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Welland Tribue (ON): Driving in Montreal is an experience


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Driving in Montreal is an experience


Posted By Marshall, Scott


Updated 1 hour ago


Driving in different places can be difficult to many people.


The fear of not knowing where you're going can be very overwhelming. Roads you've never seen before and higher than normal traffic can lead to high anxiety.


I was recently in Montreal and if you've ever driven there you'll already know it's an experience of a lifetime.


The cab ride from the airport to my hotel was interesting to start with.

The driver didn't use his turn signals. Most people will use them at least most of the time. It lets other road users know your intentions.


In Montreal, it lets other drivers know what your plans are early enough so they can speed up and block your move. If you're in Montreal you don't signal. That way nobody knows your moves.


We all know that fuel prices are higher than we would all like, so the drivers in Montreal decided to work together to save fuel. They follow each other very closely so they can cut down on wind resistance. Race car drivers call this 'drafting'.


The cab driver was driving close enough to the traffic in front of them that it looked like they were being towed by the driver in front.


I thought it was very nice of the lead driver, or drivers, to avoid suddenly stopping. That was nice of them, don't you think?


Most drivers would understand they need to have some response time from the driver in front if they stop suddenly.


Wouldn't you?



You should leave more of a following distance if the driver ahead of you is unsure of where they are going so they'll have enough room to turn around as necessary.


As a side note, following further back also give you more to stop if the lead driver stops suddenly. We should all know that, right?


Now, I enjoy playing and watching sports like a lot of people do. I like the competitiveness of sports.


Being a pedestrian in Montreal seems like it's a sport to many of the drivers in Montreal, though.


When the cab driver was driving along the road and was about to enter an intersection, a pedestrian stepped off the curb right in front of us. There was no horn honking and only a slight swerve was done to avoid hitting them.


Maybe you need to drive as close as possible to a pedestrian when you're driving there? I didn't see the rules for this one, so maybe I'm wrong.


I may have exaggerated my thoughts here, but every event did actually happen.


The bottom line here is no matter where you drive, keep space around your vehicle and communicate to other road users.


Plan your route so you know where your turns are and get into the proper lane well in advance.


If you do all of this, you'll be safe driving - even while in Montreal!


Scott Marshall is the director of training for Young Drivers of Canada.


He has spent almost 20 years in driver training. For questions or comments regarding this column e-mail Scott directly at

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J,arrive de Vegas, Atlanta et Anaheim dans les 3 derniers mois. Peut-etre que je suis habitué ici, mais j'ai vu plus d'accidents mineures (fender-bender) dans ces trois villes qu'ici. vegas était le pire avec un accident à presque les 4 ou 5 coins. pas des touristes, des taxis (gang de malade) et des vans de travailleurs. Je vous le jure, j'étais le seul à utilise ces clignotants.


La seule place ou je suis d'accord avec la plupart des critiques et que j'admire les villes que je visites à chaque année c'est le respect pour les piétons qu'ici nous n,avons absolument pas. Nous sommes sous un format "Premier arrivé, premier servi" peut importe la lumière :)

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Montreal pretty bad, but I have seen worst cities.


Too this day, I have no idea how a person can stop at a red light for 2 seconds and keep driving, even when it is still a red light during rush hour downtown.


I just wish every street corner would have a camera, catch every fucker and take their car and license away for life.

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je viens de revenir de miami, et comme BruB l'as mentionné, une tres grande proportion des voitures la bas on eu un petit accrochage ici et la, un coin de bumper poqué, des traces de peinture d'une autre couleur sur un bas de porte.

Les clignotants ne semblent pas plus exister, ni la courtoisie de te laisser passer pour changer de voie dans le traffic... ce n'est pas juste ici que c'est comme ca.


L'europe par exemple, c'est une autre histoire completement...

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Imagine ce serait comment en FLoride si ils avaient de la neige et de la Glace! Ils seraient tous mort!


Sérieusement, nous sommes de très bons chauffeurs au Québec. Nous conduisons dans la slush, la neige et la glace epndant 4 mois et demi, et le taux d'Accident n'est pas plus élevé qu'ailleurs en Amérique du Nord.


Allez faire un tour sur les autoroutes de la Pennsylvanie ou au Massachussetts ou au N-Y après une petite tempête de neige(genre 15 cm). À tous les kilomètres, il y a un auto dans le champ ou un accrochage, tandis qu'ici, ça arrive, mais ce n,est pas aussi fréquent.


Ce qui fait peur au peiti monsieur Ontarien qui a écrit cet article, c'est que nous conduisons vite au Québec, amis nous sommes quand même de très bon chauffeurs. je crois que l'endroit ou vous trouverez les pires chauffeurs c'est en Floride(selon moi)!

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un peu genre comme ça : je comprend qu'ils peu être pas de pneu d'hivers....mais là c'est poche..... c'est vrai qu'on conduit bien au Quebec ...on est juste un peu trop témérraire et impatient des fois



hahaha i remember seeing that video. crazy fuckers

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