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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. By the time the Blue line extension is complete, the tunnel will be due for refurbishment.
  2. À l’envers meaning the order you want to present ends up wrong? I usually upload one at a time and it holds the order.
  3. [Longtime mod on a busy car forum] There were plenty of “off-topic” political posts in that thread that were definitely disrupting the flow of the actual topic. I also think the “200 m” thread should be moved to an off-topic sub-forum for the same reason. Sometimes when there’s a lot of cleanup needed, it’s easier to hide a thread and work on it as necessary. As @Fortier reminds us, mods are volunteers, so perhaps it’s not going at the speed we’d like, or with some level of transparency that the active posters might prefer, but I’m just assuming that’s the case here. I find it’s also better to PM the mods if questions like these arise. I recently had questions about actions taken and did just that; I’m still awaiting an explanation from the mod concerned, but I’m cool with it. Fortier (et al): si ce post devra être supprimé aussi, je comprends complètement. Merci.
  4. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    You’re not alone. 😄👍🏼 There are some pretty grim areas in Tokyo, but other areas are green and modern and efficient and walkable. As others have said a few times, if the elevated guideway is high enough, the areas below can actually be enhanced to be nicer than they are now (ie now being: building-skinny sidewalk-eight lanes for cars-skinny sidewalk-building). Going back to the first pic @Enalung posted, let’s imagine a nice wide sidewalk, protected bikeway, tall, leafy trees, and just four lanes for cars. With all that vitality, the clean lines of a guideway eight or ten metres up will simply add to the sense of local scale below, removing much of the “canyon effect.”
  5. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    I’ve been exactly there (it’s not too far south of Roppongi). I thought it was a highway. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  6. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    You must be new to the interwebs if you perceive any comments in response to your Chicken Little routine as "rudeness." But thanks for playing.
  7. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Je l'ai dit plusieurs fois. Je l'aimerais mieux que ce soit en souterrain, mais pour la plupart, René-Lévesque est assez large pur accommoder une structure aérienne. Ce seront les stations et leur interconnexion avec les réseaux actuels qui nuieront le paysage, et donc l'acceptabilité du système.
  8. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Spending $10+ billion to shuttle fewer than 15,000 people an hour at rush hour to downtown — with poor connections to the rest of the transit system — is “viable” apparently. I’d like to know how they’ve arrived at this conclusion. “Viable” seems to get thrown around a lot on both sides of any debate about public infrastructure, but nobody wants to back it up with logic.
  9. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    But it’s public transit… what determines “viability”?
  10. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    You seem to pick and choose what to comprehend from your reading here. I’m anything but a cheerleader. I just don’t abide your nonsense.
  11. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Le propos a une capacité bien restreinte, soit de ~14000 passagers sur toute la ligne (max, avec des fréquences de 20 trains à l’heure de chaque branche!), avec des rames à 40 mètres, max 370 passagers. 12 trains par heure de PAT au CV lors du lancement, donc ~4400 pax. Si la réduction du trafic depuis la pointe est de l'île était vraiment une considération, ils proposeraient un véritable métro de grande capacité.
  12. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Around 2000 people die on Canadian roads every year, so I guess we should stop building roads and ban cars. Mass rapid transit is the safest form of transportation there is. Your position is silly. I’d understand the shitposting if you were shorting stock and were desperate not to get that margin call, but what end does scaremongering serve in this case?
  13. Eeeeeeeeeeeet c'est l'départ they're offfandrunning à l'extérieur on the outside...
  14. That’s a cheap shot, you’re named after a street in Kirkland! 😛
  15. I don’t get it. Is there a Verrazano Boulevard there? A park? Square? Will wonders never cease? Naming stations after people instead of the places they are located is just dumb.
  16. The escorts caught up with it at the Boulevard St-Jean exit where they proceeded to cross the crumbling overpass and descend back down to the westbound A-40 service road.
  17. Voussoir being hauled over the Île-aux-Tourtes bridge this afternoon, sans escort… 😳 Yes, my windshield is still filthy; no, I did not hit the voussoir!
  18. 19th but ok, I get what was meant. This is a large metropolis, and its central city is both busy and dense.
  19. I dunno, keyhole effect would normally have it leaning into the centre of the frame, not away from it.
  20. S'il devient un bien condamné dangereux, patrimonial ou non, il devra être démoli.
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