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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. The only real problem, that we’ve realized in studying the current route, is that the best location for a branch-off to Laval at BF would be along the old Cartierville right of way. But unfortunately it is just east of the station, making it almost as cumbersome as a branch from Du Ruisseau. One possible solution to that would be putting the switches in the westbound direction instead of eastbound, so trains from the south would stop at BF and then reverse to branch off to Laval (like any stub branch on a mainline). Cumbersome, yes. But feasible. Local users would just have to get accustomed checking display screens and listening for announcements that would be necessary for this system of show-up-and-go transit which is used on just about every other metropolitan rail network around the world.
  2. Don’t get me wrong, I think the curving “signature“ bridge over the Nuns Island channel looks pretty cool, but it is massive, and would be quite horrible on any Boulevard downtown.
  3. That structure is frankly hideous, concrete columns and beams topped by a concrete deck. The few places they used steel beams is for longer reaches (such as the CN flyover) and it isn’t prettier. At least the voussoirs in the west have a somewhat more organic profile.
  4. Yeah. The only positive is the cushion they gave themselves, even with stalls and a slower overall pace they should have no problems getting it done on time for the branch’s current scheduled opening.
  5. Les recettes de la Caisse dépendent ultimement à l’achalandage par kilomètre parcouru.
  6. J’avoue que c’est vraiment cool de la part du promoteur.
  7. 😳 That’s really not a lot. After they work out the kinks, it should be able to bore 10-30 metres per day. They’re averaging less than 2 m per day.
  8. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Textbook examples of the poor civic planning to which we are subjected by all levels of government here. REM will be no different, because as we know, CDPQi is washing their hands of any and all work around their installations. So of course, unlike Vancouver — who have planted climbers around the SkyTrain’s columns to prevent that stuff — of course we will drop the ball and complain about it after the fact.
  9. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    The Caisse already took a gamble when they acquired the DM line (tunnel, ROW, properties, rights at Centrale, etc) for perhaps one-tenth of its true value (and perhaps billion$ less than it would cost to build today). At this point because of the poor state of the tunnel and their lack of real-world transit experience — I mean, c’mon, how did they not know the tunnel would need to be divided and systems duplicated to meet current safety codes? — it’s looking less shrewd than it did in 2016, but I’d have been stunned if they had attempted to squeeze more money from the governments to compensate for that bad bet.
  10. 😄 En effet! D’origine la gare terminus Montréal-Lachine du Cdf QMO&O, et deux ans plus tard la gare de départ du premier train transcontinental au Canada. La placette est très jolie!
  11. There are “tracks” at the Ancienne gare de Lachine
  12. Honestly it un-complicates things. ARTM can propose an STM-built and -operated light metro line from Lucien-L’Allier to VSP and into Lachine; it would still go right downtown and be about as close to Bonaventure metro as REM-A (and closer than REM-B, and with an enclosed pathway to boot)
  13. Sure, and that was supposed to be the original height of the entire West Island branch — which would have allowed for many more options in rebuilding the three boulevards’ A-40 overpasses as well as a future Stillview/Somerset overpass (and even the A-440/40 interchange). Now if they put that same voussoir profile at that height on René-Lévesque Ouest (with perhaps slightly more refined columns), IMO few people would complain other than for the sake of complaining.
  14. Here’s one on the other side of Jean-Yves, atop the first regular column after the station we see the lonely, longer legs waiting for Anne to catch up. Between the high station on the east side and the catwalk and ground level structure on the west side, this will be one massive station! Pretty much! Certainly for now the highest west of St-Charles other than the Veterans’ Hospital (and the old, forlorn Future Electronics building in Vaudreuil).
  15. And another couple showing LG-1 Anne’s progress at Kirkland. Each span between the station saddles takes significantly longer than the regular spans, because the saddles aren’t lowered into place like on the regular columns. This requires different adhesive and tensioning techniques, and much closer tolerances (because there are no gaps over the columns that give some leeway).
  16. So, not the $800 million Federal dollars Plante passed to Lebaume… noted.
  17. 😂 Rien à ajouter, mais que tu m’as fait rire. C’était une semaine à oublier dans ma famille… Merci!
  18. Selon nos discours dans ce forum, le prolongement de la bleue a déjà au moins 30 ans de retard. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  19. Encore une fois, pas d'obstination, juste des faits. Il a été annoncé comme étant en service dès la fin de 2020, et maintenant ce n'est pas le cas. Peu importe les raisons, il s'agit toujours d'un délai de 18 à 24 mois. Mais ben, whatever, j’ai toujours hâte à me promener partout dans le Grand Montréal à bord, dès 2024 dans mon coin! 👍🏼
  20. Well, if by “promesse de politicien” you mean CDPQi in their own press releases and the original information packets from April through August of 2016, then sure, that’s what it is. But it doesn’t make it not an 18-24 month delay from what they themselves announced.
  21. C’est plutôt 18 mois de retard pour les premiers trains en service, et deux ans (ou plus) pour le reste du réseau… si l’on regarde les annonces et les documents originaux.😜 En effet, “en service d'ici «la fin de 2020»,” 5,5 milliards de dollars, des trains toutes les 6 à 12 minutes à destination et en provenance des trois terminus ouest. Ce sont trois des plus grandes promesses qui n'ont pas pu être tenues (parmi des dizaines de changements).
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