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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. McGill’s 15% of the Royal Victoria site will be the project above, dubbed “New Vic.” The SQI is currently working on a larger plan for the rest of the site that has been lodged with the OCPM.
  2. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    “The Caisse doesn’t want to build the REM where people live, they want people to live where the Caisse builds the REM.” — © 2018 SameGuy
  3. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    For what is basically an airport people mover.
  4. When I visited behind the Iron Curtain in the early 70s there were still many buildings that looked like that, almost 30 years after VE Day.
  5. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    You’re preaching to the choir, my friend. 😉 I’ve been repeating this since before REM was unveiled.
  6. I had time in traffic today so I set my GPS and counted the remaining spans that LG1-Anne has before arriving at the berm ahead of Anse station… 22 spans and 880 metres to go! By my calculation (including the two or three upcoming holidays) it should reach the end by the week of Remembrance Day (11 November).
  7. LFS buses do not fit on Elkas. Even yellow school buses barely fit, and only drive on the widest section from Jean-Yves to the Parc des Bénévoles parking lot, and do not go past the dogleg where it gets even more narrow (after already bouncing over one speed hump). The calming measures are in place precisely because of the school, the garderie, the walking and bike paths, and sports fields; it’s a zone that is heavily used by families, athletes, and school-aged children.
  8. It’s an honorarium. Sam Elkas was the mayor for 15 years and basically built the modern town of Kirkland.
  9. Elkas is a very narrow street with calming measures. It’s McMansion residential on one side, and schools and playing fields on the other. It’s a 30 zone and the calming measures — sidewalk bulges, doglegs, and speed humps — all help maintain that low speed. It is not a thoroughfare, but it is heavily-used because of the schools and parks, as well as for access to the subdivision behind it. There will never be city buses on Elkas.
  10. Yes but REM doesn’t plan the city. In Pointe-Claire’s master development plan from 2017, the Fairview REM station is shown where CDPQinfra originally planned it, behind Reno Depot, and Hermitage is one of the central streets of the eventual redevelopment of the wooded lot currently co-owned by Cadillac Fairview and Ivanhoë-Cambridge. Meanwhile, “Jacques-Bizard” (it is called Somerset in DDO) is shown as the main boulevard, extending over the 40 and becoming Stillview. If it ever does get extended it will have to go under the 40 now, thanks to the Caisse cutting costs and lowering the REM to 5 metres height at that point.
  11. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Again, absolutely. Build it and they will ride it. REM-A is a right-sized proposal, and even with cost overruns, the economies of the province handing itself (the Caisse) the keys to the DM line and the tunnel for pennies on the dollar makes it a no-brainer. But you can’t induce demand on the REM-B proposal if it can’t ever be expanded to meet that demand. It’s essentially a 30 km-long APM.
  12. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Criticizing the proposal doesn’t make one “anti-public transit.” I stand by my main criticism, which is that $10 billion-plus is ridiculous money to spend on a tiny people mover. As I’ve been saying since the day they announced it.
  13. I’ve not heard of a Hermitage extension until your post. Yes, there will likely be access roads into the middle of the CF-proposed development west of the mall, but the only through-road ever proposed was Somerset/Stillview.
  14. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Ok, but again, what are the numbers upon which the Caisse is basing their “solution” of offering a tiny people mover instead of a proper light metro with at least double the proposed capacity? If the numbers don’t warrant a light metro or a modern suburban train, how on earth do they justify a $10 billion people mover that will scar the landscape (both downtown and east of Souligny) for the next century?
  15. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Sorry pu d’likes aujourd’hui. Je suis à 100 % d'accord que le demi-million de personnes à l'est de l'A25 méritent un bon transport en commun moderne, fréquent et fiable. Mais je ne pense pas qu'un tramway automatisé — de 40 mètres de long, et qui ne peut tenor que 300 passagers, passant à toutes les quatre minutes — est ce service.
  16. Can’t disagree with that; in the new forest of near-max-height towers it really is hidden. It’s not a perfect design, but it’s absolutely unique, like Toronto’s City Hall.
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