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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. And the soon-vanishing Mansfield bus terminal!
  2. Well, gotta say that the wrap on this demo car is Crap. I expect it’ll get completely redone after Exporail next summer before being shown again. Also the carbon steel in the door sills is already oxidizing.
  3. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    I’ve flip-flopped back and forth between the downtown segment’s (lack of) social and aesthetic acceptability, but the one thing that sticks with me — the one reason I hope the elevated downtown section never gets built — is what I posted earlier: without identifying an actual, data-proven need for this segment to be built, we can’t accept it as presented. The proposed passenger capacity numbers don’t warrant it, and the O/D forecasts haven’t been made public (probably precisely because they don’t identify a need for it). On no planet should we accept the René-Lévesque segment as proposed if the maximum capacity at launch will be just 10,500 PPHD, and the theoretical maximum (with virtually infeasible 80-second headways) is fewer than 16,000.
  4. Geez while I was playing in Google Earth at Technoparc I measured the 300 metres they’ve claimed that Alice has managed since starting up almost eight months ago, and it’s barely past Herron Pond and not even at the old Chemin St-François (the abandoned straight road that goes directly to the airport fence and turns left). 🤦🏻‍♂️ PS that stretch of St-François was one of the busiest late-night drag strips until the late 80s when Marie-Curie was built. Even busier than 32nd in Lachine! Anse-à-l’Orme has taken over since it was repaved a few years ago.
  5. Geez they still haven’t repaired the fence from that fatal high-speed wreck in the early spring.
  6. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    On Alfred-Nobel the structure transitions from 8 metres (track height) above Marie-Curie to fully in the trench by Frederick-Banting (just 270 m) to covered (100 m further), and 12 metres below ground at the Marie-Curie staton (just past Albert-Einstein, another 200 m), a total of just 570 m on flat ground. On René-Lévesque where there’s a roughly 8 metre drop between St-Alexandre and Jeanne-Mance, the transition would be even shorter than 270 m.
  7. Ay, there’s the rub. Was it a calculated risk? Or a foolish wager?
  8. Exactly, and goes along with the point you were making. They did a patch job, much like they do to our roads and bridges. 50 year old infra should pretty much be gutted and rebuilt anew.
  9. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Exactement! En anglais, on dit que ces personnes se répandent de la FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt). Pas besoin de faits ou de résultats d’études pour répandre la FUD. I lived directly along the DM tracks and I can tell you I could barely hear the big, heavy MR-90s go by other than the clack-clack of the wheels on the unwelded rail gaps every 20 metres or so. REM will have continuous welded rail, lighter stock, and significantly less powerful motors. The only time it could possibly be loud for those in the surrounding area would be in a trench with vertical concrete walls, and no ballast under the tracks.
  10. Wait until more people are fully vaccinated, then the 5G will be accurate enough to tell us the exact altitude.
  11. Back to the topic: it doesn’t matter whose fault it is that the Quinze40 area is the worst traffic catastrophe east of Toronto, the developer chose the location and the Ville de Mont-Royal council went all-in on it at the time. It’s a terrible idea for its location.
  12. Atwater covers a fairly important piece of RÉSO as well, and it could all seriously stand to be completely renovated, from Westmount Square to the Dawson édicule to Plaza Alexis-Nihon.
  13. More lanes is never the correct solution.
  14. “Trouble-fête” ≡ “party-pooper”? Merci.
  15. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Perfect! In other cities with modern, efficient mass transit systems, very few lines built after the original ones radiate from the downtown core. The lines should all mesh with each other so that people can get where they need to go throughout the city, not just downtown like the old commuter paradigm. We don’t really have the option to build a true S-Bahn or RER so we should be taking advantage of our available rights of way just outside the core to build interconnected mass transit lines, rather than this vanity project.
  16. Agree. The solution isn’t more automobile access, but a “luxury mall” that depends on transit — at least in North America — will be a mall with no paying customers. Now they’re talking about some kind of schizophrenic hybrid… is it a luxury goods mall? Or is it a theme park?
  17. Mr. Wickenheiser won’t find his Hublot Sang-Bleu 21 rubis in Sauveur, and he won’t bother with fighting traffic in the Decarie Circle; he’ll pick it up the next time he passes through any real World City (or its airport, which also has every LVMH boutique — and every Swatch- and Richemont-brand competitor’s boutique as well!).
  18. Yeah (de la Savane). I know what you’re saying: the faux “High Line” park appears to have given way to a standard mall.
  19. I mean if you live in Westmount and you are looking for high-end goods, and how much more likely are you to go visit Birks or Holts or any standalone boutique downtown than you would be to fight all that traffic at the Decarie Circle, and then try to figure out a way to get into the underground parking in a mall? Then wander your way around said mall dealing with throngs of teens and water-park visitors (who also came by car)? Camaaan.
  20. How do you propose all these people that LVMH hopes to attract will get in and out of this horrendously-located mall?
  21. I think that’s just the passerelle to the Métro station; all the phoney “High Line” stuff appears to have been replaced with “mall.” Which is why — without enormous changes to the roads and transit in the area, and without an approved residential component — this will be just yet another old-school white elephant mall like Decarie Square, Cavendish, Faubourg Ste-Catherine, etc.
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