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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. I’ll repeat, how many deaths in a residential area in the Greater Montreal area have you heard of over the last, say, 20 years that were caused by a catastrophic incident in a nearby industrial area? My guess is “none,” because they don’t happen. Is it a concern? Of course it is. But should the project be embargoed because of that infinitesimally small risk? Why? If such risks are to be mitigated by banning nearby residential construction, then nothing will ever get built anywhere. But I’ll also repeat that this proposal is a terrible idea if it goes ahead without first getting concrete agreements in place to dramatically improve access to the site; road access will never get better, so transit must be reimagined on a grand scale. Will the various levels of government all agree to do this for the benefit of one, single, for-profit developer? That’s about as unlikely as a catastrophic ammonia leak a kilometre away at Kraft Canada.
  2. As expected, the LG-1 Anne crew is advancing about a week ahead of the posted schedule on and it has already crossed Jean-Yves. All the voussoirs for the crossing are hanging, and the road closure is at night. I expect these segments will be glued and tensioned tonight and Sunday night, and because they are connected to the last station column, it will be a few more days before she advances to the next regular column before going her regular pace of ~2.5 spans per week. PS very flat, dull lighting today, apologies for the poor quality.
  3. Except it’s not “surrounded by” dangerous industries nor is it “right next to” Kraft Canada. How much of a buffer zone do you think is needed, and should we do something about all the other residential areas that are right next to industrial areas? I don’t even have to Google it to know that the traffic congestion at the 15 & 40 causes way more deaths than any industrial activities near residential areas have ever done anywhere in the metropolis. Like I said, it’s a concern, but it’s nowhere near as frightening as these recent articles have made it out to be. Remember, you never read a headline that states, “AIRPLANE LANDS ON TIME!“
  4. She’s not wrong. I’m not overly concerned by the Chicken Little doomsayers who think it’s too close to an industrial park, but as we’ve said all along, a 200 metre pedestrian bridge to the Métro simply isn’t good enough; without multiple structural changes to transit for the area, it’s virtually impossible to add this development successfully.
  5. I still don’t leave my red car unattended in Mtl Nord. Tags are a joke. Bullet holes in your car? Not so much.
  6. Just thought I’d retweet this #GoHabsGo #IndigenousLivesMatter
  7. Holy crap. Two sides of the same coin. Excellent work, people!
  8. I thought it’s student housing. As in: four strangers sharing rent. Who said anything about families?
  9. The Borg Cube is useful for something.
  10. SameGuy

    Odea - 25 étages

    Lol I thought I was the only one here who enjoys quoting Elvis! 😂😂
  11. Thanks. Yeah, what I thought, and ridiculous indeed. They’ll leave that “up to the City,” who won’t do sweet facâlle to improve the tunnels on Ottawa or William, and users from the “Bernard-Landry” side will have to walk an extra 100 m outdoors in a dank, dirty, dingy, dark, dangerous tunnel. But hey, at least the City named it for the godfather of the side it doesn’t actually serve…
  12. Do you think those “doors” on the east side of the Overpass will give direct access to the station from your side? It’s the one station without an info card on at this point.
  13. Punch Dr Speirs in the junk for me when you meet him.
  14. Was that on International Talk Like A Pirate Day?
  15. LG-2 Marie is making the big turn towards the 40. Long zoom shot from Holiday Avenue behind Home Depot east to Doyon.
  16. @mtlrdp’s second pic with Espace Rodier. 😍 Boy, if that Jadco tower on the École de la Nouvelle Vague ever happens, it’ll be a little jewel sandwiched between Jadco and 900 SJ.
  17. I mean they’re tunnelling under a gd airport, fercrissakes!
  18. Yes exactly. They didn’t even talk about it, so it must’ve been quite easily accomplished. And yet somehow whenever we discuss improvement of our exo trains, the discussion always centres around how it’s impossible to acquire rights of way, or agreements for dedicated tracks along shared rights of way, because CN and CP are so obstinate. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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