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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Crane going up on Condos Aviva today. Can a mod amend the thread title to “Condos Aviva”?
  2. Alors la moitié du parc diesel puis l’autre moitié électrique?
  3. Agree 100%. It’s nice to dream BIG, but it’s simply incompatible with reality. Honestly, my biggest issue is still how they went about the renewal of the corridor fleet, foregoing any future-proofing by ordering the diesel push-pull Charger/Venture sets. Siemens has no proof-of-concept dual-mode units running; IMO VIA should’ve postponed a fleet choice until an HFR decision was finalized, giving time to RFP for dual-modes or even a turnkey all-electric buildout.
  4. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    $3 billion for a 9 km tram in a city like Hamilton — before you start, I know Hamilton like the back of my hand — is the definition of insanity.
  5. LG-Anne is one span away from the westbound Chemin Ste-Marie overpass crossing, which is scheduled to commence this Thursday evening. She should reach the Kirkland station some time during the second week of June and the eastbound overpass before the end of July. Gratuitous shots of Anne from across Parc des Bénévoles
  6. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    There is nothing wrong with condos and rentals right alongside rapid transit lines, whether the buildings were there before the line, or densification began after the line was established. Vancouver is a more vertical city than Montreal, but there will come a day when areas like Fairview and Panama and Kirkland might look like this, and it’s a future I’m hoping happens. This video is from Metro Vancouver’s SkyTrain approaching Brentwood Station in Burnaby, one of many rapidly changing station areas in the region. The new development at the end is where a mall parking lot used to be. [video h/t @BrentToderian via Twitter]
  7. The Galeries development was a CF project though. Is it dead in the water now? I was just thinking today that IC swapped away their half of the CF Fairview Pointe Claire and adjacent properties, but will easily earn back some of their share from the REM developer royalties, some $50 million over the next 15 years or so.
  8. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Right, and I do not see the value of REM-B. I’m not trying to be obstinate, but there must be a reason why not one other major city elsewhere has invested this kind of money in this kind of system with this extremely limited capacity.
  9. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    J’ai dit “better”. Le Train de l’est est “anything but better.” Le reste du monde semble comprendre la différence entre les trains de banlieue/régionaux et les métros urbains automatisés, mais d'une manière ou d'une autre, nous devons construire de minuscules tramways automatisés avec une capacité minime pour faire fonctionner des lignes de banlieue radiales to/from le centre-ville. This is not the answer either. Again, $10+ billion invested to improve and modernise suburban/regional rail would benefit far more people throughout the metropolis from Day One than REM-B’s “133,000 passengers a day in 2044.”
  10. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    And nothing in those slides actually promotes anything that would benefit local residents. “Encourages the modal transfer to mass transit” isn’t anything special: even installing bus stops does that. If all the government wants is to reduce “auto-solo” between the outer suburbs and downtown, better commuter train service would have a much bigger impact at significantly lower initial and long term costs.
  11. Maybe we can reopen the Molson Bank
  12. Underrated point. This is a big factor.
  13. Looks like it’ll surpass the Hyatt Evo by la Fête Nationale…
  14. Don’t forget @Mtlarch also with some great angles of this big hole in the ground!
  15. I’ve asked if anyone has a clue about this a number of times. What I’ve learned is that: a) First Capital owns the Pharmaprix, b) FC is more aligned towards commercial properties, and c) there is (or was) a restriction on building up that close to the tracks. I am truly curious if something can be done on this site, because it really is a wart in this growing neighbourhood — notwithstanding the overall lack of character in the area.
  16. Manhattan est en cours d’aménager un bain publique dans l’East River
  17. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    In large cities with massive rapid transit systems it’s almost impossible to get from A to B without (sometimes multiple) transfers, and residents and regular visitors don’t even think twice about it. The problem we can foresee here is that transfers might be too unwieldy to make rapid transit the optimal choice. Yes, I think we should remove cheap street parking from the core of the city.
  18. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Et soyons clairs: le but du BAPE est de consulter et de faire des recommandations liées à l’environnement, mais la plupart de leurs problèmes avec REM-A étaient de nature socio-économique, bien en dehors de leur mandat.
  19. Four cities in Mexico and the Caribbean 😉😄 Edit: lol I was joking, but yeah, four Mexican cities ahead of us and Santo Domingo not too far behind!
  20. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    En 245 pages de discours là-dessus, y en a beaucoup de commentaires concernant le maillage et les liaisons aux autres modes de TEC. 🙂👍🏼
  21. Or just turn your phone upside down when you’re taking pictures… 😄😉
  22. Lol yeah ok je n’ai aucun conseil alors! 😂
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