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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. LG-2 Marie is about to build the last span before starting the big crossing of the A40 at Avenue Victor-Davis!
  2. I’ve done it twice and it’s fantastic. I’ve already mused aloud here that we should offer such an adventure on the PJC! 😄
  3. All good, merci pour l’avoir partagé tout de même, une très belle perspective! 👍🏼
  4. A non-answer: So does this mean they plan to apply a coloured surface coating (paint) on top of the already-more-expensive pigmented asphalt?
  5. TdLB aussi. My mom was a draftsperson for the electrical engineers and had worked on plans for 64 floors.
  6. The spot where this building is planned is about 40 metres higher than the site of 800 St-Jacques.
  7. Oh I love the way the Stadium looks. But somehow I don’t think Paris spends hundred$ of million$ on their landmark every few years, even though it’s world-famous and draws millions more visitors a year than our Tower. If the Stadium takes a few dollars every few years to maintain it for tourists to come and see, even $30 million to revamp the tourist facilities on the Tower, ok, fine. But a half-billion for yet another roof for a stadium without a purpose?? No.
  8. And cropped the full wide-angle view on the sides (drones don’t shoot in portrait mode) which exaggerates the sense of altitude.
  9. Am I the only one who is really bugged by the way we go about designing and building these really expensive entry vestibules and never build anything on top of them in areas where real estate is that such a premium?
  10. SameGuy

    Odea - 25 étages

    Yeah saw that… “wait for it.”
  11. Drivers going east on the 720/136 late in the afternoon will need to wear two pairs of sunglasses. Let’s hope it doesn’t become another “Walkie-Scorchie.” 😂🥵
  12. SameGuy

    Odea - 25 étages

    The “orange” in the renders is wood paneling.
  13. $12B & 10 years to sort-of electrify one line and add 10,000 pax a day isn’t any kind of “low-hanging fruit” in the fight against climate change. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of people in First Nations communities don’t have clean drinking water on a daily basis, but addressing that doesn’t generate votes like a flashy-sounding project.
  14. I like the French idea of banning or restricting flights under two hours, but I think that’s anti-capitalist and too far left. Instead, I’d change the airport and landing fee structures for the airlines — which are now only based on aircraft size. The farther an aircraft flies, the more efficient it is overall (the whole commercial aviation paradigm is incredibly inefficient, but that’s not germane to this idea); somehow, airports charge the same fees for an aircraft type flying an hour as they do for the same type flying five hours. I think airlines should be charged fixed facilities fees depending on aircraft size, but the federal government should add a matrix of federal taxes levied that are inversely proportional to flight duration. These extra taxes would force airlines to reconsider offering sub-hourly service to cities that really ought to be well joined by railways and bus lines. The taxes could go directly towards green transport and electrification initiatives. But taking $12 billion out of the general fund to (likely) give to a PPP for the sake of providing somewhat more reliable service to just 15,000 passengers a day — passengers who have multiple other options to get between our two economic capitals — is wasteful and dumb. Again, mass transit within cities is a necessity, especially in denser areas where it might be residents’ only viable means of transport for work or family needs; improving intercity rail service is laudable, but the investment should be proportional to the need it fulfills, and as long as cheap flights, cheap buses and cheap gas exist, I just can’t see a reasonable justification for spending a Pink Line’s worth of federal money on so-called HFR.
  15. That’s a very strange angle we don’t often see, with our current four tallest buildings appearing equidistant to each other. Very interesting shot!
  16. How often do you hear me say “transit is a social service”? But there are good investments and poor investments, and IMO this one is poor.
  17. Don’t start with me! Pas besoin de rendre un métro léger à travers 12 km de terrains agricoles pour desservir un exurb à <40 000 habitants! Mais il est impératif que le gouvernement du Québec et la MRC réaménagent complètement les accès vers et depuis le site de l'hôpital et le “centre-ville” de Vaudreuil — et donc la station exo. Le quartier subit déjà un trafic cauchemardesque toute la journée, tous les jours, à la sortie 2 de part et d'autre de l'A30 ainsi qu'à la sortie 35 de l'A40, et dans tout le quartier commercial de la cité. If they ever do revamp the interchange and exits, perhaps they will establish a shuttle bus from the station to the hospital. I mean, by then the exo1 line will have been fully modernized anyway, right? 😉
  18. Distilled down to my overall opinion on this proposal.
  19. I’d call it a minor win, but I also feel that $12 billion could fix any number of other things in this country with much greater impacts than adding just 10,000 passengers a day to an intercity train. Heck, I’m wary of the $10 billion dollar budget being floated for REM-B because the line is projected to serve just 133,000 passengers a day, and these are people that need local transit.
  20. LOL we see P42s pulling three-car LRC trains already. So is tripling the ridership to (just) 15k a day honestly worth $12billion-plus?
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