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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. SVP relire ce que j’ai écrit, surtout le passage que tu as bien highlighté. SVP rechercher “redlining” et “white flight” et l’histoire des banleues en Amerique du nord. Rien à avoir avec du “wokeness”; l’ignorer c’est ignorer notre histoire collective. You may not like it, but it happened.
  2. Same same! I depend on the Yamanote line when I’m there, it’s just so efficient.
  3. The problem is that these groups like Trainsparence and Les Pleurnicheux de Deux-Montagnes (or whatever it’s called) refuse to accept that REM is a paradigm shift away from the redlined privilege of peak-hour commuter train service that was originally designed for middle-class white people to get away from the colour and spice of the inner city. It’s a two-way, all-day, show-up-and-go metro system, full stop. People suddenly won’t have to cram into one of the six trains they’ve been offered at rush hour in order to get somewhere within the general region of where they needed to go.
  4. The funny part is: the traffic on the westbound side is like that every day, even before they started rebuilding the eastbound side. Usually it starts around 2:30 PM, but now with the construction it starts around noon.
  5. Ok so REM had zero to do with it being vapour. Got it.
  6. Each portico spans two tracks here, but yes, Yamanote is quad-tracked for much of its length. Technically, it’s a city loop line as well as an express and a freight line, but most of the passengers use the city loop that stops at every station.
  7. La ligne exo2 SJ était supposée d’emprunter le tunnel? Jamais entendu d’ça là. News to me. Just a note for the SJ line: a Wilderton station (Canora) would be 2.75 km from a proposed Namur station, and Du Parc is 2.75 km from Wilderton. 🤔
  8. LOL, ils ont eu besoin de monter un mini-échafaud pour arranger les tuiles petées
  9. Everybody will hate us for bumping a sleeping thread repeatedly! I’m looking forward to any news from the next CCU meeting.
  10. JR East’s Yamanote Line: 34 km, 4 million-plus passengers a day. Not pretty. But perfect.
  11. In Japan there are poles everywhere and catenaries and telegraph lines crisscrossing in every direction. If the system is fast and frequent and efficient, looks are secondary.
  12. SameGuy

    Odea - 25 étages

    Stade Olympique. 14½ years for construction, 16 years since the site’s design was unveiled to the public, almost 19 years since Drapeau’s Olympic bid was announced. Ongoing major projects on the site since the original designs of the stadium, tower, aquatic centre and velodrome were completed in November, 1987.
  13. Il n’y pas de train de banlieue sur la structure du REM devant Solar Uniquartier. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  14. You’ve just described the advantages for a private enterprise running public transit.
  15. SameGuy

    Odea - 25 étages

    … Autres que les projets d'infrastructure sur des calendriers serrés
  16. In a perfect World, le train (RER, “REM”, métro, quoi que ce soit) de l’ouest longerait l’Autoroute 20 vers l’aéroport et le bout de l’île, avec ou sans autres branches vers le nord(ouest).
  17. Yes and no. Deux-Montagnes is for all intents and purposes an exclave of Montreal, a suburb that developed a century ago around the CN Two Mountains train station at what is now Grand Moulin. So while other suburbs at stations along the CNoR Two Mountains line also got their starts with the completion of the Mont-Royal tunnel, most — like Town of Mount Royal, Val Royal (Ville St-Laurent), and Roxboro — continued to grow larger, Deux Montagnes grew at a slower pace more akin to a country village, precisely because of its exclaved nature and limited access. Many cities send tramways or light rail (or light suburban rail) out to far-flung suburbs, but most of them aren’t fully automated on segregated guideways, with completely enclosed stations using platform screen doors. It seems that redeveloping the existing exo6 line to rapid transit standards was a condition in RTM’s cession of the line to the Caisse for their needed route to the airport in the West Island.
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