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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Merci! Don’t worry… Je ne ferai pas de commentaire négatif sur les coûts projetés par rapport à l'augmentation de l'achalandage, car comme nous en avons discuté à plusieurs reprises dans le passé, il existe de nombreuses valeurs intrinsèques liées au développement des TEC qui sont difficiles à quantifier. So, along with CBTC for the whole line, can one expect full-length trains as well?
  2. Parmi les études qui ont été mises à la disposition du public, y a-t-il des prévisions d'achalandage pour le prolongement de la ligne bleue ou pour la future ligne bleue dans son ensemble ?
  3. Je suppose que la grue va être encore plus haute qu’à Fairview et des Sources, compte tenu de la dénivellation à partir du niveau de la rue et de la hauteur totale de la station.
  4. I think Panama will be amazing. Yeah, the big bus terminal is a “transfer” station to me 😉. I think Fairview will easily be similarly busy with intermodal transfers.
  5. I still believe Du Ruisseau and Montpellier will be the two busiest non-transfer/non-terminal stations. I’m really looking forward to this section coming online in a couple of years.
  6. That’s too far for heart patients to walk 😝
  7. Or a 1970s medical centre in Westmount-adjacent NDG…
  8. The bridge might move, but I would imagine if the elevators are installed near the pylons at either end as well as on Île Ste-Hélène — ie fulcrum points — the expansion joints would need to be really, really small.
  9. As soon as I hit “send“ on that post, the skies opened up as a line of storms started rolling through, and all the workers ducked for shelter.
  10. Le moule de la cale de la dernière colonne de la station à Kirkland a été installé, et il semble que les équipes se préparent à commencer les étapes d'époxy et de tension ce soir pour cette dernière travée. Pendant ce temps, des centaines de poutres en bois sont livrées à proximité des futures fondations de la station. Je suppose qu'ils doivent construire une plate-forme de stockage stable dans cette zone marécageuse pour la livraison prochaine des poutres en béton des plate-formes de la station. Peut-être que @bad_monday pourrait nous donner des infos ?
  11. Pretty sure it will blend right in, not necessarily a bad thing either.
  12. Very nice shots, @Rocco 👍🏼
  13. It reminds me of Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan.
  14. I read that editorial this morning, and immediately thought of REM-A, and my frequent mutterings about where it is being built. Apart from being a longish walk away from lower-income density at Bois-Franc, and not terribly far from similar populations in the Sunnybrooke/À-Ma-Baie area, it’ll mostly serve middle- to upper-income areas and future upper-income developments.
  15. I’ve twice climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge (2009 and 2015) and it’s incredible, and an unbelievably popular attraction in Sydney. A similar climb has since been developed for Pont Jacques-Cartier’s little brother in Brisbane, the Story Bridge, and it, too is very popular. I wonder why we haven’t tried anything like that here.
  16. I still don’t get how architects thought going from the black (or “dark bronze”) curtain walls of some of this continent’s signature international-style towers to “bright” aluminum sheathing was a good evolution.
  17. The whole project, the whole idea is a farce.
  18. Yeah this was discussed a little bit earlier in the thread. The diagonal underpass of the Met is fairly large and the right-of-way is large enough to accommodate dedicated tracks alongside the CN freight line. The station could be just north of the Met closer to the 111 Alexis-Nihon project or Marcel-Laurin and the various new developments on that side. I mean Carbonleo proposed “automated electric shuttles” (🙄) to the Mont-Royal REM station, so a station on the current Mascouche (CN) line wouldn’t be tougher to access. Also needed would be the Bois-Franc Orange extension, and a station on the exo St-Jerome line at Decarie/Namur, linked to the Namur metro with a protected passage would help the whole area as well.
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