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Victoria sur le Parc - 58 étages


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Il y a 1 heure, Ashok a dit :

Ah, cool rendering but I am not sure how to feel about the building. I feel it tries to seek a lot of attention in a part of downtown that already has a ton of buildings with unique design and its height is similar to buildings around it.

Try to picture yourself coming from Autoroute 10 and entering Montréal on Duke. Imagine this building on your right as you cross the Robert-Bourassa park. Of course what you will notice first is the Duke, a nice but somewhat smaller building on your right. Then you will see the magnificent BNC tower reaching for the sky, with this splendid Victoria right behind it, and a beautiful park to fill the gap in between. Welcome to Montreal of the future. And to a certain extent Montreal of the past, because that's where the business core used to be when we referred to it as Saint-Jacques Street, just like today we refer to Wall Street or Bay Street. As for this Atwater you are referring to, it is not what I would consider a main tourist attraction. To put it mildly.

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