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L'Avenue - 50 étages


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Même si je regrette son manque de visibilité, l'Avenue aura toujours un impact, en descendant Mackay par exemple : 17577710_10212721870585545_1468892904_n.jpg



Après tout, c'est aussi ça un centre ville, apercevoir la silhouette d'une tour au loin, s'en rapprocher mais en découvrir une autre. There's a surprise element to it et c'est sa discrétion qui en fait son charme.

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Good news. Maintenant il faut espère que le fameux bar sportif gargantuesque qui devait avoir dans la Tour des Canadiens va ouvrir à temps pour les séries éliminatoires.


Is that Sports Bar project still on? Haven't heard a peep about it.

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Hello Guys,


I live in this tower since a couple of days and wanted to ask if it's normal to hear the ventilation system above the bell center while the doors are closed in the condo? That voice is kind of stressing and running like 24h and when I asked the developer they said that their bulding is built with top quality of curtain windows and that they can't control the sound from inside or outside. It's just terrible that you trying to sleep and you can hear that noise. My unit is on the 17 floor and I am able to hear all of that.

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