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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Les partenaires du consortium viennent de l’étranger?? Ou c’est Beaver Construction renaît sous un autre nom?
  2. Right, but the fares for an electric train ride between the three should be much lower than the costs to drive, making it worth it for that “family of four” to make their way to a station (hopefully by REM or Subway or whatever). Examples I usually use are from car-crazy Italy (HerSR/HSR) where gas, tolls, and traffic make cars considerably less economical or convenient between most cities, and car-centric Australia (modern EMUs) where fares are very low and trains frequent enough that lines are always well-used. But while we are throwing around hypotheticals, why should rail be targeting “leisure travellers like a family of four” and not every single potential traveller between the three main cities? Amtrak’s NEC should be used as our example and guide. Sure, people still drive between Boston and DC and points between, but NEC trains are always full. Imagine if gas and jet fuel in the States was at European prices? The taxes would pay for a couple of Infrastructure Weeks every year until folks simply gave up and started using mass transportation instead of Chevy Tahoes and Southwest Airlines!
  3. Et donc le crux du problème. We are writing cheques we can’t cover. En effet, c’est l’enjeu depuis un siècle.
  4. Once again, je me focus sur les coûts des infras. C’est du timing impeccable, l’annonce plein de fanfare pour ce maudit 3e Lien à 10G$ qui desservira qq 50 000 automobilistes par jour, en même temps qu’un pont traversé par 90 000 véhicules dont 10 000 camions est condamné dangereux et infranchissable. Perfecto. Hah jinx
  5. But let’s spend $10 billion on the 3e Lien…
  6. Same. But conversely, while I believe we should “subsidize” sustainable mass transportation, we must begin by ending subsidies for roads and road users. I’m all for user-fees (taxing fuel, tolls, congestion charges, etc.). Otherwise we maintain an endless cycle of underspending on mass transit while continuing to endorse the the extraction, refining and burning of fossil fuels.
  7. You don’t think there are better uses for $5-$10-$15 billion? VIA will never be “financially viable” as long as gasoline is cheap and highways are “free”. People in Europe take the train because it’s fast, reliable and convenient, but also because gas and highway tolls make train travel cheaper than driving. North America subsidizes drivers above all else.
  8. Is it just me? Or does that “baie-vitrée” area not look as bright and open as in the renders and videos?
  9. Sorry, I should have clarified: 5000 per day between Montreal and Toronto, the focus of HFR. Spending $4 billion or more — and let’s face it, it will be more — to perhaps double that number really seems illogical when you come right down to it.
  10. Around 5000 people a day rode trains in the Corridor in 2019. Even $4 billion for the “baseline” HFR project is a lottttta money to spend in the hopes that another 5000 people ditch planes, buses and cars to take a ride that’s only marginally quicker than driving — but without the flexibility offered by having a car at both ends. Until gas is priced realistically (or taxed enough to help pay to maintain the roads), it’s an uphill battle to convince people to take the train, even with more departures, fewer delays and increased speeds.
  11. 4-5 years is a possibility for Cité Intl, what’s the best guess for 7 (South Block Lands)?
  12. 🤝 Même chose pour moi. I used to (when it was still open) cross the border at Hemingford to get mail, packages, etc, in the village of Mooers, and often drive to Plattsburgh to save on groceries and household goods at Sam’s Club. I’d much rather take the 530/30/205 and pay the toll both ways than deal with the Mercier and the 20 both ways. It’s an extra 25 km and 15 minutes but I don’t mind one bit. FWIW I’m picking up my first packages from the Halfway House in Dundee/Fort Covington next week. To return to the topic, I expect that the work in the LHL tunnel has something to do with the deliveries coming from the western bypass, not to mention the horrendous condition of the elevated Met.
  13. I don’t disagree at all.
  14. And what? Remove such a picturesque surface parking lot?? Seriously though, that would be an ideal location.
  15. C’est l’Ibis Styles des Marriott. Très hip.
  16. I drove along Côte-Vertu from Ste-Croix to l’Acadie today, the first time passing Gare (Station) Montpellier in forever — honestly I think the last time I was near this intersection/station was on the AMT train in the early 2000s before I started working full time at YUL. I would wager good money that this will become one of the busiest stations north of McGill, perhaps the busiest. The area is very densely built up already, with new projects sure to come.
  17. I was padding my guesstimates. 😜 Electrification always gets a $10M/km figure thrown around that I used for an 800 km phase one triangle between Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal, but I guess that often includes line improvements (signalling, track upgrades, crossings, etc) that will mostly be done in the baseline project.
  18. It is indeed a step forward into the early aughts, but we honestly need more than that. If they’re going to spend the $5-10 billion to build or repurpose dedicated ROW, why not spend the extra $5-10 billion on electrification between Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal and get simpler, proven, electric-only train sets at a fraction of the dual-modes’ cost and complexity? The savings in fleet costs, financing, fuel, and maintenance would take very little time to offset the electrification costs. FWIW, I agree that true HSR is a non-starter for this country in the real world. It’s nice to fantasize about kickstarting the economy with a $50+ billion investment in HSR but it’s silly.
  19. As much as I love all the buildings going up, this is the project I’m most anticipating.
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