone, regardless of its merits.    

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On 2021-02-07 at 7:53 AM, KOOL said:

Est-ce que ça te rassure de savoir que Mado Lamothe s'y trouve aussi ? :silly:

De plus les Villeneuve n'ont pas d'affaire dans cette liste car père et fils sont nés à Saint-Jean-sur-le-Richelieu. 

Bon , tout d'abord , j'ai dû reculer de quelques pages pour suivre ce qui se passait . 

Secondo , @KOOL , on dit St-Jean-SUR-Richelieu . Je viens de la région et y'a rien de pire qu'entendre quelqu'un dire ''sur-le'' 😂


Trève de conneries , maintenant qu'on voit l'impact depuis le nord , est-ce qu'on aura une base en pierres nobles avec un revêtement préfab et un peu de verre , style 628 St-Jacques ? Ça ressemble à sa cousine sur les stéroïdes et je trouve ça un peu quétaine honnêtement . Cependant , je serai sans doute agréablement surpris par le résultat final .

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On 2021-02-08 at 3:46 PM, geraldshaw said:

I wrote them with the idea of a mural competition for the north  face of 2250 Guy  just now. 

I presume they haven't replied positively to your request, right?

Perhaps they may be more prone to invest much smaller amounts of money into planting perennial ivy vines that would embellish their property without requiring much maintenance (other than perhaps a bi or tri-year maintenance)!

The highest costs would be to fixate any sturdy metal or concrete bins to their wall, above the neighbouring building on the north side, should they accept to at least permit the use of heir air rights.

Parthenocissus quinquefolia 'engelmanii' (AKA "virgin vine", for people not familiar with botanics nor ornamental horticulture) is likely the best candidate in almost any urban settings:

✔ very hardy in our extreme climes;

✔ quite resistant to drought and to being planted in poor soil;

✔ resists to any sun conditions;

✔ grows fast and gets a lot of its nutrients through "sucker arms" which fixate themselves to the adjacent wall of almost any porous material (rock or tree bark in natural settings), and then drink rainwater as well as dust particles (where they get some nutrients), all the while continually reinforcing a sturdy structure along the wall (enormous adult raccoons persistently climb our 3 storeys-tall virgin vines throughout the warm season using their claws in order to hide from human activity on our white roof, with surprisingly rare minor damage to our vines!);

✔ doesn't seek to generate roots other than downwards in the soil, so it won't damage either masonry, concrete, nor bricks, as it won't try to grow roots laterally (like more aggressive vines do, notably he Boston vine);

✔ its foliage turns to spectacular bright pink and red hues in early fall.

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