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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Ok so until someone who knows more than us interjects, we can agree that it must be a choice made because of our winters. 🤝
  2. I know, just like manhole covers. Cast iron develops patina that protects it (eventually); I’ve just never seen the Tenji blocks left “au naturel” in other cities. Perhaps it’s a good trade-off — lower contrast in exchange for less maintenance — in a city with much more aggressive snow removal methods than anywhere else. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  3. Are we the only city in the G-20 that doesn’t bother painting Tenji blocks?? Wtf is up with just letting them rust, installing them rusty, and then letting them continue to rust? Honestly never seen that anywhere else in the world. We are a distinct society indeed. Lol just noticed ours are “MADE IN USA” 🤦🏻‍♂️
  4. Merci @Fortier ou @IluvMTL pour avoir tassé le fil ici!
  5. Indeed. In the late 90s I visited his house to do some work, and the nerve centre of the entire corporation was a set of small offices in the basement staffed with Chinese, and huge maps of China on the walls with marker pins of different factories all over the country. These women were on the phones constantly, and running ideas or documents (faxes!) over to Larry for approval.
  6. Luckily for Larry Rossy, the Oratory blocks his view of that mess from his master bedroom veranda at 46 Surrey Gardens…
  7. Lol je sais où cette passerelle se trouve! Au dessus de la 30 pas loin de la 207 à St-Isidore-Junction! I used to pass it a couple of times a week!
  8. Maybe that’s where the stadium station will be
  9. The gap behind Costco is beginning to remind me of Dorval’s “Bridge to Nowhere.”
  10. How many of your lady friends have you visited this week?? Holy ship you’ve been to every condo in Ville Marie!
  11. If your fancy-ass, gee-whiz TBM that you introduced with huge fanfare was permanently bogged down just 250m from the portal, would you be reminding the public it exists?? The tunnel needs to be dug asap so the rest of the equipment, rails, etc can be installed. Think about it, the elevated structure in the West Island is almost built but it won’t open for three more years. It all takes time. At this point, a traditional roadheader — or even blasting and excavating — would’ve been quicker and easier.
  12. Honestly you could just give us an endless stream of snaps from 21e and we’d all be very happy.
  13. Adjacent to Place Bonaventure? Yes, but below-surface is rather complex so it is unlikely to be developed soon (unlike the western South Block at the Mansfield bus terminal).
  14. Yes absolutely. I even bought the “Fine” t-shirt. But yes, as I said, as long as you obey the rules, you can do well and live happily. My observation was that you don’t see cops anywhere, as many of them are plain-clothes and respond to activities caught by any of the 200,000 security cameras. There is no litter, graffiti or crime. There aren’t loitering skaters or pimps (ahem, Fairview), no public drunkenness (even though the club scene is crazy, and the sidewalk kopitiam sell beer all hours of the day and night), no fear of getting mugged or assaulted. I’ve lazily spent quite a few afternoons (or way-after-hours) drinking beer with locals at sidewalk bars in the heart of Little India and Bugis (the unofficially legal red-light district) with never a problem. Singapore is a wealthy, successful city, with most people living happily and prospering within the established rules. It also has the highest rate of home ownership in the world, just as an aside. While I don’t think we’d benefit from a benevolent dictatorship, we could do well to emulate some of Singapore’s best practices. (similar; mine wore out a few years ago)
  15. That whole sector from Jean-d’Estrees to the CN Overpass looks like such a no-man’s-land at this angle (for now)! Apart from Dow/ÉTS, and the Immigration building that will never go anywhere, it just seems like a wasteland. It would be neat to get a similar shot if/when 750, 600, 980, 900 and South Block are up.
  16. Une utilisation imparfaite de l'imparfait.
  17. Maybe it’s the same dude(tte) who’s anglicizing est/ouest addresses for the SSJB… poor grammar. 😉
  18. 😅Oui, certains d'entre eux rendent les choses difficiles !
  19. Please provide links instead of screen grabs, it helps everyone in the community and also helps the publishers get views on their pages, which in turn allows them to continue providing us with more information. 🙂
  20. Like I said before, we should probably invest in better public security instead of a militarized police force. In Singapore you rarely see police anywhere, and you certainly don’t see the police beating up on poor people or shooting people who don’t look like them. But the city state has an area just over 700 km², or a little more than half the size of Montréal’s urban area, and there are roughly 200,000 security cameras installed across the city state. People are free, happy, there is a little to no crime, there is no graffiti, no vandalism, everybody can make as much money as they wish to make. Just follow the rules. Which is what any normal civilized society should be like.
  21. None of this has been approved yet. So yeah, this isn’t “in construction.”
  22. Yeah that’s all understandable, but we will never know why it’s 100% concrete (voussoirs) for the 15+ km in the West Island (including some long spans back and forth over the 40), but deck-over-beams (a hodgepodge of steel and concrete) for PSC and Brossard.
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