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350, rue Sherbrooke Ouest - 24 étages


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This looks to be a wonderful design, and an excellent project.    This developer, Groupe Jesta, is a very legitimate player, and has a great pedigree in top quality hospitality properties.

On the question of beauty, I'd add too that the streetscape in Montreal is atrocious.  Our three 'ceremonial' streets - Sherbrooke, Sainte Catherine, and Rene-Levesque - look like they belong in Beruit or Aleppo.  No trees, narrow and bombed out sidewalks of the least aesthetic concrete, lighting fixtures like off a military base, just no care or charm.  A black eye for Montreal that, somehow, very few Montrealers seem to notice.  Very obvious to all outsiders, however.  

Modifié par orages lointains
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3 hours ago, orages lointains said:

This looks to be a wonderful design, and an excellent project.    This developer, Groupe Jesta, is a very legitimate player, and has a great pedigree in top quality hospitality properties.

On the question of beauty, I'd add too that the streetscape in Montreal is atrocious.  Our three 'ceremonial' streets - Sherbrooke, Sainte Catherine, and Rene-Levesque - look like they belong in Beruit or Aleppo.  No trees, narrow and bombed out sidewalks of the least aesthetic concrete, lighting fixtures like off a military base, just no care or charm.  A black eye for Montreal that, somehow, very few Montrealers seem to notice.  Very obvious to all outsiders, however.  

Right, because it's so much better elsewhere on our continent...



New York (Lower Manhattan):,-74.0038825,3a,75y,30.61h,93.51t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1szKq7WnIscmqFyCHFqZulXg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Los Angeles:,-118.2599613,3a,75y,123.09h,87.4t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sFAQKRlH9quo7Ey0zrFJEew!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

Then you compare with Sherbrooke Street:,-73.5736117,3a,75y,214.11h,84.9t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sp0NuSs2jEablbcFAVa-v7w!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

And you realize how much of an exaggeration your comment really is. Sure, René-Lévesque deserves to be improved but Ste-Catherine will be beautiful once completed. And Montreal's arterials look nothing like Aleppo's (franchement).

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  • 6 mois plus tard...

C'est super d'avoir trouve cette video, merci. C'est tres interessant. 

Perso, je ne trouve pas que la tour ait particulierement des airs d'esprit art-deco, tel que annonce par le constructeur (selon la video). Ca sonne comme de l'argumentaire de vente rajoute a la louche en derniere minute pour faire passer la pillule. Mais j'aime beaucoup que la tour soit en retrait pour laisser respirer les vielles maisons et la vue depuis la place des arts (a verifier).

A la fin de la video, ils disent qu'ils recommandent un avis favorable a condition de revoir certains elements, dont la facade sherbrooke. Le Smith a cote est tellement moche que ca ne ferait pas de mal effectivement. Combien de temps cela va prendre pour que le constructeur presente de nouveau son dossier a votre avis?

J'ai lu ici ici qu'ils annoncent le debut des travaux pour cette annee (livraison 2023):

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