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Station Côte-de-Liesse (A40) - Discussion


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Il y a 7 heures, p_xavier a dit :

Valerie Plante mentionne a peine l’expension de la ligne Orange jusqu a bois francs. Elle a mentionner la ligne rose 2 fois par contre. Beaucoup plus facile et possible de faire l’expension de la ligne orange en ce moment. Ouvriers et Machineries sont déjà la sur place au 2 extremités d un prolongement eventuelle. Entre cote vertu et bois francs.  En plus les 2 sites sont  déjà fermés ou en voie d’etre Fermé pour des travaux. 

Je pourrai faire une analogie a ville LaSalle on a refait les infrastructure sousterraine dans ma rue. Les responsables des travaux on aviser les proprietaires qu’il pouvait refaire leur entrée d’eau en meme temps avec des tuyau 3/4 et la partie qui allait dans la conduite principale dans la rue  ne serait pas facturé. Et l autre partie qui va a la proprieté serait installé par l entrepreneur a meilleur prix avec les économies d’échelles.  Etant donné que la machinerie et equípement et les ouvriers étaient déjà sur place. Le meme   Principe pourrai etre apliqué pour l extensión de la ligne Orange.


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"Jamais 2 sans 3",comme on dit.  Un autre article de The Gazette (ci-dessous) mettant en doute la construction de la station A40 du REM.  On n'invitera probablement pas cette journaliste à l'inauguration de la station.

Deux choses me dérangent par rapport aux experts interviewés dans cet article: 

  1. Bien que je sois d'accord avec lui concernant le prolongement de 700 mètres du REM de YUL jusqu'à Dorval et l'évaluation d'une possible correspondance entre exo-St-Jérôme et le REM à Canora (si, et seulement si, un jour le CP l'accepte !), je ne comprends pas ce qui titille tant M. Avrom Shtern avec le projet.  Il prétend que le REM favorisera des TAD (Transit Adjacent Development), au lieu des TOD (Transit Oriented Development).  Pourtant, le REM veut au contraire réutiliser des stationnements déjà existants (ceux des incitatifs d'exo ou des centres d'achat autour des futures stations) et favoriser grandement le rabattement des autobus locaux vers les stations, en plus de créer 2 nouvelles correspondances avec le métro.  Des projets de TOD sont déjà en marche à la station Du Quartier et on pourrait également inclure ceux aux stations Île-des-Soeurs et Bois-Franc.  Et quoi penser des futurs projets de TOD à Panama et à Pointe-Claire ?  Quant à l'immense stationnement de la station terminale Rive-Sud, il remplace en grande partie celui de Chevrier qui fermera à l'ouverture du REM... et pourrait "peut-être" un jour (selon la fiducie agricole en vigueur) être converti en stationnement intérieur d'un potentiel projet de TOD (ce qui rapporterait gros à la CDPQ en taxes fonciaires).
  2. M. Pierre Barrieau mentionne que plusieurs usagers d'exo-Mascouche vont abandonner le train au lieu de faire un transfert à la station A40 du REM.  Ces personnes iront, selon lui, s'abattre sur la ligne verte.  Cela signifierait que ces usagers préféreront rouler dans le traffic possiblement jusqu'à la station Radisson, chercher une place de stationnement, marcher de longues minutes afin d'accéder au métro (bonjour rupture de charge !), voyager 14 stations sur la ligne verte avant d'arriver à McGill (ou voyager 11 stations jusqu'à Berri-UQAM, transférer sur la ligne orange - rupture de charge #2 - et en voyager 4 autres jusqu'à Bonaventure).  Je doute que ces usagers sauveront du temps et économiseront beaucoup de pas, au lieu de faire un simple transfert,... comme en sont habitués de nombreux usagers du métro et des autobus de la STM/RTL/STL à chaque jour.  D'ailleurs, c'est ce même M. Barrieau qui parlait pourtant en bien du projet du REM avec M. Jean-Marc Arbaud, directeur général de CDPQinfra lors de l'"Épisode 3: La genèse" en juillet dernier...

