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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. “NDG 7 mins” yeah because people schlepping their LV bags onto the Métro are getting off at Villa Maria and walking to the Monkland Tavarne.
  2. @Mtlarch you really believe in your position, enough to state it four times! 😉
  3. This one: They call it a “direct indoor access to the Métro.” They're purposely omitting the 14 lanes of Decarie Expressway it would cross. That’s like taking Air Canada’s “direct flight from Toronto to Sydney” that stops for two hours in Vancouver.
  4. And the screen captures further up the thread use very deceptive angles and perspectives to make it seem much closer and more easily accessible than it really is. Like I’ve mentioned previously in this thread, that is a long pedestrian overpass. It will be cumbersome at best. There is a long pedestrian overpass in Dubai to get from the metro to the Dubai Mall and Burj Khalifa; it’s around 800 m long and uses several long travelactors to help people make the journey. The vast majority of visitors to the Burj Khalifa come by car or taxi.
  5. Où? La seule chose à Dorval qui est construite et inutilisée est ce que beaucoup de gens appellent une “gare” qui n'est rien de plus qu'un haut sous-sol à l'hôtel Marriott et au terminal transfrontalier de l'aéroport. Il est utilisé pour garer les voitures des riches et n'a aucune infrastructure ferroviaire réelle autre que de hauts plafonds. Ce ne sera jamais une gare.
  6. The smog from the west coast though 😳
  7. Ok while I’d love to see action by the various levels of government on many — if not most — of these ideas (you can read back to all the times I’ve mentioned the 15/40 area and transit improvements needed), if we let one single developer actually bully the administrations into spending billions for that developer’s benefit, that is also not a good thing. Putting the cart before the horse is usually costly and foolish; instead of going ahead and developing a suboptimal plot of land that you acquired cheaply and then demanding the government spend a fortune to help you solve all the problems you are about to create, perhaps figure out a way to profit from that land acquisition without creating such problems in the first place. Yes, the entire area of Namur-De La Savane-Triangle-Midtown has been plagued with traffic and access issues since the early years of the Automobile Age in the late 50s and early 60s, but proper urban development and growth should happen organically, not via coercion.
  8. Hey, ça fait plus que deux ans depuis le rapport du groupe de travail Namur-De La Savane a été dévoilé, et rien ne se passe aux cabinets des projets de ses recommendations. Even these ideas’ priorities have not moved up in the PQI. This is what is called “a shambles.”
  9. The place will be this crowded because there will be so much traffic in the area that people will be stuck there forever and will wander around like The Walking Dead.
  10. We absolutely agree on this.
  11. We are beating a dead horse here. The federal government in power right now is losing ground in every district except the west island lol. It’s an election year, so they’ve announced what sounds like an amazing big project, $6 billion-$12 billion — for what amounts to nothing more than a bog-standard, low-speed train that isn’t even 100% electrified, in the hopes of increasing ridership from 5000 passengers a day to 15,000 passengers a day by 2050. It’s nonsensical, as long as there is subsidized gasoline, and multiple other cheap modes of travel in the corridor. Anything other than acquiring space for dedicated tracks in existing rights of way will require a concord between the feds, the province and multiple local administrations, and then further massive investments for gee-whiz infrastructure that simply isn’t needed to address the current and future needs of the actual residents and businesses of this city. Other than Union and Centrale, VIA stations are nothing more than a shack with a strip of asphalt at ground level that serves as a “platform,” and it has been like this since VIA took over passenger service from disinterested CN and CP in 1978. The feds are no more interested in spending $10 billion for a tunnel under Montreal than the CAQ was in doing so for a Pink Line. It’s nice to dream big, but stories like this come and go, and have done so every couple of months for decades. I admire your optimism, but don’t read too much into a La Presse opinion piece.
  12. Amazing. Je l’emprunte désormais. 😂 Un Fuxing Vite de TGV! 😂😬
  13. C'est quoi le prix de quelques centaines de caméras de surveillance pour des projets de plusieurs millions ou même de milliards, et un escouade d’agents de sûreté qui sortent des ombres pour harceler les ticons? Just like Singapore! N’y a pas de graffitis là, je vous jure.
  14. I’m so confused… the Fuxing in the image is capable of over 400 km/h… it’s a TTGV!
  15. Off-off-topic: the room near the very top of Taipei 101 where you can get surprisingly close to the building’s harmonic damper is worth the price of the ticket alone! Attention, la police du anti-Québec-bashing va cogner sur la porte en 3… 2… 1…
  16. REM is private transit, and being built privately to enable profitable future real estate development. Serving existing density is just a necessary nuisance.
  17. They tried to crush development there 10 years ago, long before REM was even a notion.
  18. Euhm ce n’est pas moi qui l’ai dit. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  19. I though that was a few blocks away in the Cité Internationale…
  20. Whatever happened to that “major local company changing headquarters”?
  21. Not hard to parse. If you don’t know — or don’t want to know — about the history of the Two Mountains line and Town of Mount Royal, that choice is yours. You know full well I never said “only privileged, wealthy whites take the commuter train” but you somehow inferred that, and chose to “whatabout” it as a counterpoint by saying, “I have ethnic friends who have built lives in the suburbs.” The reason why this paradigm shift from peak-hour commuter trains to metro will succeed is exactly because the suburbs that grew up along the old Two Mountains Line are much more dense and economically diverse than they were a hundred years ago — when only white people with money bought houses out in the new suburban towns in order to escape the city. Once again, a friggin dumb debate that had zero to do with the discussion. Have a nice evening.
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