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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. It’s an off-topic topic to begin with, so I think most of us are ok giving a little latitude to tangential discussions that might branch off, as long as they’re within the scope of the main subject. “The cross, the antennas, the Oratory” are part of the discussion of heights. 🙂 FWIW I selected one of the categories “way down the road.” I think we’re at least a decade away from needing to go higher for any reason other than vanity and ego.
  2. Je ne peux pas dire si on est sarcastique ou véridique, mais je suis d'accord avec l’une ou l’autre intention!
  3. Already moulding them. H/t @Ti-Pierre Oops lol I didn’t advance to the next page before I replied the same thing
  4. It’s a pre-social media internet meme that originates from a Homer Simpson quote in 1998.
  5. Definitely. But that’s only a small part of the equation. If the study doesn’t include transport, it’s way off. If there’s a car parked out front, it’s not sustainable. Add in car costs, and denser is better. “The carbon impact of green spaces and transport infrastructure were not included as it is beyond the scope of this study” Virtually no studies that demonstrate “taller is less green” take transportation and distance to amenities into account.
  6. Open your eyes if you dare 😉 If owners, developers, architects and designers want their works to stand apart, maybe the onus is upon them to make sure they stand apart.
  7. Replace the antennas with minarets then. That makes as much sense as your argument. Or why don’t we have a giant lit up Star of David next to it, and crescent & star on the opposite side? Just because something “has always been part of our heritage” doesn’t mean it necessarily belongs there anymore. Call me “woke” (why do those on the right seem to think that is some sort of insult?), but I’d rather see the Kanienʼkehá꞉ka symbol up there.
  8. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Agree. The asymmetrical elegance of the Rennes VAL is certainly pleasant-looking compared to our West Island branches, and downright gorgeous compared to the PSC segment, but it’s still just a polished turd compared to an underground metro.
  9. Tes idées m'intriguent et je souhaite m'inscrire à ton newsletter.
  10. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Grrrrrrr Public transit is a service, not a business.
  11. If EM takes the majority again do not be surprised if the “Grand Terrain Agricole Abandonné et Friche de l’Ouest” (the majority of the land is certainly not wild parkland) gets significantly reduced, and the Pierrefonds Ouest development goes ahead in some altered (probably reduced) form.
  12. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    I spoke with JVL yesterday and he was very bullish on infra’s modus operandi of tackling projects and “just getting it done,” and elaborated (well, espoused the Company line) that the design-build-finance-operate paradigm works best for public transit, and that it will be nothing but rainbows and unicorns for generations to come. 😉
  13. Ok there are no cage homes in Montreal, only tent camps. It’s easy to cast aspersions on places we only see on the news, while glibly sidestepping the homeless people at every street corner in every district of our own city — who face far harsher weather. PS: “des pluies tropicales quasi-quotidiennes”? I’ve been there almost every month of the year and I’ve never even been rained upon. They get typhoons about as often as we get blizzards, perhaps a couple times a year. Then they clean up and get back to work. It’s a hard-working, successful city with similar socioeconomic problems to those of almost any other major metropolis, but let’s not exaggerate about the conditions dealt with by the vast majority of residents, ok? You would be scratching your head if you read a post on a Hong Kong forum from somebody who’s never been here describing Montreal as one big tent city, and why they would never want their city to be like Montreal because of that.
  14. Yes, the handles are quite high but well designed overall. I’m 5’9”-ish with monkey arms and my elbow is still at an acute angle when grabbing a handle (just above the top of my head, perhaps six feet high). The person in yellow was a child, about the same height as the two women in the foreground; her… father(?) is in the light blue T-shirt and stands maybe 5’7”.
  15. I’m 176 cm tall and had no headroom issues on the demo car. The gentleman in this pic was a good 10-12 cm taller than me. I think anybody taller than about 193 cm (6’4”) will likely have to duck under the LCD screens.
  16. Visiting Dix30 today for the “REM est arrivé en ville” event, I had to drive around a bit to find a parking spot near Place Extasia, and it just smacks really hard how badly the whole eastern quadrant of Dix30 — the part closest to the eponymous station, with Cineplex just blocking everything — needs to be levelled and redeveloped.
  17. J’avoue que la baie vitrée est superbe, beaucoup plus impressionnante que ce à quoi je m’attendais, et certainement plus agréable que ce que j’ai connu sur la Métropolis dans d’autres villes. The Alstom rep told me they put a lot of effort into this because of the SdC crossing and the unparalleled approach to downtown from PSC. They also took great pains to make it an excellent experience for children and people with limited mobility using wheelchairs.
  18. JV pointed out that after Exporail this car likely won’t be changed at all, and will continue to travel around to different events until after the entire system is fully open, touring until perhaps sometime in 2025.
  19. I had a nice chat with Jean-Vincent Lacroix and… j’oublie son nom, le rep d’Alstom… Ça ne s’agit vraiment q’une maquette et une preuve de concept. Dans l’ensemble, les trains en service ressembleront presque exactement au modèle de démonstration, mais il y a des changements importants pour la variante de Montréal qui ne seront pas adaptés à ce démonstrateur itinérant: les cadres de fenêtres et de portes seront beaucoup plus robustes et résistants aux intempéries, et auront l’air plus costaud. De plus, ce modèle ne comprend presque aucune des modifications spécifiques à Montréal, telles que les planchers et les seuils de porte chauffants, le châssis et les composants en acier inoxydable ou les pare-brise chauffants. Il a, par contre, la baie vitrée Montréalaise, qui est unique.
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