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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. The open bus shelters bug my ass sooooo much. I don’t know who’s paying for this bus terminal — Caisse, STL, MTQ? — and don’t care, but you can’t tell me they even considered closing and putting HVAC in the shelters. Like the SRB-PieIX… $500 million and they didn’t bother to turn the stations into actual stations. This isn’t Nice or Sydney or San Diego, with sunshine and 24° nine months a year… And is that the final trim on the roof fascia?? Holy crap that’s some cheap siht. Looks awful.
  2. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    D’excellents points. Merci pour les avoir élaboré. I have other points to add, but maybe later; your post stands on its own. 👍🏼
  3. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    London, Boston and Paris would like a word… 😄 But good points (and I like your optimism).
  4. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Vous venez de décrire le Gadgetbahn qui est REM-B. C'est un train jouet flashy qui ne sert pas correctement à un objectif réel. S'il y a un vrai besoin urgent de TEC structurant vers l'est, alors ils devraient construire un vrai TEC structurant approprié vers l'est. Au lieu de cela, ils proposent un tramway surélevé automatisé avec une capacité restreinte à un coût d'environ 350 millions de dollars par kilomètre (avant de considérer les dépassements de coûts habituels — environ 60% jusqu'à présent pour REM-A!).
  5. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Except this is a canard. There isn’t an urban metro tunnel on the planet that cost $15 billion to go less than 3 km. The infamous 2nd Avenue Subway in New York cost $1.25 billion a km, but there are underground metros all over the world in cities with far more difficult conditions than in Montreal that cost just a fraction of that. It’s just a matter of fact that our costs for rapid transit on this continent are ridiculously exaggerated. Transit is a social service, not a for-profit enterprise. It’s either necessary or it’s not. Even in cities with high costs — like Singapore or Madrid — governments pay, contractors build, people ride. Somehow here we’ve decided we prefer vanity projects and Gadgetbahnen.
  6. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Je ne suis pas trop convaincu de ça. Même à un train au trois minutes —une fréquence au delà de ce qui a été annoncé au départ — c’est à peine 7000 passagers par heure.
  7. Yeah, it’s friggin huge! Definitely the biggest mobile crane I’ve seen in the West Island, including at the airport.
  8. Yeah ok I like that “shift” more than I thought I would.
  9. Nice!! 👍🏼👍🏼
  10. Imagine everybody’s balcony on the first 10 floors will smell of casse-croûte grease.
  11. Maybe there’s a new lobbyist mandate? I don’t know if an application has been submitted, and it doesn’t appear to be on any dockets at the borough between now and the end of the year.
  12. Any sign that Îlot 2 is being readied for the next phase?
  13. There is zero access on the Montreal side from L’Héritage Du Vieux Port to Parc Honoré-Mercier, a full 9 km. Alors oui, “nous avons peine accès en raison des berges contrôlées par le Port de Montréal.”
  14. I love these ideas.👍🏼 I think the only way to be able to remove a traffic lane from the bridge to dedicate to active transport would be if structural additions are made to public transport between Montreal (Village-Gai, Centre-Sud, Ste-Marie), ÎSH/ÎND and Longueuil. Whether that takes the form of a new tram along the route we’ve discussed a few times already, or significantly better buses (perhaps connecting Metro Frontenac with an eventual PSC REM station), it will be a necessity.
  15. It’s a straw man argument anyway. If the project were started in 1998 instead of 2018, it’d be pré-fusions-forcées and would still go ahead. Those four years of uncertainty were not some “golden age” of opportunity.
  16. Perhaps I misunderstood, but I think the new stations will be built able to accommodate them in the future, when the line is run with MPM-10 (or other 3-door vehicles 🤷🏻‍♂️). I think it’s a matter of when, not if, on the Orange line — at least in the core, to start. What’s annoying is that like with everything else, costs go up. What was projected to cost ~$10 million per station in 2018 will surely double or even triple by the time the project gets un-cancelled.
  17. Nothing interesting enough to take pictures of today — and it’s raining — but just to let you know that this last span’s voussoirs have been joined and tensioned, and the flatbeds are arriving with new voussoirs for the next span. I don’t think the LG will move before tomorrow though.
  18. Back to the current news on this topic: while I think $5 billion is a hell of a lot of money to spend on such a short extension with only five stations, I can’t believe they got it down to that number by proposing to move the one station with the biggest TOD opportunity away from Galeries d’Anjou.
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