REM will kill Mascouche commuter train, critics predict

"Without a direct connection to downtown, a lot of people are probably going to end up taking their car."

LINDA GYULAI, MONTREAL GAZETTE  |  Updated: September 26, 2019

Detractors of the Réseau express métropolitain predict it will be the death knell of the Mascouche commuter rail line.

That’s because the new automated light métro network, known as the REM, will cut off the Mascouche commuter train’s direct route to downtown Central Station.

Decades of transit planning have shown that adding one transfer to a direct transit route results in about a 10-per-cent loss of ridership, said Pierre Barrieau, a transportation consultant and lecturer with Université de Montréal’s urban planning school.

The Mascouche line, which is run by the regional public transit authority Exo, was introduced in 2014 to provide direct service between the North Shore municipality and downtown Central Station, with stops in between in the east end of Montreal Island.

The rail line cost taxpayers about $700 million.

“The problem with the Mascouche line no longer going downtown is you just got rid of one of its major selling points,” Barrieau said, noting that a 10-per-cent loss may be an underestimate here.

The REM, which is to open gradually starting in 2022, will prevent conventional trains from using the tracks through Mount Royal tunnel to Central Station.

“For me, the scandal is the Mascouche line,” Barrieau said. “It was insufficiently taken into consideration. They should have thought more about how they can integrate it.”

The high frequency of REM trains, which are to run every two-and-a-half minutes at peak times, will eat up the tunnel’s capacity. Moreover, the train stations of the Deux-Montagnes line will be adapted for the REM’s cars. The platforms will be incompatible with the height and length of conventional train cars.

As well, the acceleration and deceleration times of a light métro and a commuter train are different, which makes it complicated to co-ordinate them on a shared track. There are also safety arguments against a driverless light métro and a piloted commuter train sharing a track.

The Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec, which is building the REM through a subsidiary, CDPQ Infra Inc., plans to add a station in an industrial enclave in St-Laurent borough where passengers will transfer between the Mascouche train and REM line.

The future Station A40 is also mentioned as a transfer point if ever Via Rail builds a higher-speed, high-frequency passenger train route that is under study between Montreal and Quebec City.

Sketch of the REM’s A40 intermodal station, where passengers on the Mascouche train will be forced to transfer to continue downtown. HANDOUT

Quebec’s Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement (BAPE), which held public hearings on the Caisse’s project in 2016, found the REM will lengthen the commute for Mascouche train passengers because of the transfer.

Barrieau and other transit experts predict commuters will turn away from the Mascouche line — and therefore the REM — to easy alternative modes of transport, notably the car and express buses.

If they have to transfer anyway, Barrieau said he expects some rush-hour commuters from the North Shore will opt to ride one of Exo’s regional express buses to a Montreal métro station to get downtown. Other commuters will drive their car to a métro station, he said.

“Without a direct connection to downtown, a lot of people are probably going to end up taking their car and wind up driving to a station on the Green line, like Radisson,” which has a parking lot, Barrieau said.

“They’ll lose the incentive.”

The Mascouche line’s owner says it has no study on the REM’s potential impact on train ridership, saying it’s difficult to predict how the arrival of the metropolitan-wide REM will change commuter habits.

The 10-per-cent loss of ridership is the generally held estimate when a transfer is added to a direct route, Exo spokesperson Catherine Maurice agreed in an email response, but added it depends in part on the efficiency of the transfer and the wait time.

As well, where the critics see the loss of the direct route to downtown as a door closing on the Mascouche train, Exo sees new opportunities with the arrival of the REM, which will introduce rapid transit branches to Trudeau airport, universities and major hospitals.

The REM “will add more destination options in the greater metropolitan region, increasing the over-all offer, which generally results in a new clientele adopting public transit including, for example, the Mascouche line to access the REM,” Maurice wrote.

“We at Exo are convinced that the Mascouche line, in this context, will retain its relevance.”

Maurice added that already 10 to 15 per cent of the Mascouche train’s passengers get off at the line’s Sauvé station to switch to the métro. “That shows that several final destinations other than downtown exist for the Mascouche line’s clientele,” she wrote.

Meanwhile, the Caisse calls the Mount Royal tunnel “the backbone of a vast 67-kilometre transportation network” — the REM — that will modernize the rail network and accelerate travel.

“The modernization of the tunnel will allow the REM to spread across the greater metropolitan region while also serving the heart of the metropolis,” CDPQ Infra spokesperson Jean-Vincent Lacroix said.

However, in its report released in January 2017, the BAPE said it can’t endorse the REM because the Caisse didn’t provide complete documentation and “several essential elements of the project were not subject to public debate.”

Among other issues raised in its report, the BAPE found that the REM would contribute little to getting motorists to leave their cars for public transit. It also raised concern about the impact of the REM on other transportation systems.

For the Mascouche train, specifically, the BAPE found the REM would lengthen the commute for the train line’s passengers.

CDPQ Infra retorted in a news release at the time that the BAPE’s report contains “several omissions and errors concerning the REM — a major project for Greater Montreal — and distorts the reality of CDPQ Infra’s innovative model.”

“The report includes erroneous claims about the current state of public transit in the metropolitan region,” CDPQ Infra’s 2017 press release said, “and gives an incomplete and distorted view of the improvements the REM will provide to commuters.”

Then-Premier Philippe Couillard suggested the BAPE overstepped its mandate as an environmental-assessment review panel, a charge the BAPE rejected in a news release to rebut the Caisse and the premier.

Jean-François Turcotte, who presented a brief criticizing the REM plan at the BAPE hearings, said the $700 million spent to build the Mascouche train line will be wasted.

The other waste is the loss of the Deux-Montagnes rail line, he said.

“It’s the only commuter train line that worked well,” Turcotte said. “It’s a catastrophe.”

By his reckoning, the provincial government allowed the Caisse to appropriate a successful rail line to gain its passengers.

“When they (the Caisse) announced they’re going to use Deux-Montagnes, it was a surprise,” Turcotte said.

“No one was asking for it. Passengers were asking for service improvement on the Deux-Montagnes line and that its capacity be increased, not that we remove (it).”


The REM doesn’t encourage Transit Oriented Development (TOD), said Avrom Shtern, a transportation adviser to the Green Coalition. If anything, the REM will encourage Transit Adjacent Development (TAD), where most people will still use their cars, he said.

“It discourages inter-modality with other existing transport systems like the Exo lines,” Shtern said. “In fact, the REM is being used as a tool to destroy those lines,” he said of the Mascouche and Deux-Montagnes lines.

Shtern also noted the Caisse never planned for a 700-metre link from its REM stop at Trudeau Airport to the nearby railway tracks that are used by the Vaudreuil-Hudson commuter train line and Via Rail’s trains — a link that the federal government is now studying after the fact in the wake of local pressure, notably from Dorval Mayor Edgar Rouleau.

Another obvious place for an intermodal transfer, Shtern said, would be at the Canora REM station, at Jean-Talon St. W. and Canora Rd. The station is across the street from the Canadian Pacific tracks used by Exo’s St-Jérôme commuter train.

“Given that the A40 station is very close to Montpellier and Mount Royal stations, it begs the question why place a station there and not elsewhere where there is a potential for intermodal transfers,” Shtern said.

However, CDPQ Infra’s Lacroix countered that the REM will be connected to three métro lines — the Blue line, at the Édouard-Montpetit REM station, the Green line, at McGill REM station, and the Orange line, via Central Station. The REM will also connect to the Mont-St-Hilaire commuter train at Central Station.

CDPQ Infra has had many meetings with local transit authorities to create transit connections, including to buses, Lacroix said.

No transfer is currently planned with the St-Jérôme train line, he said, because Exo has no train stop at Jean-Talon and Canora.

But if the Caisse had chosen a different technology than the light métro, it might have allowed for commuter trains to be interspersed between REM trains, Turcotte said.

The Caisse could have chosen high-capacity electric commuter trains instead of the light métro cars, he said. Mixed networks exist in other cities.

“It’s outrageous,” Turcotte said. “It’s our Big O. It’s anti-planning.”

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Le pire dans le dossier du métro vers Bois-Franc, c'est le gouvernement provincial est plein de cash. Ce n'est pas comme si on explorait cette avenue dans le milieu d'une récession ou crise budgétaire.


REM will kill Mascouche commuter train, critics predict

C'est plutôt Mascouche qui a tué Mascouche. Quel projet mal ficelé dès la livraison (trains bimode hors de prix pour sa valeur, peu de fréquence, retards, bris, etc.)

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il y a 28 minutes, Decel a dit :

C'est plutôt Mascouche qui a tué Mascouche. Quel projet mal ficelé dès la livraison (trains bimode hors de prix pour sa valeur, peu de fréquence, retards, bris, etc.)

Si bien dit! Ça serait génial si la la ligne Mascouche était convertie en branche du REM, mais la seule veritable perte à terme pour les usagers est le one-seat-ride. On parle quand même d’une multiplication de destructions et d'un transfert très facile, ce n’est pas comme passer de la ligne jaune à ligne orange.

Je n’arrive vraiment pas à comprendre l’angle de Linda Gyulai dans cette série d’article.

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3 hours ago, Gabmtl said:

On le répète souvent, mais ce transfert forcé ouvrira beaucoup plus de destinations aux usagers de la ligne Mascouche qu'actuellement (UdM, aéroport, secteur industriel de St-Laurent, etc.)

Exactly! I don't know the specifics of the studies that predict a 10% drop in ridership when a transfer is added. There are so many complications involved. Sure, if you just add a forced transfer and don't add any other value a ridership drop is inevitable. But if you use that transfer to hook up to a whole new system of transport that makes all kinds on new destinations possible what would that do to the ridership numbers?

The REM system is not some commuter train for shuttling office plankton between sleeping and working locations at rush hour. It's an almost always on mode of transport. In some aspects better than the existing Metro (air conditioning FTW!). One doesn't need to adapt their schedule to the REM unlike most EXO trains.

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Invité JelloBooBoy
20 hours ago, mk.ndrsn said:

Si bien dit! Ça serait génial si la la ligne Mascouche était convertie en branche du REM, mais la seule veritable perte à terme pour les usagers est le one-seat-ride. On parle quand même d’une multiplication de destructions et d'un transfert très facile, ce n’est pas comme passer de la ligne jaune à ligne orange.

Je n’arrive vraiment pas à comprendre l’angle de Linda Gyulai dans cette série d’article.

De mon côté, je vais devoir cessé d'utiliser le train de Mascouche, etant donné que les rames serons remplies a la station A40 et que me jambes auront difficilement a rester debout dans un train bondé suite a mes 5 operations et maladie. Le REM etait au deébut suppossé d'avoir des rames vide a la A40 pour les transfers de Mascouche, mais cela ne sera pas le cas, encore une belle promesse de brisée de la caisse de dépot.

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Invité Reddit Urbain
40 minutes ago, Guest JelloBooBoy said:

De mon côté, je vais devoir cessé d'utiliser le train de Mascouche, etant donné que les rames serons remplies a la station A40 et que me jambes auront difficilement a rester debout dans un train bondé suite a mes 5 operations et maladie. Le REM etait au deébut suppossé d'avoir des rames vide a la A40 pour les transfers de Mascouche, mais cela ne sera pas le cas, encore une belle promesse de brisée de la caisse de dépot.

Le REM sera bondé, le REM sera vide; un jour peut-être les critiques du projet auront des arguments cohérents.

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